All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
129 chapters
Chapter 21 (The Simmons Family)
Drake walked into the hospital, his clothes stained with dry blood. The sterile smell of the hospital greeted him as he entered, his thoughts a whirlwind of anger from what happened between him and Donald at the office. The fact that he had no way to prove that Donald had indeed, switched the package and had set him up, really got him feeling ridiculed, but he knew he had to let it slide for the time being.The doctor walked up to him, noticing his battered state. “Mr. Sullivan, what happened to you?” He asked.“I was beaten up,” Drake replied.The doctor quickly called for assistance, and within moments, they were already attending to his injuries. “You should be careful,” the doctor advised, after they had finished treating his wounds. “Do you need anything else?” “No, thank you. I just need to see my family,” Drake replied, rising up from the chair where he was sitting on.He made his way to his daughter, Michelle's room, where she lay in the hospital bed, looking small. She was
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Chapter 22 (Retribution)
Drake followed the nurse and together with the members of the Simmons family, they were led into a private room within the hospital.Mr Simmons, a tall man with a stern expression stepped forward. “Mr. Sullivan, I presume,” he said, his voice cold and formal.“Yes,” Drake replied, his mind already processing a thousand thoughts over the reason they had sent for him.“Well, I'm Mr. Simmons and this is my wife, Mrs. Simmons,” the man continued, touching his wife who was still in deep grief. “Our son, our only child was involved in the accident with your wife and unfortunately, he didn't make it.”Drake's eyes widened in shock. He had no idea that the other victim was the only child of Mr and Mrs Simmons and he wasn't even aware that the other victim had died from the crash.“I…I… didn't know,” he stammered. “I'm sorry for your loss,” he added, understanding the pain they were feeling for having lost their child.Mrs. Simmons, with grief in her eyes, glared at him. “Sorry won't bring bac
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Chapter 23 (Court Order)
Drake stood where he was stunned by the last remark from Mrs. Simmons. He found it difficult to understand what exactly she meant by saying she needed justice for the death of their son. While his thoughts was still trying to process all of that, the Simmons' family lawyer, a stern looking man in a dark suit stepped forward and handed him a thick envelope.Drake's eyes opened wide as he collected the envelope, wondering what was contained in it.“What's this for?” He inquired, trying to remain as calm as possible.“You're being served,” the lawyer replied, his tone devoid of any emotion. With trembling hands, Drake tore open the envelope and quickly scanned the papers inside. His eyes opened wide in disbelief as he read the contents of the paper: The Simmons family was suing him and his wife for recklessnes, claiming it was what led to the death of their only child. As if that was not enough, they were also demanding that he and his wife, if she ever recovers from her comatose stat
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Chapter 24 (Your Mess)
As the Simmons family and their lawyer left the hospital, Drake stood where he was speechless, clutching the legal papers in his hands. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion and dread.Coming out of the hospital, he hailed the first cab that passed by, heading straight to the house of his in-laws. At that point, they were the only people he could think of that could help him out. After few minutes on the road, the cab pulled up in front of the Wilmont's residential building. Drake could hear his heart pound as he made his way to the door. After what happened between him and Mrs. Wiimont with the police officers the day before, he couldn't help but fear how she might react when she sees him.He just hoped she would, for the sake of Summer who was being dragged by the Simmons family, not bring up what had happened between the two of them.Taking a deep breath, Drake knocked on the door gently. “Who's there?” He heard Rachel ask from inside.He noticed the door wasn't locked and witho
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Chapter 25 ($600 Million And Jail Time)
“I will leave but can you please listen? You're not even giving me room to say what the problem is. Please listen!” Drake screamed at the top of his voice.There was a sudden silence that fell upon the three of them in the room. Drake immediately took advantage of the silence, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to tell them what the real problem was.“Here,” he said, presenting the papers before them once again, hoping they would open it and go through it.Rachel, who had been so angry, was the first to see the seriousness in the matter that Drake had brought before them. The fact that Drake had refused to leave even after all the harsh words they had shot at him, was enough to convince her that the matter on ground was actually a very serious one.She reached out for the papers and snatched them from his hand, her eyes scanning the document. As she read, her face paled, and she passed the papers to Fletcher without a word.Drake took a deep breath and began to explain. “The Simmons
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Chapter 26 (Bear The Cross Alone)
A feeling of helplessness washed over Drake as he stepped out of the Wilmont's apartment. He just couldn't believe what had transpired between them inside a while ago. Everything that happened, at first of all appeared like a dream, but now outside, it became clear that they meant every word that they had said to him.Fletcher, referring to him as a burden and Rachel, telling him to bear the cross alone, had really come as a blow to him."This is your mess, so why should we help you?" Rachel's voice replayed in his head. "Bear your own cross," she had spat angrily at him.But what else could he have done as a man and a husband.. He had even gone as far as pleading with them to just make out time and have a word with Simmons family since they've been doing business together for years. He thought if they could talk, they could iron out a few things and come to an understanding without having to involve the police or the court.But all Mr. Willmont could say was that they had been lookin
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Chapter 27 (Prohibited From Work)
The morning light filtered through the curtains as Drake woke up, a sense of dread settling in his chest. He couldn't believe he slept with till morning after returning from the Wilmont's house the previous evening. A sigh escaped his lips as he drowsily forced himself to stand up. He wished it was a holiday so he could continue with his sleep, but too bad it wasn't and what that meant was that he had to start preparing for the day's task.His mind raced with thoughts of how to navigate the myriad of problems closing in on him, but first, he has to go to work and attend to his duties, then figure out the rest.After taking a bath and grabbing a snack from the little food that was still left in the house, Drake left home and headed straight to work. As he approached the company gate, he was met by the security guards who blocked his way. At first, he thought it was a joke only to find out that they were actually serious."What's going on?" Drake asked, confusion and frustration in hi
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Chapter 28 (A Visit To The Simmons)
On his way out, Drake's uncertainty was palpable. The idea of returning to Woodruff to meet with Hitler Ivanov and to explain the mix-up crossed his mind, but he quickly discarded it as the thought of facing their notorious wrath and the potential torture they may likely subject him to crossed his mind.Desperation, however, drove him to consider another option: pleading with the Simmons family directly. He hoped that by appealing to their humanity, he might find a way out of his dire situation.With Mr and Mrs Wilmont's refusal to help him in speaking with the Simmons' family, it was now left for him to try out his luck. Who knows, they may eventually decide to listen to him and drop the law suit against him and his wife.He flagged down the first taxi that passed by and gave the driver the address of the Simmons’ estate. The journey to the Simmons' estate, which wasn't very long seemed like an interminable one for Drake as he tried to permutate the several possible outcomes that w
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Chapter 29 (A Terrible Misunderstanding)
"Mr. Sullivan, if you have the least respect for us and our deceased son, you'll leave now." Mrs. Simmons said, seeing that Drake wasn't ready to leave even after all her husband had said to him.Drake’s eyes welled with unspoken emotion, "Please, understand that this wasn’t intentional.""Will you please leave? Just go away before we call security." Mrs. Simmons threatened, but Drake remained unmoved by her threats.The other members of the Simmons family looked at Drake with utter disdain wondering if he was actually listening to what Mr and Mrs. Simmons were saying."Mr. Sullivan, please leave," one of the mourners said, her voice bearing the weight of her anger towards Drake and his wife. "There's no amount of begging that can bring back our Kevin," she began to sob.One of them pulled her to himself, probably her husband, consoling her. "Look, sir," he began as he offered the lady a handkerchief. "What on earth are you begging for? Kevin was an innocent kid who had offended no on
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Chapter 30 (Locked Up Innocence)
"Mr. Sullivan, you're under arrest," one of the police officers said, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." Drake struggled as they cuffed his wrists, but it was no use. "Please," he cried out, looking back at the Simmons family one last time. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I'm so sorry."Mr. Simmons’s eyes were cold and unyielding. "Take him away," he ordered the officers.As the police officers led Drake out of the house, he felt a crushing sense of despair. He had come seeking mercy, but all he had found was relentless vengeance. "Please, you have to believe me, I didn't do anything wrong." Drake pleaded.One of the police officers opened the car door, pulling Drake forcefully. "Go in," he commanded.Drake resisted, trying to pull away but the officers were relentless. Ignoring his pleas, they shove him into the back seat of the car and the next thing Drake heard, was
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