All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
129 chapters
Chapter 41 (Agent Conner)
"Master?" Lieutenant George asked, as he exchanged surprised glances with Mr. Simmons and Hitler, who were equally as stunned as he was."Yes, George," Conner said, addressing the lieutenant by his name with no regard for his rank in the police force. Lieutenant George was still trying to recover from the shock of being addressed with his first name by an ordinary colonel when the other officers raised their guns, aiming at the three of them, following Conner's orders.What Lieutenant George and the others didn't know was that these set of officers were all agents from Patriarch Sullivan himself to help protect Drake, knowing fully well his dealings in the world of business are enough to put a threat on the lives of his family, just like what had happened to Drake's parents. "What's the meaning of this?" Lieutenant George demanded, his face a mask of confusion and anger."Surprised are you?" Drake smiled walking towards the three of them. "I told you to be careful how you talk to me
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Chapter 42 (Welcome Back, Young Master)
"Young master, your grandfather will be so happy to see you again." Agent Conner said as the convoy sped away from the police station.Drake, who was sitting in the back seat of one of the sleek luxury cars, seemed to be lost in thoughts staring out the window in a daze. He couldn't believe that after so many years of running away from his identity as a Sullivan and not wanting to have anything to do with them, he was eventually returning home."Young master, are you listening to what I'm saying?" Agent Conner asked, tapping him gently on the shoulder."What were you saying?" Drake asked, his thoughts now brought back to his immediate surroundings."I said your grandfather will be happy to have you back. He's been looking forward to this day." Agent Conner said with a short-lived smile tugged at the corners of his lips."How is he?" Drake asked, managing a smile too."He's fine," Agent Conner replied. "You know, everything you just witnessed was orchestrated by him. He really wants y
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Chapter 43 (Grandfather Walter)
Drake walked up the grand staircase with Agent Conner beside him. It was like everything was just coming back fresh to him. The opulence of the mansion, the smell of ivory and ornate banisters, seemed to close in around him. He suddenly missed his parents, his mind going back to the last days he spent with them, the day he received the news of their death and the day he decided to cut ties with his grandfather after blaming him for the death of his parents."Are you okay, young master?" Agent Conner asked, sensing the unease that gnawed within Drake.Drake managed a smile, "Yes I am." He replied, his heart beating faster as they approached his grandfather's room.Taking a deep breath, Drake knocked on the heavy wooden door. From inside, a firm but aged voice responded, "Come in."Drake immediately recognized the voice as the voice of his grandfather, the Patriarch, Walter Sullivan himself.Drake stepped into the room, immediately noticing the family nurse attending to his grandfather
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Chapter 44 (Becoming The Supreme Lord Of An Empire)
Drake returned to the hospital the following morning to check up on Summer and Michelle. He had made it clear to Grandfather Walter that he wasn't ready to return to the empire just yet until his wife was awake from coma. But grandfather Walter, afraid that Drake might not return, decided to have an agreement with him."I'll help you take care of everyone who has ever despised you and looked down on you but in return, you'll accept the responsibility of the entire empire as the supreme lord." Grandfather Walter had requested.Drake, after carefully giving Grandfather Walter's proposal a thought, he agreed to it."Yes grandfather, I give you my word," Drake replied, his conviction unwavering.The few weeks of oppression he had endured from the Simmons and Hitler Ivanov had taught him why wealth and power were very important.Arriving at the hospital, he was greeted by Dr. Jason who told him that his in-laws had come the previous day and had taken his daughter home."And Summer? How's s
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Chapter 45 (Firing His Boss)
Carlos was in his office attending to some paperwork when his phone suddenly rang. He checked the caller's I.D. and surprisingly it was the chairman of the company, Harrison Duke who was calling.Carlos rubbed his eyes over and over again wondering why on earth the chairman of the company would call him. It was strange and very rare to hear of.With trembling hands, he answered the call, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible. "Good afternoon sir," he greeted."Carlos," Harrison Duke's voice was cold and authoritative. "Is this how you plan to manage my company?" Carlos' eyes opened wide in surprise, trying to understand what Mr Harrison was driving at. "I... I... don't understand sir," he stuttered."Well, you don't need to understand," Mr. Harrison continued. "I'm calling to inform you that you're fired."Carlos' blood ran cold as the word "fired" echoed in his ears. For the first few seconds, he thought he had heard wrongly. "Sir, did you just say fired?" He managed to ask
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Chapter 46 (Grandson Of The Most Prominent Investor)
Immediately after Rachel left the hospital, Drake went back to Dr. Jason to confirm from him all that she had said. Hearing that the doctor had stepped up to defend his wife and daughter had raised up questions within him."Excuse me, doctor," Drake called out to him on his way to his office, his voice sounding with a hint of urgency."Yes, Mr. Sullivan, how may I help you?" Dr. Jason replied."I just want to thank you for stepping up to protect my wife and daughter yesterday. I'm really grateful." Drake expressed his sincere appreciation.Dr. Jason smiled, "It's nothing, Mr. Sullivan. I did what I had to do." He paused for a while and then continued, "You just have to be careful now.""Why'd you say that?" Drake asked, his curiosity piqued.Dr. Jason walked closer to Drake, placing a hand on his shoulders, "There's a lot you don't know Mr. Sullivan.""What are you trying to say?" Drake's eyes looked up at the doctor as he could begin to feel that there was something the doctor wasn't
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Chapter 47 (The Legitimate Grandson. Trouble For Everyone)
The district police moved swiftly and silently through the narrow alleys of the rundown neighborhood, storming Woodruff and taking all the criminals by surprise.It would be the first time since the notoriety of Woodruff that the district police would invade the place. Woodruff, even with the crimes that were happening there, had never been visited by the police before."The police are here," A gang member who was also the night watchman screamed, signaling the rest of the gang members.Just before the gang members could reach out and get their weapons, the team of police officers burst through the doors, with swift motion catching the gang members unprepared.There were a few minutes of a scuffle but the gang members were completely outmatched as the officers moved with practiced efficiency, subduing each gang member one by one, a few of them losing their lives in the process while a few others sustaining bullet injuries."Drop your weapons," the chief of the district police ordered.
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Chapter 48 (Hitting The Simmons)
Mr. Simmons stood somberly at the funeral ceremony of Kevin, surrounded by mourners. The weight of grief was palpable in the air, a heavy cloud hanging over everyone present. Looking at the coffin which now had his son in it, he just couldn't bring himself to believe that his son, Kevin was actually gone and gone for good."Accept our condolences," the mourners said one after the other. Mrs. Simmons' cry could be heard as she wailed in pain, not willing to be comforted. It was like everything was just happening for the first time like Kevin was just declared dead."My baby..." She kept crying. "Please come back." She continued to wail.Mr. Simmons was trying to be strong even if he was equally as pained as his wife. He knew that no amount of tears would bring back his son, and so, there was really no need to cry.Just as the condolences were being delivered, Mr. Simmons’ phone buzzed in his pocket. He hesitated, feeling the inappropriateness of the moment, but seeing the caller ID—h
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Chapter 49 (Hitting The Simmons 2)
The news of the Simmons family's harmful business operation had spread through the entire region like wildfire. Every media house, television station, and newspaper publication had it as their major headline.Mr. Simmons couldn't believe that something like that would happen during the time when he was mourning his son. Simmons' Holdings have been in operation for years and even if it was true that they disposed harmful chemicals into the neighborhood, which consequently was affecting the lives of those around the place, they've had the legal backing that had always exempted them from facing the law.Reaching out for his phone, he decided to put a call through to Judge William. He was one of the senior advocates in the country and the one under whose backing they've been in business."Hello, judge," Mr. Simmons began, his voice bearing the weight of the urgency of the situation."Yes Mr. Simmons, I have been expecting your call for a while now." Judge William replied. "Your company is
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Chapter 50 (Sympathy For Michelle)
Without wasting any time, Drake started the car and headed back to his grandfather’s estate. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The rejection from his in-laws, the longing to see his daughter, and the unknown urgency at the estate all swirled together, making him feel like he was being pulled in a million different directions.Immediately he left, the realization dawned on Rachel and Fletcher that Drake had just left in a car and he was the one who had driven it."Is it just me? Or did Drake actually come with that car?" Rachel asked, her surprise palpable.'Well, that he drove a car doesn't mean he owned the car," Fletcher scoffed. "He could have probably borrowed it.""Borrowed it? From whom?" Rachel's questioning gaze met Fletcher's."How am I supposed to know?" Fletcher replied, his tone quite harsh. "You are not thinking that car belongs to him, are you?" Fletcher pressed further."I'm not saying that. Of course, there's no way he can afford a B.M.W S.U.V. Let's j
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