All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 chapters
Chapter 61 (Miss Prisca)
Drake was surprised when he learnt that Lucy had resigned from her job. He hadn't expected it, making him wonder what could be the reason for her resignation.He could be only help but imagine how Mr. Simeon might be feeling at that moment. If there was something he didn't understand with Mr. Simeon, was why he went about claiming that Lucy was his girlfriend, when over and over again, Lucy had publicly denied it.The meeting with the other members of the board had been adjourned as a member was later noticed to be absent, and according to the company's policies, no board or executive election was allowed to be conducted if all executive and board members except Walter Sullivan was not present.Drake had decided to get back at Donald for trying to outsmart him and spreading the rumour of him being grandfather Walter's grandson. Even if he didn't have any evidence to support his claims, he was very sure that Donald was behind the whole spread of the rumour.Drake was still busy attendi
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Chapter 62 (Lucy Settling In)
Lucy resumed work with the Wilmonts as Michelle's nanny, mindful of what to expect from the little girl. She didn't know why, but she had already felt attached to her during their first meeting."Ensure she takes her lunch early enough before her physiotherapist comes. Don't be hard on her as she's still trying to accept the fact that she'll never be able to walk again." Rachel instructed Lucy as she prepared to leave.She had been away from the office for quite some time due to the fact that they were yet to get a nanny for Michelle, and now that they got one, she felt it was time to get back to work and see for herself just how things were going in her absence.She just hoped a lot had not really changed owing to the fact that she had not really been much physically involved in the affairs of the company since the accident that involved Summer and the Simmons' family."Also, make sure she doesn't stay in her room, and lastly, incase her father comes, don't grant him access to her."
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Chapter 63 (The IRIS - A Secret Mafia Organisation)
Drake stepped out of the company's building, his mind, a whirlwind of thoughts. The previous night had been one hell of a night for him. He had some how found leads to what had happened to his parents on the night that they were killed.There was a secret mafia organisation he had stumbled upon called the IRIS. It was one of the biggest mafia organisation in the country and they operated internationally. During his research the previous night, in trying to find out how ugly things were likely to get for him when he finally accepts to take over from his grandfather, he had stumbled upon the name IRIS. He had tried finding out more about the mafia organisation but nothing else had been said about it. Not who the leader was nor what they were actually involved in as their major underground activity.The only thing he had found out was the death of a certain couple that was linked to them eight years ago. Even if the names of the couple had not been mentioned, Drake had the strong feelin
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Chapter 64 (Ready To Take Over)
The tension in the room was palpable as Drake walked in. He noticed the unfamiliar faces that looked at him while he entered to take his seat, causing him to force out a smile as he greeted them, "Good afternoon.""Good afternoon, Drake," the gentlemen who were all seated with grandfather Walter greeted him, almost in union.Drake, for the first ten seconds, while trying to settle in his seat, tried to recollect any of the faces, wondering where he had seen them before, but nothing was coming to him. He decided to just stop trying and to allow grandfather Walter begin the introduction.."Welcome Drake," Grandfather Walter said, his old and slightly wrinkled face, adorned with a smile, a grim reminder to Drake that life is dynamic and that a day too will come, when he'd also look like his grandfather."Thank you, grandfather," Drake replied with a gentle nod."Alright, gentlemen," Grandfather Walter began. "This is my grandson, Drake Sullivan, and the heir to all that is under the Sul
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Chapter 65 (Lucy’s Family Mystery)
“Mom, she was really adorable.” Lucy began as she narrated everything that had happened at the Wilmonts to her mother Rose Ferdinand. “I really felt for her, that at a very young age she is already going through so much. Life isn't really fair is it?"Rose listened attentively as Lucy continued with her story, “Lucy, I hope you're aware of the reason you are there as her nanny?” She stressed.“Of course mom, how can I forget that? It's just that, I really felt Michelle's pains. Imagine being a cripple at such a young age and your parents are not even there for you.” Lucy went on to say.Rose's brow furrowed, her surprise palpable as she listened to her daughter regale her with tales of the Michelle. She Just hoped it wasn't what she was thinking - that Lucy was having a soft spot for the little girl."Lucy, remember, you're not to develop any love for that child. Your going there is make the job easy for Viking in taking her out, as a way of getting back at the Patriach Walter Sulliva
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Chapter 66 (The Declaration Ceremony)
A shot of applause went up as Grandfather Walter and Drake walked into the grand hall which had been well prepared for the official declaration of Drake as the heir to the Sullivan's empire.The hall had been filled to capacity with all the prominent figures in the city. Drake had finally agreed to come in terms with his grandfather and to become the sole controller of all that was tied to the Sullivan's name."You think, Walter's grandson can be anything like Walter?" Some of the invited guests asked one another.There was this skepticism amongst some of the members of the major shareholders who were not comfortable with the fact that a lost grandson who knew knew nothing about what has been going on within the Sullivan empire, would be the one to lord over it all.Captain and his entourage walked in, his presence commanding everyone's respect. As one of the few successful mafia lords after Walter, he too, had built a reputation that made him operate dirty, yet without any law enforc
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Chapter 67 (Begging Mrs. Simmons)
“E – excuse me Drake?” a voice interrupted from behind Drake as he settled in finally greeting the guests he was yet to greet one after the other.Drake turned around and it was Mrs. Simmons, making him wonder what it was she was doing in the meeting as he couldn't remember having invited her to the party.“D– Drake please can we talk?" Mrs. Simmons' voice came out soft and pleading, a complete contrast to the Mrs. Simmons he knew who had threatened to make him and his entire family suffer.“I'm sorry, ma'am but if you'll excuse me I've got better things to do.” Drake quipped and moved away, as he wasn't in the mood to listen to anything that Mrs. Simmons had to say.Mrs. Simmons ran after him and grabbed his arm, her desperation to have a word with Drake very much palpable.“Drake please, my husband's company is at the verge of shutting down. Please undo whatever it is that you've done. Please I'm begging you,"“Excuse me!” Drake snatched his arm from her grip. “What's the meaning of
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Chapter 68 (Rose And Mrs. Simmons Planning)
"So what do you propose?" Mrs. Simmons' asked Rose as they sat together at a coffee shop that night."You know I have never been so humiliated in my life! Drake made a fool out of me!""It's okay. It's a common trait found among the Sullivans. But I already have a plan and the bait has been thrown into the river already. I'm just waiting for the fish to give it a bite and it's bingo!" Rose replied, a sly smile tugged at the corners of her lips."What plan is that? Because trust me, I'm ready to be part of anything that can bring down the Sullivans and I'll not stop as long as I have breath in my lungs. Tonight's humiliation stung really hard and I'm not sure I'll be able to forget it in a hurry." Mrs. Simmons expressed her most deep seated anger and frustration."The plan is simple," Rose began. "You see the expanse of land at the centre of San Marino district?""Yes I do," Mrs. Simmons replied, nodding her head. "What about it?""I own the place, and I'm putting it out for a mouth wat
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Chapter 69 (Viking's Sponsor)
Drake was settling into his new life quite smoothly so far. He'd been very busy familiarising himself with everything he had inherited. Which was a lot of work seeing as he'd inherited a lot. Much more than just being the controller of all that was under the Sullivan's name, he also intended to dig deep into all of Grandfather Walter's secret operations which were not known to the public.The IRIS had been a major concern for him and he just couldn't take it off his mind. But first, he needed to meet with the top executives of all the companies that operated under the umbrella of the Sullivan's empire.Agent Conner had been with him every step of the way. He was always there to guide him and assist him in areas where he had little or no experience. Grandfather Walter had ensured that he got all the help he wanted in ensuring a smooth transition of power."What do you think about the other top executives? Do you think they'll welcome me with open arms?" Drake inquired from Conner as
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Chapter 70 (Plotting To Kidnap His Daughter)
Lucy spent the whole evening taking Michelle round the pool area as the little girl sat on her wheel chair. The duo had become really close Lucy was becoming more fond of Michelle."Aunt Lucy, do you think I'll ever be able to walk again?" Michelle asked, after they took a brief stop, staring into the waters."Of course, you will," Lucy assured her with a smile. "I know very soon you'll be running around the whole place again,"There was a sudden change in Michelle's facial expression and Lucy immediately noticed it. "What's wrong dear?" Lucy inquired, her voice soft and calm."It's my daddy. He left me in the hospital and never came back. My daddy doesn't want me anymore because I'm crippled," Michelle expressed her sadness."That's not true baby," Lucy counteracted. "Daddy is probably busy with other stuffs. Once he's done, he'll come around." "I hope so, aunt Lucy. I hope my daddy has not grown tired of loving me, because I'm now cripple."Lucy bent low and gave her a warm embrac
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