All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
159 chapters
Chapter 31
“Yes, sir.” Skylar's voice came through loud and clear, intruding on his private thoughts. “I double and triple-checked to be sure it was the right address.”Simon LeFluër is his target and a monk at that but thanks to Skylar's mad hacking skills, Tyler knows that Simon was a former assistant now turned monk, hence the reason for all the ammunition but also according to Skylar, he might have information on his dead parents.“Okay, then. I'm almost there, I'll let you know how it goes.”Was he petrified?Not necessarily for himself. This wasn't the first time he'd gone into battle with much scarier people, yet he had managed to triumph. However, now that he had tasted happiness and love from Katerina, he'd want to stay alive long enough to enjoy it.Being a monk meant the man had to live in a remote area, a couple of miles away from civilization.Both a good and bad thing, since it will be easier for Tyler to interrogate the man without fear of neighbours hearing in.Tyler rolled to a
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Chapter 32
Simon regarded the guy tied up in his living room, wondering if the man had to know the truth. Simon already knew something was fishy, and after he herd that Colby had been burned, he had to get to the bottom of it.You see, in this job you don't survive long enough if you don't put your ears to the ground.Simon was not only brilliant with his job but he was equally smart too, he wasn't ready to die unless it was on his own terms.Tyler Redwood was the name you didn't want to hear on a lonely street because it would sense shivers down your spine. Men talked about Redwood, simply because he was good at what he did which was why Simon was inclined to believe him.If Tyler wanted him dead, then that's what would have happened. In a way, they were alike in that manner.“Why should I tell you?” Simon asked, thinking out loud. “You've been chasing this little story for quite a while with little to no results, don't you think that it's a sign?”“A sign?” Tyler looked at him like he was dumb
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Chapter 33
Upon hearing Katerina's grandfather's name, it felt like he zoned off for a moment. While Tyler had always known that there was something fishy going on with the Petrovas, he never once thought that this was a part of it.Was Katerina in on it?Crap, the confirmation of his worst fears made him question and doubt everything.Did she even love him?Elizabeth must know about him, which was why she was hell-bent on getting rid of him and the possibility that she might have told Katerina was quite high.Now, Tyler didn't believe Katerina to be a dubious person but he had faced battle…he knew what it was like to have people flake on you.People that you trust.Dammit!“Tyler?” Simon was calling out to him but his voice sounded distant, just like everything else.Tyler stood u from the chair, unable to keep still as his mind went off on different tangents.To him, nothing was as he knew it he needed to question everything down to something as silly as the chef in his house.Simon stepped i
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Chapter 34
Katerina went home early enough, bathed using the bathtub, and cooked a very simple meal then she set down to wait for Tyler.She expected him to delay as usual so she started a movie. Halfway through it, she felt sleepy but the thought of meeting with Tyler and confronting him kept her alert even though her lids were drooping every ten minutes.The sound of a car pulling up in the driveway woke her up from a brief nap, making her bolt up off the couch. Immediately, she turned off the TV, in case he got ideas to leave. She waited to hear the key turn in the doorway, sitting in the dark.Tyler sighed, shuffling a couple of steps to switch on the light.The fluorescent bulbs came on, bathing the place in light and she could visibly see Tyler shake up a bit before moving back a step.“Hey, Ty. Surprised to see me?” She purred.He cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. “Um, no. I just didn't expect you to sit in the dark like a vampire.”She didn't crack a smile at his lame joke, sta
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Chapter 35
“Thank you, Julie.” Katerina smiled at the help that had been working with Noona for as long as she could remember. Julie grabbed her bag and the second luggage she came with. Her grandmother cajoled her into visiting for the weekend, along with her mother.Initially, she turned down the offer but later when she thought about it. After going to work and back home, sleeping alone in a cold, frigid bed… she was tired and needed something different.Tyler decided that being close to her was torture so he relocated to the other room and if she thought the previous weeks were horrible, it was nothing compared to how things were now.To be honest, she hardly ever saw the man.She had no idea when he came back or when he left, all she saw were dirty dishes and clothes but apart from that, it would be difficult to tell that someone lived in the same house as her.At first, she cried herself to sleep almost all the time but as time went on, the tears seized along with the pain.If Tyler wasn'
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Chapter 36
The next day, which was potluck, they spent it outside under a shade as Katerina watched her Mom, Noona and Julie battle it out. Initially, when she woke up this morning, she didn't feel like getting up from the bed but then after thinking things through, she decided to go anyway tired of letting Tyler control her, even from wherever he was.For all she knew, he was off gallivanting and enjoying his life to the fullest.Currently, it was Mom against Julie, and from the looks of things, she was lagging behind.Julie allowed Mom to go first and she chose chicken curry.Apparently, she believed that chicken curry was a meal she was great at cooking but Katerina had first-hand experience…she was mediocre at best.As it was, Mom had already burnt the base to a semi-black crisp and the chicken looked half white, like they weren't properly cooked.Katerina was secretly cheering Julie despite hailing her mother.They took a break, each heading off to different stations to use the restroom wh
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Chapter 37
“Are you sure you've got all your things?” Elizabeth yelled at Katerina, ducking into her room to make sure it was properly cleared out.She did, and there was not a strand out of place which was perfect. The last thing she needs is for Katerina to come back after, saying she misplaced something and encountered something she never planned for. “Yes, yes.” Katerina sounded exasperated, probably because it was the sixth time her grandmother had asked. “I am with all three bags I came with, plus an extra filled with Julie's delicious cooking.” she cut Noona a look. “If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to chase me away.”“Well, you do know better.” Elizabeth steered Katerina towards the exit with a wide smile. On their way there, the grandfather clock mounted above the fireplace caught her attention.Geez, only an hour left.Escorting Katerina to her car as fast as her old legs could carry, she hugged the girl before she got in. “Everything's gonna be okay, you'll see.”Sh
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Chapter 38
Contrary to what Noona promised her, things did not go back to the way it was.It didn't improve but neither did it decelerate any further they just remained in a state of limbo where things were stagnant.It was quite disconcerting but Katerina quickly got used to it. Also, there was an extra pep in her step today, it could be from the fact that an old friend of hers had reached out to her asking to meet up.Katerina was so starved of communication, that she immediately agreed instead of playing hard to get.Or her excitement could be over the fact that Tyler had helped her out this morning.She'd been running low on gas last night, having forgotten to fill up since that was Tyler's job… Only to come out this morning and her tank was filled up.The security cam showed that Tyler got up very early in the morning to help her out before leaving for work.It may not seem like much to a regular person but that small act only showed her that he still cares for her. All she had to do was ma
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Chapter 39
Two weeks passed after the day Mark tried to ambush her at her office, spewing nonsense about being together. She wondered how he knew about the issues that she and Tyler were having but they quickly faded in light of recent troubles.Mark didn't bow down to her demands, in anything, he stepped up.Every morning, he would have a bouquet of roses delivered to her along with a box of her very bad expensive chocolate brand.The first morning, she thought it was from Tyler and was so excited she kept it only for her to check the card.Realizing, she immediately tossed it in the trash can but they just kept coming, no matter how many times she tried to reject it.Giving up, she decided to donate the flowers to charity or hospitals but even that wasn't enough to send a message.Katerina had to have a sit down with Davis, in which she told him her inability to work with Mark in any setting whatsoever.They argued back and forth until they concluded. Mark was really important to be cut out of
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Chapter 40
“Kat, I'm ho.....” Tyler had to stop himself from completing that sentence. By now, you would have thought that he'd have gotten used to not saying it but each day just made it increasingly harder to keep quiet. He groaned, rolling his neck to pop out the kinks. Making his way to the spare room which he'd been using for the past couple of weeks, he decides to look in Katerina's room only to find the bed tidy and the room generally undisturbed.His brows furrowed, the urge to push the door in and check around riding him hard but he ignored it, shutting the door gently.Tyler took a quick shower and then went downstairs to make a quick meal but he kept waiting for Katerina to walk down or even make some kind of noise but nothing. The house was as quiet as a graveyard. It wasn't until he checked in the garage and discovered her car missing that it clicked. Taking the stairs two at a time, he checked in on her room and his suspicions were right.She wasn't home. Everything was the way sh
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