All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
129 chapters
Chapter 51 (The Captain)
"Remember him?" Grandfather Walter began, a smile adorning his slightly wrinkled face. "Of course I do," Drake replied. And then turning to face the man, he continued, "You were a very good friend of my father before he died.""Yes, I am. I was so happy when your grandfather called to inform me that you've finally returned. I had to come the moment I got the news."Drake stood surprised wondering why his grandfather had called the "captain," as he was fondly called to notify him about his return.If there was one person, Drake had least expected his grandfather to call and notify of his presence, it would be the captain, especially since rumors had spread that he might have a hand in his parents’ death.Captain had been a friend of his father even before he was born, and according to his father, they had been friends even before he met his mother. He had grown to see Captain as a second father, one who loved him as much as his own biological father. But everything changed when his p
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Chapter 52 (The Press Conference)
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons walked into the press conference room where a host of journalists were already seated waiting for them. The fact that the company had been shut down, didn't go well with him, considering how many millions of dollars he was already losing.Taking his seat, each of the journalists representing various TV stations in the city took turns asking them questions regarding the allegations made against his company and what he had to say about it."So tell us, since when has your company been disposing of harmful chemicals into the area and why hasn't the Environmental Health Regulation Agency done anything about it?" A journalist asked, his tone quite implicative."My company operates under the license from the Environmental Health Regulation Agency and what that means is that our waste products have been tested and verified to be harmless." Mr. Simmons replied confidently."Is that so?" Another Journalist quickly chimed in. "Several of the town's folks staying very close
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Chapter 53 (Drake Stannis)
Drake walked into the grand conference room, feeling the weight of countless eyes on him. The room was filled with board members, high-ranking officials, and key stakeholders of the empire. As he walked in, murmurs filled the room, all eyes focused on him. He tried to keep his composure, but the knot in his stomach tightened with each step.It was his first day at work and as the new assistant manager, he knew it would be a lot of responsibility on him. Grandfather had wanted him to return to the company in a grand style as the supreme lord of the empire, but Drake had suggested otherwise."But you're my grandson. Why must you decide to work under someone else? You own everything," Grandfather Walter had said.But Drake had a different reason for returning to the company. Ever since the day Captain came to the mansion, a lot had really been going on in his mind. Grandfather Walter may have succeeded in getting him to return to the life he had sworn never to return to, but he too woul
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Chapter 54 (The Assistant Manager)
Donald with his file clutched in his hand stepped into Drake's office, unknown to him that Drake was now the assistant manager of the company he had applied with.It's been a rough search for him since he got fired from his job by his previous boss. It was like fate had refused to smile on him in his job hunt netting with one disappointment or another.However, luck seemed to be on his side when he heard of the job opening in Paragon Holdings, one of the most infant companies in the region.Going through the job requirements, there was no doubt that he would get the job in a platter of gold owing to his qualifications and previous work experiences.As he stepped into the office that morning, just before the interview could begin, his gaze met with Drake's, causing a feeling of surprise to wash over him. He robbed his eye just to be sure he had seen correctly, as Drake welcomed him with an unusual smile."Hello, Donald, nice to see you again," Drake greeted him. For the first couple o
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Chapter 55 (An Attempt On Summer)
Drake welcomed the new day bathed in the warm embrace of the morning sun, a sense of purpose mingled with a tinge of yearning in his heart.It was his second week at the office and everything seemed to be going on smoothly, except for the fact that Mr. Simeon was becoming a pain in his butt, always looking for a way to get at him, probably because he gets to work with Lucy most of the time, always making him feel jealous.He only wished Simeon knew he was a married man with a beautiful wife and daughter, then, he'd probably understand that his relationship with Lucy was purely professional and that there was no form of strings attached.Unlike every other day at work, Drake had begun his day with his long forgotten customary ritual of forging into the day ahead with the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee.It had always been a ritual for him, during the time he was still living with his parents, something he had learnt from his father, George Sullivan.Having assigned a couple of
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Chapter 56 (A Desire For Revenge)
Drake stood speechless, still grappling with the weight of everything that now seemed to be pressing heavily on his shoulders.Just when he thought things would be fine, everything seemed to be falling apart even more. He walked up to Summer's ward and saw the life savers working very well, her vitals still intact.Walking back to the chief of the district police, Drake instructed him to do everything in his power to find out who it was that had made an attempt on Summer's life."The attempt made on your wife's life had probably stemmed from a desire for revenge." The chief of district police said. "Whoever had attempted this murder probably holds something against Summer or anyone connected to her, probably you."Drake's mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he tried to put a finger on who could have been responsible, and only three names came to his mind - The Simmons' family, Viking and Lieutenant George. "Double the security, double everything. Nothing must happen to Summer,"
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Chapter 57 (The Cohorts)
"What?" Hitler's exclamation pierced through the phone. "How could you have failed in carrying out such an easy task?" "I'm sorry boss," Jake, one of Hitler's most trusted henchmen, who usually helps him carry out his dirty jobs apologized. "I was almost disconnecting her from the life savers when a nosy nurse suddenly showed up from no where.""You imbecile!" Hitler retorted angrily. "With your failed attempt, the police will begin to investigate deeper into the whole situation and that could put all of us in trouble.""Sorry boss. I promise to take care of this mess." Jake assured him."You'd better do that," Hitler replied sharply before dropping the call."What did your henchman say?" Lieutenant George asked Hitler in the presence of Mr. Simmons, as all three of them have become a team fighting against Drake."He couldn't get the job done," Hitler replied, the weight of the disappointment evident in the tone of his voice."We already know that. You said so while the call was goin
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Chapter 58 (Need For Nanny)
Mr and Mrs. Wilmont had gone through the profile of all the ladies who had applied to be Michelle's nanny but none of them seemed to meet up with their preferred requirements. They needed someone who was smart, intelligent and has a certified recommendation from any of the social services or a well renewed orphanage.They had just finished speaking with the last applicant on their lists when Fletcher's phone buzzed with an incoming call from a strange number. Reluctantly, he answered the phone, refusing to speak first and waiting for the caller to introduce him or herself."Hello, Mr. Wilmont," A deep masculine voice greeted from the other end."Hello, may I know who I am speaking with?" Fletcher inquired, racking his brain to find out if he could recognise the voice of the caller, but nothing was coming to his head."I'm calling from the social service and childcare agency and I saw the advert you dropped with the media houses that you're in need of someone who'd help you take care o
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Chapter 59 (Hiding Identity)
There was a rising tension which rose within the office as some of the workers were beginning to question Drake's efficiency in carrying out his duty as the assistant manager of the company, owing to the fact that the sales department which was directly under him had been experiencing downtime since he assumed office.Rumours also had been going about that Drake was the grandson of Walter Sullivan, raising more questions from the employees. Even if they didn't want to believe the rumours, the fact that it was Walter Sullivan himself who had recommended him for that position made the rumours almost appear to be true to them.An emergency board meeting was called with Drake was also requested to be in attendance, so he could say something for himself about the rumours that was spreading all over the office.Mr. Simeon had called for the meeting without prior notification to Walter. Within just a month of Drake being in the company, he was already feeling threatened by him.First, he fel
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Chapter 60 (Ring. Ring. Ring.)
"Ring. Ring. Ring." The door bell rang."That must be the lady from the social service and childcare agency" Rachel said, turning to face Fletcher who was engrossed in his newspaper.The news on the Simmons case was getting tougher as the affected individuals from the effect of the harmful chemicals have decided to take them to court. He couldn't help but wonder who was behind them."Go ahead and see for yourself," Fletcher, not wanting to be disturbed. Rachel quickly stood up from her seat and went to see who was at the door. Opening the door, she was greeted by Lucy, looking radiantly beautiful."Hello ma'am," Lucy greeted with a beautiful smile spreading across her lips. "This must be the Wilmont's apartment?" She added."Oh yes. This is the Wilmont's apartment, and who are you?" Rachel asked."I'm Lucy from the social service and childcare agency. I was sent from the agency after we got the information that you needed a nanny for your granddaughter." Lucy replied, her beautiful s
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