All Chapters of Return Of The Exiled Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
34 chapters
Chapter 011
The butler led Edward to the room prepared for Amelia’s treatment. As Edward entered the room, he saw a woman lying weakly on the bed.She appeared to be in her early twenties, with a dignified beautiful face, exuding an elegant and noble temperament.Her skin was as smooth and white as snow, and her proud curves were so eye-catching that they would definitely make every woman envious and every man enchanted.Her slender waist weakened her shrewd and capable temperament, and highlighted her vulnerable side.It could be said that compared to Grace, she was not inferior in the slightest.However, her face was rather pale at the moment, as colour completely drained from her. Her lips were an abnormal bright red, as if she had applied the most intense lipstick, but clearly she hadn’t. She chapped and was trembling so much that her breathing became continuously erratic.. It was obvious that she could die anytime if left untreated.Edward identified the symptoms of Amelia’s illness a
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Chapter 012
Meanwhile, Dr Charles took out a green bottle. He poured out two green pills and handed them to Amelia.“Take these two pills and you’ll be fine.”“See, a real doctor cures with medicine, not boiling ginger water! There is no need for your fancy tricks. We aren’t stupid. We can see through your dirty motives.” Mark mocked.Edward didn’t argue back immediately.He frowned as he examined the green pills in Dr Charles palms.Shaking his head, he said, “Whether my motives are dirty or not is irrelevant. What’s important is that the medication is incorrect.”“If your sister takes the pills, she will break out in a rash all over her body in ten seconds. She will have unstoppable nosebleeds in the next two seconds. And then she will suffer unbearable bone pain after one second.”“Watch your mouth, young man. Do you think my thirty years of medical experience are worthless?” Dr Charles felt offended and his displeasure showed on his face. With his esteemed status and exquisite medical skil
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Chapter 013
“How can you not know? Aren’t you a doctor? Do something!”Mark roared with anger.Seeing Amelia’s terrible condition, he was consumed with anxiety.If anything were to happen to Amelia, it would all be his fault! Because he was the one who brought Dr. Charles!Dr. Charles felt helpless as he trembled. He did not expect his medicine to have such a terrible effect on Amelia. If anything happened to her, he would surely be in trouble. Mr. Albert will kill him.Just then, Mrs Morgan remembered what Edward had predicted. She cried as she looked up at Edward.“Please Sir, help my daughter!” Amelia now looked lifeless, and she wasn’t crying or moving anymore.Mark let go of Dr Charles and ran to Amelia’s side, trembling. “You’ve killed my sister! You’re not leaving this house alive!” His face paled.Mrs Morgan fell on her knees. The news was too much for her to carry.“She is not dead,” Edward suddenly stated.Mrs Morgan looked up at Edward with hope. He had correctly predicted her
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Chapter 014
“What?” Mrs Morgan was shocked to her bones.Who could have poisoned her daughter? Why?“The discolouration of the water shows that she was poisoned, but no need to worry, the toxins were removed through the needling and herbal bath.”“Really?”Edward nodded. “She will not suffer any further harm. But she needs to take care for the time being.”“Thank you so much.” Mrs Morgan’s face shone with joy and gratitude, although she was still worried about the poison“Are you sure she was poisoned? That is no small accusation.” Mark asked sceptically.“Believe it or not.”He had kindly warned them and that was that.Edward didn’t intend to explain further. It was none of his business.“Who would dare to poison my sister? I swear I will chop him or her into pieces myself!” Mark threatened as he eyed all the servants in the room with suspicion.“And how can we find that terrible person?” Mrs Morgan looked worried.“This is not the time for speculation,” Edward reminded them. “You should give
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Chapter 015
Amelia stepped forward, blushing shyly. “Thank you for healing me.” “You’re welcome.”She handed Edward some invitation cards. “I will host a charity banquet tomorrow evening to celebrate my recovery and raise money for the orphanages in this area. Will you kindly attend?”“I don’t—”“It will be a busy night because I’ll also help my father select some qualified companies or organisations to become candidates of the Ironclad Enterprise members,” Amelia added. “We will understand if you are too busy for it.”But Edward’s interest was suddenly piqued.He immediately thought about Grace and how she desperately wanted her family business to join the Ironclad enterprise. He could help Grace become one of the candidates by giving her the invitations, which would allow her to attend the banquet..He accepted the card from Amelia. “If I have time, I will attend the banquet.”“Thank you so much.” Amelia beamed.Just as Edward turned to leave, Dr. Charles ran after him.“Mr. Edward!” and t
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Chapter 016
As they were returning to Grace’s family villa for dinner, Dominic received a text from his uncle.His eyes widened in shock as he read the text message.“Holy cow!” “What happened?” Grace shifted closer to him.“Mr. Albert’s daughter has been cured!” “Really? How wonderful!” Grace shrieked. “This is such good news.” Rebecca added. “When?”“This afternoon.” Dominic answered. “She was cured by an unknown mysterious doctor.”“Who could that be?” “I have no idea but my uncle said the doctor cured her so easily. He didn’t even break a sweat.”Grace and Rebecca exchanged surprised looks between themselves.Dominic briefly wondered who the mysterious doctor was and why his uncle didn’t know his identity. But he decided not to think too much about it. “I have more good news to share.” He revealed.“Tell us, Dominic. What else?”“To celebrate her recovery, Mr. Albert’s daughter will host a charity banquet,” He smiled proudly. “She plans to raise money for orphanages and welfare homes i
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Chapter 017
Meanwhile, at the other end of the store, a young woman was shopping for jewelry, accompanied by a middle-aged man with a protruding belly. The young woman stood next to him and admired the jewellery in the showcase. “Peter baby, don’t you think I will look good in that pair of earrings?” She nudged the man. “Can you buy it for me, sweetheart?”“Come on babe, they don’t suit you. You look better…” Upon seeing the price tag, the man’s eyes twitched. A whopping two hundred thousand dollars for a pair of earrings! If his wife found out, he would have no explanation.It seemed the young woman was confused and wanted all the jewellery in the showcase.She spotted a diamond-encrusted necklace and almost screamed. “You must get this diamond necklace for me, baby. It is so magnificent!”The man took a look at the price of the necklace and shook his head. “Patricia, that is too expensive. My wife might question my credit card expenses if I buy it.”“What does that matter?” “I don’t want m
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Chapter 018
The corner of the man’s eyes twitched, and his face turned red. “You little punk! Do you know who I am?” He asked cockily and turned to the sales representative.“Remove this man from this store!”“Sir, please—”“You must remove this poor wrench immediately! He is disturbing our shopping and I will not take it.”Patricia crossed her arms and watched the drama with her head held high, looking pompous.Naturally, the sales representative didn’t want to choose sides. What could she do? If she obeyed the man, she would be driving away a customer. At the same time, she didn’t want the old man to leave. She spoke through the intercom and said, “Mr. Anthony, there’s a little problem here. Please can you come quickly?”Within a minute, a man with a stern frown came from the inner office to join the sales representative. He was Anthony White, the sales manager at the store.“Mr. Peter!” Anthony exclaimed as he immediately recognized the middle-aged man who was a regular customer. He bow
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Chapter 019
Albert had already learned what happened before coming in and he was enraged. How dare anyone disrespect his master! If Edward blamed him for Anthony’s incompetent behavior, all the effort he had put into building a good impression and trying to win Edward’s favor would go down the drain. He would suffer a huge loss. Albert felt an overwhelming urge to smack Anthony — this useless troublemaker who only ruined things! He truly deserved to be dealt with harshly! With these thoughts in mind, Albert immediately ordered his bodyguards to remove the middle-aged man and his pompous mistress right away. “I don’t want to ever see them in this store!” Albert warned. As Anthony watched, blood drained from his face and his eyes were filled with fear. He looked like a frightened chicken as he cowered in one corner. “Where is that stupid manager? Come out this instant!” Anthony crawled out from where he was hiding at the corner and fell flat on his knees. “Sir, I—I am so
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Chapter 020
The young woman fell to the ground and stared at the middle-aged man in disbelief.But the latter didn’t spare her a single glance. She started to wail. The man ignored her tears and dragged her out of the store before she could say another disrespectful word.After they left, Albert turned to the sales representative and demanded. “Pack up that necklace and bring it over. Be quick. ” “Yes, Sir. I will do it right away.”The sales representative didn’t dare hesitate and immediately did as instructed. Meanwhile, Albert whispered to Edward humbly. “Please take the necklace as a gift. It’s on the house and I apologize for the attitude of my staff. Please accept it so that I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”After hesitating for a moment, Edward nodded. “Okay.”Albert heaved a sigh of relief when Edward accepted the gift. This either meant Edward wasn’t upset with him or he was forgiven. Phew! Thank God!Meanwhile, the sales representative returned with the wrapped necklace.And to
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