All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
85 chapters
Chapter 21
Katerina slammed Tyler against the wall much harder than she intended to and instead of him getting angry, Tyler's eyes darkened in hunger running his tongue over his lips, wetting them in his saliva. “Hmmm, seems like someone's a little feisty tonight.”He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her up to his body. Katerina shook her head, placing her palms flat on his chest. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Mr Redwood. I brought you here to talk to you.”“Well, well, Mrs Redwood has got some spunk in her.” He teased, leaning in to nibble on her neck nearly driving her to distraction. “Go on then…talk.”Katerina rolled to the back of her head, getting caught up in Tyler's movements. It wasn't until he wedged a thigh between her legs that she snapped to her senses.“Tyler, stop! We're in my grandmother's house. I would die of embarrassment if someone found us here doing… this.” She hissed, pulling away but not before clenching her thighs to stave off the sensations rolling through
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Chapter 22
It turns out that it wasn't only Mark Kincaid who had unsettled feelings towards Tyler.Elizabeth Petrova equally did.While they had that meeting a couple of weeks ago, Katerina wasn’t the only one watching him.Elizabeth was too.She has known Kate for all for life and Kate didn't have one malicious bone in her body. Her facial expression when Elizabeth talked about the situation was enough to convince her.Sure, Elizabeth did have a lot of enemies but Tyler was part of them. He was the only person who could stand a lot to gain from this action, so she had her eyes on him.Which was why she wanted to throw a party, setting her plan into motion.Since Katerina didn't want to listen to reason, maybe she might listen to facts.Katerina seemed to love this guy so much that it seemed nothing he'd do was wrong in her eyes but if there was one thing humans can't overlook or overcome was jealousy.Over a human or object…if Elizabeth could get Tyler to embarrass himself, that would only send
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Chapter 23
Tyler's head felt woozy, and he bent it between his hands. The sound of the party was muffled and it felt like it was coming from a distance.“Do you need more, sir?” The bartender asked, shaking the bottle in front of him. Tyler tried to shake his head but it weighed a ton.Groaning, he dropped his head on the counter with a thunk.It seemed like the entire world was in a wheel, everything spinning around but that wasn't the issue, it was the movement below his belt.His pants were getting snug down there, and it was making him highly uncomfortable. “Where's the bathroom?” He slurred, reaching for the bartender's hand. The man was startled and moved back, pointing to the left.Unfortunately, he didn't make it far though. A lady passed by who in his addled state looked so like Katerina, that he stopped in his tracks.He felt his trousers tent as lascivious thoughts ran through his mind but with Katerina at the forefront.Eagerly, he followed the lady tapping on her shoulder. “Baby gi
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Chapter 24
The urge to run after Katerina was strong, to try and explain his part of the story but then if he left this room, the guarantee that he would not see this lady again was assured.Seeing the woman he loved flee away from him, crying because of him…it gutted him into two.Clenching his hands by his side, he turned around to face the lady.At least she was smart enough to notice that things had changed and she scrambled backward on the bed, literally quaking before him. “I-I’m beg-begging you …I swear, I'm in-innocent in all this!” Tears were running down in streams now and she bent over, pressing her head firmly on the bed. As ruthless as Tyler was on the field and in battle, the last thing he swore never to do was lay a hand on a woman.There were some lines that he simply couldn't cross, and that was one of them.“Fucking stand up and stop sniveling like a bitch. I want answers from you and I want them now!” She started, her eyes clouded with some sort of emotion that he could not
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Chapter 25
Katerina led him towards the back of the building, pulling away from him the moment they were out of sight.Hidden behind a cluster of trees, there was a bench encased in cement perfect for them to discuss.Katerina’s body was stiff as a doorbell, creating space between them. “Go ahead, you wanted to talk so do it.”Tyler tried to reach for her hands she shrank away. “I can't touch you now?” She folded her arms across her chest, giving him silent treatment.“I don't know how hurt you must have been when you saw Gemma on me but I must apologize-”Her head snapped up. “Gemma? Is that her name?” She spat out the word her.“Yes.” He sighed, calling on patience. “And no, it didn't mean anything.”“That's easy for you to say, I didn't just catch you with someone laying on your chest, running her hands all over you.” She flared up once more.“Can you allow me to get a word in before you crucify me?” He grunted, making her clamp her lips closed. “I only found out her name because I knew I nee
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Chapter 26
Katerina stared at the piece of crap woman laying on the floor, spewing lies just to gain two minutes of fame. It was downright sickening.Holding Tiara’s gaze, she arched her brow. “Go on then, why don't you tell everyone what secrets I have Tiara?”Realizing that all eyes were on her, Tiara flushed her face turning red. “Um, I w-was go-going to…”“That's what I thought.” Katerina scoffed. “All beauty and no brains, eh?”“Look who's one to talk?” Tiara retorted, her eyes flashing fire. “Just a couple of months ago, you couldn't dare to come out in public and now here you are…flaunting about what was underneath that hideous scar huh?”Tyler was still in the shadows, watching what was going on but when Tiara talked about Katerina’s scar, he knew that he had to step in.The incident that scarred her so badly had also taken a toll, not only on her body but on her self-esteem too. He knew how much he had to beg and cajole before she chose to use the ointment he got for her and even now, s
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Chapter 27
The drive home was silent, Katerina facing the window all through. Even though she appreciated Tyler for standing up to her at the party, it didn't mean that she suddenly forgot all about what he did with Gemma.“Are you hungry?” Tyler glanced at his wife's profile. “All that fighting must work up an appetite huh? What do you say, McDonald's or KFC?”His brain might not be working at optimum capacity due to whatever Elizabeth gave to him but he could sense the wall she'd put up facing the window like it was the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen.“I'm not hungry, plus I had a salad before I left.” Her response was short and clipped.He turned on the next streetlight, crossing lanes expertly. “But, don't you think that-”“Oh, for Christ’s sake, just drop it please!” She snapped, glaring at him.Tyler took the hint, clamping his lips shut until they got home twenty minutes later.Katerina felt guilty over how she talked to Tyler but she was too upset to apologize.The moment Tyler t
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Chapter 28
The next morning, Katerina woke up with a pleasurable soreness between her legs, her hands stretched overhead. Rolling around to hug Tyler, she encountered a cold spot next to where he should be.Gee's eyes flew open only to discover that the bed was empty. She sat up instantly, searching around for him but everything that spoke about what they did last night was cleared from the floor. The clothes that she remembered were strewn across the floor and the shoes were all gone.Padding across the room, she checked the bathroom first but it was also empty.As she walked back out, intent on heading downstairs, the time on the digital clock caught her interest, and her eyes widened.Past 8??What the hell was she still doing here?She had a meeting at Herbal Rise by 9, and here she was not even close to being ready to go.Reaching for her robe, that was when she saw the box and post-it note on the table.It was from Tyler, informing her about his movements.My love, I hated leaving you this
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Chapter 29
Katerina didn't say much about the attitude of her coworkers, even though most were quite rude to her face.Before Davis left to do other things, she stopped him asking a question. “What’s going on here?”Davis was clueless. “What do you mean?”“You didn't notice anything…odd?” She asked gently, not wanting to come straight up. “People have been looking at us for a while now.”He shrugged, placing his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, maybe they're just not used to new faces. Does it bother you?”It took a moment for her to answer, contemplating the repercussions of her response when negative. “No, not really, just wondering why everyone was staring at me.” She rolled her shoulders back. “Can I get someone to help me out?”“Like an assistant?” “Yes, that'd be nice.” She nods, walking away. The room Davis showed her was moderately spacious with adequate lighting and the decor was minimal. She set her bags on the oak desk, pulling out the things she needed to work on.A knock sounded on t
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Chapter 30
The rest of the week went by smoothly, and with her husband's support, Katerina managed to overlook the hateful looks and whispers behind her back, doing as Tyler instructed… killing it at work.But if she was being honest, she would say it's the new atmosphere in their home that gives her all sorts of inspiration. With the past few months being crazy, the drama with Mark and the Herbal Rise issue, and then her parents insisting on her getting a new husband…let's just say it hasn't given them much room to grow or get intimate with one another.However, things have changed now. For whatever reason, Tyler stayed home more nowadays, acting romantic by having spontaneous picnics and outings. Those events brought them together, making them bond in more ways than she couldn't have envisioned.It's safe to say that Katerina was more in love with Tyler than the day he helped her heal her scars.Tyler has a lot of internal struggles but he tries to be the sweetest man that he can for her.Now,
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