All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
159 chapters
Chapter 41
Tyler kept on saying to her but it wasn't registering, it sounded far away and distant as though he was miles away.“I'll be back right now,” Tyler murmured, moving away from her. Suddenly, she felt so cold that she started to shake. Every atom of her body felt like a screw had shaken loose, dislodged by a hard shake. Katrina fell to the floor but she hardly felt overwhelmed by different feelings, majorly due to fear and anxiety.The memories of what happened before Tyler came to the rescue kept flashing through her mind, on replay like a DVD player.Exhaustion weighed down on her mind and the sweet lull to give in was equally strong.Tyler had run over to check her chair only to discover that it was virtually useless.The men who'd attacked Katerina had messed with the engine so until it was fixed, the possibility of taking it anywhere was quite low.Carting Katerina in her current state to his car was going to be tedious but it seemed like the only choice he had.Running back to her
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Chapter 42
A scream pierced the air, dangerously close to where Tyler was. His instincts kicked in and he jumped up, his eyes darting around crazily in search of his life.Remembering that she was in room 110, he changed course, practically running to her room. “Where is she? Where's Katerina?” He yelled, about to rush into the room.He could see Katerina struggling on the bed and about three nurses overshadowing her. One stabbed her in the arm with an injection and she reacted, practically bowing off the bed.Before he could rush to her rescue, two heavily built men stopped him, pushing him away.His jaw set incensed that they would try to stop him from going to her. “What the hell? Let me pass!”A doctor draped in a white lab coat stepped forward. “Mr Redwood…is it? May I talk to you for a moment?”Tyler ignored him, not in the mood to discuss but the guy placed a hand on his chest, firmly but politely pushing him back when he tried to move. “Please…”Tyler stared at the man before grudgingly
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Chapter 43
“Please let me help you inside or you'll break your neck!” Tyler groaned, lifting Katerina off her seat. She squealed at the sudden movement but ended up laughing when Tyler dropped her back down.“Am I too heavy for you, you're just getting fat?” She laughed.Tyler leaned on the open car door, placing a hand on his chest as he pretended to be mock hurt. “Ow, that hurt.”“Your pride or ego?” She stuck out her tongue like a 5-year-old. “I've told you countless times, I can walk. You need to stop treating me like an invalid.”“What if I just love carrying you around?” He leaned in, nuzzling at her neck.She giggled, leaning back in the car and closing her eyes as she breathed him in.It seems that landing in the hospital has some perks since it brought her and Tyler back together. If anything, she'd say that they were closer than ever.After her parents left, they had the longest conversation where Tyler opened up about why he'd been absent for a couple of days.It turns out that he cou
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Chapter 44
Katerina was having the time of her life. Staying at home with a husband who absolutely adores her and a work-free week.Yeah, she told Davis about her unfortunate incident at the parking lot. Of course, he sounded horrified, and the last time she heard he was replacing all the lights around the building and installing the camera. Ooh, there was even a police officer trailing the area.The details of the night were still very much sketchy but ever since she told that Sasha lady that she was attacked, the woman got it into her head to save Katerina from an abusive relationship. Now, the police were involved. They had interviewed her at the hospital and at that time, she was groggy, irritated, and a little high on all the drugs they'd pumped into her system.She'd confessed that there were about three or four guys that night, aside from the one that assaulted her…Mark.A part of her wondered why she was so reluctant to give up that information, apart from the fact that they'd look at
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Chapter 45
Katerina could hardly believe her eyes. After talking herself out of it, she decided to scroll further down but all she saw were more incriminating messages between Tyler and this Scott guy.Most of them were from a couple of days back, namely the night when she was attacked and the day after.Holy shit, Tyler killed them. He's a murderer!!She sat on the floor for the longest, unable to get those thoughts out of her mind but they were impossible. Round and round, they kept circulating until she thought she might go mad from thinking about it too much. Needing something of substance to cement what she'd seen on the monitor, she rummaged through his desk only to find files and pictures of different people but what scared her most was what she saw at the bottom of the drawer.A sleek, metallic gun.Taken aback, she dropped the gun so fast like it was made out of hot acid, rolling back on her feet.The doorknob jingled like someone was trying to get in, making her panic.Immediately, sh
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Chapter 46
“Hello, I'm here to see Mr Mark Kincaid.” Katerina walked up confidently to the receptionist's table. The plaque in front of her said ‘Tabitha’ and she held up a hand, pointing to the receiver on her left ear.Katerina waited for Tabitha to finish the call she was on, tapping her foot impatiently.“Listen to me sir, I am so sorry that your orders were misplaced but due to our regulations, you'll have to come in and file a complaint. It'll take two weeks and then you can get your orders back.” She was saying to whoever was on the other end of the call, rolling her eyes in exasperation.There was a pause then Tabitha went on with another plea/denial thing she had going on. Katerina turned out not interested in listening to the customers and their complaints.After some odd minute or two, Tabitha hung up the phone sending an apologetic look her way. “I'm very sorry about that ma'am, how can I help you again?”“I'm looking for Mark Kincaid, I need to talk to him,” Katerina repeated.Tabi
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Chapter 47
Katerina was feeling good for all of five minutes but when she got outside, she started shaking like a leaf. Hurrying towards her car, she rushed to lock the doors holding her head in her hands, sobbing.Adrenaline was coursing through her veins at the time of the encounter with Mark but now it was gone, leaving her feeling like an exhausted athlete at the end of a competition.She spent a couple more minutes behind the wheel, waiting for the shaking to stop and when she was convinced, she slid her key into the ignition.Suddenly, she heard a knock on her glass scaring the shit out of her. “Ha!” She yelped, placing a hand on her chest.A security guard in uniform waved at her through the window, holding a baton. His mouth was moving but she couldn't make out the words. It sounded awfully like ' could you step out?’She reached for the button to slide the windows down, leaning as far away from the man as she could. “Can I help you?” Katerina asked, squinting up at him.“I saw you head
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Chapter 48
“How did they find out so fast?” Tyler asked, leaning over the freshly dug space in which those three men were dug up. Currently, they were being carted off to a police station, where the M.E. would examine the body and point out the cause of death.As if it wasn't already obvious, a shot to the chest killed them all. Unfortunately, the bullets would be traced back to the gun he used to dispatch the men to the great beyond. One good about him though was his quick thinking.That same night, he dispatched the gun into a bay just along the way. Thankfully, Katerina was way out of it too much to remember that pit stop. “I have no idea boss.” Scott stared at the hole with his face squeezed up in annoyance. Not one for words, he looked thoroughly pissed off at the police making this discovery. “Is it possible that one of them had some tracking devices that were still transmitting even after I shot him?” Tyler mused, rubbing his chin as he considered all avenues.Scott shrugged, burying hi
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Chapter 49
Tyler was so out of it that he didn't pay enough attention to where he was going, bumping into a woman who came out from a room. “Sorry!” He called out, going on his merry way.When he got to the Intensive Care Unit ward, all he could see were different people crowded in the small waiting room. Some were morose and somber while the others were sobbing their eyes out.Tyler was at a loss how to handle situations like these. According to the nurse from earlier, Katerina was still in surgery but does that mean she'll be moved to another room or-“I think we should check in there, we might find nurses on duty that would attend to us,” Skylar suggested which sounded like a good idea other than staying here, trapped with people who were possibly going through the same thing he was.Skylar led the way and Tyler followed, which was an odd change in dynamics but he just went along with things, too exhausted mentally to care.“Hello, please my uncle and I are confused. We've been looking for th
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Chapter 50
Tyler watched the lady doctor walk away after her little speech, leaving then resigned with the news and little to nil how for the future.He had many questions swiping through his brain that needed answers.Why did she leave the house?According to the reports he'd overheard from one of the spectators that were on scene when it happened, she was driving along Newport Road, which is pretty far away from their home, about four to five miles away.Was there someone she wanted to visit there?Who was the person?Who-His head snapped up, his eyes searching for Skylar, flicking his wrists in a come hither motion. Skylar kicked off from the wall he was leaning against, a respectable distance. “Boss?”“I need your help.” Tyler licked his dry lips. “I need you to help me find the guy who did this to Katerina.”“What? The guy driving the SUV?” “Yes, exactly. Find him, ask him what he knows, and most importantly why he rammed into her car which was on opposite ends of the lane.” He instructed
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