All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
129 chapters
Chapter 31 (Betrayal And Set Up)
"Officers, lock him up," the chief ordered, before turning to leave."No..., please don't," Drake stuttered, but it was too late, as two burly police officers appeared in front of him almost. immediatelyThey showed no mercy as the pulled Drake up from where he had been sitting. "Please, you have to listen to me and help me talk to the chief. My daughter is crippled and she needs me. My wife is in coma. I'm the only one she has," Drake pleaded, but it all fell on deaf ears.Ignoring Drake's desperate pleas, they shut him up and locked him in a cold, dimly lit cell. Hours dragged by, each minute feeling like an eternity as Drake grappled with the gravity of his situation. His thoughts were consumed with worry for his daughter and the seemingly insurmountable troubles that now surrounded him.As the cell door slammed shut, Drake sank to the floor, overwhelmed by a crushing sense of helplessness. He couldn't imagine how each attempt he made just to solve his problems only ended up landi
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Chapter 32 (Trapped)
One of Hitler's thugs who had been waiting for him outside, walked in to know the state of things and what it was that their boss might want him to do."What's he saying boss?" He asked, approaching with an angry face, as though he wanted to have a fight, forgetting that he was in the police station.Hitler raised a hand, signaling him to stay back. "I have everything under control," he said."If you say so, boss," the thug said, his eyes fixed on Drake, as he gave him a throat slicing gesture."What happened with my package? Who did you sell it to?" Hitler's angry eyes caught a hold of Drake's trembling form. "Let's hear what you have to say for yourself," his voice dripped with sarcasm. "But it better be good.""I didn't do anything with the package," Drake replied, taking a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "Do you think I'm joking?" Hitler asked angrily. "I'm being lenient enough to even give you a chance to explain yourself." His eyes blazed with fury. "If you try
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Chapter 33 (Trapped)
As the minutes ticked by, Drake could only wait, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty concerning what the Simmons' family will do when they finally arrive. Mr. Simmons finally arrived and as he walked in, he looked at Drake scornfully before turning to meet the Chief of police.Drake watched with growing dread as Mr. Simmons, Hitler, and the police chief gathered in a corner of the station, their voices rising and falling as if planning something sinister against him.It happened they were arguing over who should have him, and their words echoed in the room, Drake suddenly felt helpless, a grim reminder of his dire situation. He could see the anger in Hitler's eyes and the cold determination in the expressions of Mr. Simmons.Summoning all his courage, Drake tried once more to plead his case. "Please, I'm innocent! I didn't do anything wrong! This is all a misunderstanding!"One of the officers standing guard by him roughly shoved him back. "Quiet," the officer barked. "You've s
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Chapter 34 (Double Trouble)
The more Drake continued to plead, the more they made jest of him. It was beginning to appear as though his pleas had the ability to make them laugh as he watched them laugh even harder."Get him out of here," the chief of police ordered the officers who were already pulling him up to drag him away."I told you I'll make sure you and your wife pay for what happened to my son and I wasn't joking when I said it." Mr. Simmons added, his voice filled with malice.Drake's desperation immediately transformed into a seething rage as he realized the gravity of their intentions. He's had enough of their mockery and couldn't stand it anymore.He had really hoped that by swallowing his pride and coming to the point of even going down on his knees, they'd show mercy, but instead, they kept making jest of him.His hands clenched into fists and his face suddenly turned red as he stood, ignoring the rough grip of the officers, and facing the Mr. Simmons, Hitler and the chief of police with a defiant
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Chapter 35 (Despair And Fury)
The officers, following the chief's orders dragged Drake to one of the cells, their expressions indifferent to his plight. "Please," Drake cried as slumped to the floor, his thoughts on what trouble he had put his wife and daughter. He suddenly felt a crushing weight of despair and fury. He knew they wouldn’t relent, and his threats had only made things worse. While Drake was in his prison cell, the realization dawning on him that he was now locked behind bars and more helpless than he used to be, his gaze suddenly shifted to the officer who was standing by the side of his cell, his eyes narrowing as he noticed a familiar tattoo on his wrist. It was a discreet symbol, one that only a true Sullivan would recognize. Drake gestured subtly with his eyes asking the officer to come closer."You're a secret agent who works for the Sullivans' right?" Drake asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "I noticed the tattoo on your wrist and only a secret agent of the Sullivans can bear that ta
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Chapter 36 (Shocking Twist - Young Master Drake)
Drake felt a surge of relief as he watched the officer leave. He knew it was time to return home to his family as that was the only way he knew he could get back at those who were threatening to make his life miserable.He had stayed away from his family for too long and seeing how much he was suffering, when he had access to more than he could imagine, he realised it was time to accept his Grandfather's proposal and return home."Young Master Drake," the police officer said, as he returned to find his colleagues mockingly re-acting his interaction with Drake. "Help me call mommy. I'm scared," one of them teased as the others erupted into a wild laughter.The police officer watched as his colleagues continued to ridicule Drake, each one of them exaggerating their gestures and voices, pretending to make the call and then laughing uproariously."Don't worry Drake, I'll be there soon," another one mocked, mimicking the voice of an old grandpa."Please, hurry up Grandpa," another chimed
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Chapter 37 (The Tattooed Officer)
The tattooed officer moved swiftly like a skilled martial artist as his fist connected with the first colleague's ribs with a resounding crack. "Ouch!" The men cried as he crumpled to the ground, clutching his side in agony. The other officers, shocked and disoriented, hesitated for a moment, their years of working alongside the officer suddenly feeling like a facade shattered by this unexpected display of strength.Never in their wildest dreams had they thought that Conner, whom they believed was one of them, was actually an imposter. "You son of a bitch," One of the officers growled, seeing his colleague on the floor. He made quick advances trying to knock out Conner but Conner was more decisive in his attack, landing a well placed blow on his side, sending him also sprawling on the ground."What the hell?" Another police officer gasped, his eyes wide with disbelief."Scared, are you?" Conner laughed after knocking down two officers, his eyes meeting with the third officer whose
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Chapter 38 (Doctor Jason)
Doctor Jason held up his hands, trying to regain control of the situation as Michelle still kept on crying. "Everyone, calm down," he commanded. "Let's find a way to resolve this without causing further distress." Turning to Michelle, "It's okay honey. You don't have to cry, okay."The officers, faced with the doctor's firm stance, exchanged tense glances. One of them stepped forward, his voice low and threatening. "Doctor, I suggest you stay out of our way. Obstructing justice isn't a wise move."Doctor Jason stood his ground, his face resolute. "Summer is my patient. I cannot allow you to come close to her without a valid court warrant. It’s against our protocol and my ethical duty."Frustrated, the officers pulled back slightly, one of them pulling out his phone to call their boss. "We have a situation here at the hospital. The doctor is refusing to let us near the suspect."Doctor Jason, as well as Mr and Mrs Willmont watched as the police officer conversed with whoever it was he
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Chapter 39 (Commotion)
Outside the station, Mr. Simmons and Hitler were deep in conversation with the police chief, Lieutenant George when all of a sudden their discussion was interrupted by the sudden commotion inside the prison room."What’s going on in there?" Mr. Simmons demanded, his eyes narrowing."It must be Mr. Sullivan, causing trouble inside again," Lieutenant George's eyes narrowed. "Stay here, let me find out," he said, turning to go in to see for himself what was actually causing the commotion, with Mr. Simmons and Hitler following behind despite being asked to stand back.As they entered and approached George's office, their eyes widened in surprise. There, seated comfortably behind the desk, was Drake, with Conner standing guard beside him. There were other police officers who stood at the other side of the transparent wall which separated them from George's office, their guns pointed towards Drake and Conner."What the hell is going on here?" Lieutenant George asked, his voice sounding so
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Chapter 40 (Doctor Jason 2)
Doctor Jason raised his hands slowly, appearing to surrender. It wasn't his first time dealing with thugs, so he knew how best to handle them when it looks like they're one step ahead.With his hands above his head, his eyes, however, were keen, studying the thugs with the practised precision of a martial artist assessing his opponents. The leader of the thugs sneered, mistaking the doctor's surrender for fear. "Look at this," he jeered, "Trying to act smart. You should be afraid of us, doc."Dr. Jason carefully noted his stance while walking towards him. Without being told, he was able to tell that the thugs had no knowledge of martial arts and it wouldn't be difficult to knock him out and take the gun from him."You know, I can blow out all your skulls here, and no one will be able to stop me," the leader of the gang threatened, kissing the tip of the pistol which he was holding."This is between you and I. You don't have to involve others," Dr. Jason replied, trying to buy himself
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