All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 chapters
Chapter 72 (Drake Is A Sullivan)
"The nerve of that Drake," Rose said in between angry breaths. "What does he think? That I'm stupid? How dare he come up with such an outrageous deal and expect me to accept it?"Lucy looked at her mother as she continued to express her anger. She couldn't understand why she was so mad. She read through the contract and it was very good deal."But mom, you'll be making more money from the land according to Drake's proposal.""Will you keep quiet?" Rose thundered. "Who said anything about making more money? Do you think that was the reason I put out the land. Do you think I need the money? Of course not!" She blurted out angrily.Lucy moved backwards, as her mother's angry voice echoed through the room. She had always known her mother to be temperamental and seeing her exhibiting such rage, didn't come as a surprise to her. At least, she wasn't throwing things around the house, which was always the peak of her rage."You of all people should know that the reason I'm doing this is not f
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Chapter 73 (Fighting From The Frontline)
"Honey, what do we do? things aren’t going the way we wanted things to." Mrs. Simmons said to her husband as they sat together in the living washing the news. Mr. Simmons seemed to be lost in thoughts, seeing that the news on business was centralised towards the Sullivan's empire and how Drake had so much made an impact in just the few months he had been there. "Honey, I'm talking to you," Mrs. Simmons repeated, seeing that her husband wasn't paying attention to what she was saying to him. "You were saying?" Mr. Simmons turned from the television to face his wife, now ready to listen to what she had been saying. "I can see you are more interested in the news than in what I was telling you," Mrs. Simmons said,
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Chapter 74 (Secrets Buried Within The Empire)
Drake had to sit by Summer's bedside, a heavy burden of helplessness weighing upon his shoulders like an anchor dragging him into the depths of despair. He couldn't shake the relentless self-blame that gnawed at his conscience, tormenting him with thoughts of what he could have done differently to prevent the accident from happening, not to speed up her recovery process.With each passing moment, he found himself engulfed in a sea of regret, wishing he could turn back time and rewrite the past, back to the day when and Michelle were about leaving the house that morning for the birthday shopping."Honey, when are you going to wake up?" He asked, caressing her hands gently. "It's been months and you're not making any signs to wake up soon. You know our daughter is okay now. She's fine now and is waiting for you to wake up." Drake kept on saying unable to hide his emotions.The only part he didn't tell her was the part of his in-laws refusing him access to their daughter. He wasn't sure
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Chapter 74 (Secrets Buried Within The Empire)
Drake had to sit by Summer's bedside, a heavy burden of helplessness weighing upon his shoulders like an anchor dragging him into the depths of despair.  He couldn't shake the relentless self-blame that gnawed at his conscience, tormenting him with thoughts of what he could have done differently to prevent the accident from happening, not to speed up her recovery process. With each passing moment, he found himself engulfed in a sea of regret, wishing he could turn back time and rewrite the past, back to the day when and Michelle were about leaving the house that morning for the birthday shopping. "Honey, when are you going to wake up?" He asked, caressing her hands gently. "It's been months and you're not making any signs to wake up soon. You know our daughter is okay n
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Chapter 75 (Family Matters: Lucy And Rose)
"Mom, how are you feeling now?" Lucy asked Rose as she stepped out of her room. Since the last time that Drake and Conner visited, they've not really seen eye ball to eye ball.Lucy had left for work the following morning, even before Rose woke up from bed and had returned late to find out that her mother was already asleep.Lucy had woken up quite early that morning to prepare breakfast for her mom and to show her how much she loved her for being her mother. She wasn't comfortable with the fact that she wasn't talking with her mom. Her mom was the only surviving family she had left and not talking with her was affecting her more than anything else. So, cooking her favourite breakfast was her own way of apologising, if by chance she had spoken out of her place when Drake and Conner came for dinner.She had also planned to take some for Michelle, having promised her that she'll bring her some sandwiches the next time she comes visiting her."I'm much better." Rose managed to say. "Wha
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Chapter 76 (A Gentleman And A Shadowy Figure)
In a dimly lit room, a shadowy figure stood facing the wall. He had a cigar in his mouth, with a black hat that was slightly tilted to the side. While he was there, thinking about all that has happened in to him in the last twenty seven years if his life, down to the last eight years when he lost his only son to the cruel hands of death, he heard someone knock."Come in," the shadowy figure ushered in the gentle man who stood at the door knocking."Boss," the gentleman acknowledged with a courteous bow as he walked into the dimly root. "We finally got news of your granddaughter and your daughter in-law.""At last!" The shadowy figure he sighed."Yes boss, and it might interest you to know where we finally found them." The young man further added."Where?" The shadowy figure inquired, his curiosity piqued."In San Marino, not very far from Woodruff. Viking has been in touch with them for some time now.""What!" The shadowy figure, exclaimed, his surprise palpable. "You mean to say Vik
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Chapter 77 (Lucy's Patriarchal Mystery)
Lucy and Rose sat quietly on the couch, enjoying each others company. They had finally made peace and Lucy had promised not to raise the issue regarding any of her family members again.She had noticed how angry it usually made her mother and had decided to let sleeping dogs lie. It was her day off at the Willmonts as Michelle's grandparents had to take her to see the physiotherapist. She decided she'd use the day to bond with her mom and to make up for lost times."I think we've been really stressed out lately," Rose was the first to speak, breaking the silence that enveloped the two of them. "Please, don't ever bring issues regarding your father's people ever again. I really don't want to remember them." Lucy could see through her mother, the depths of emotions that were conveyed in her words. She knew her mom so well, to know when she was really hurt by something, and now hearing her say she doesn't want to have anything with her father's people, was enough to make her understand
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Chapter 78 (San Marino District)
Drake had just finished meeting with members of the executives. The meeting had gone well and the projections into the future was promising.He was yet to hear from Rose regarding the deal he had promised concerning the land expanse at the centre of San Marino district.He had promoted Prisca to be his personal liaison, seeing how well she had worked with him while he was still the assistant manager at their infant company. He saw in her potentials that were more than what she was being paid to do. And Prisca didn't disappoint. She had come with such a wonderful presentation during the executive meeting and it had left everyone in complete astonishment.After the meeting with the executives, Prisca and Drake both retired back in to his office, sitting across from each other, their eyes meeting as they deliberate more on the outcome of the meeting.“Prisca, I have to say, your presentation skills were impressive today. You really know how to command a room. I really appreciate your ded
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Chapter 79 (Her Father’s Dying Wish)
Rose shot up from the chair angrily, "You'll never raise that issue again, understood?""No mom," Lucy shot up too."I thought we've already agreed in this? That you'll never raise this issue again?" Rose asked, her anger palpable."Yes, and that's because I felt you didn't want to talk about them, probably because they abandoned us or something." Lucy replied, raising her voice slightly."Yes, they did. They abandoned us!" Rose didn't spare Lucy her disdain towards the Morgans."That's not true, mother. If it was, then why did my grandfather come looking for us?" Lucy retorted."Young lady, you'll listen to me. We have nothing to do with the Morgans ever again. Do you understand that? This conversation is over!" Rose snarled with a note of finality, but Lucy wasn't ready to let her go just like that."No, mom," Lucy interrupted. "It's not yet over. Not until you make me understand what exactly is going on here and why you're forbidding me from identifying with my father's relatives.
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Chapter 80 (Next Phase Of The Plan)
As Drake made his way through the bustling office, he couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere that seemed to hang in the air. His employees, usually chatty and lively, now cast furtive glances in his direction, their expressions a mix of concern and unease. It was as if a heavy cloud had settled over the workplace, making him wonder what exactly was going on."Good morning, Mr. Drake," one of his employees greeted him with a forced smile as he passed by. Drake nodded in response, but the strained politeness in the employee's voice did not go unnoticed.As he reached his office, Drake couldn't help but wonder what it was that was going on. Everything had been fine before they all closed for work the previous day. Reaching for his landline telephone, he dialed Prisca's number."I want you in the office right away," he instructed."Alright sir, I'll be there shortly," Prisca replied, before the call came to end.After the call, he sank into his chair, his mind a whirlwind of diffe
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