All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 chapters
Chapter 81 (My Grandfather’s Instructions?)
The group of doctors in charge of the various health facilities within the Sullivan's empire waited anxiously in the conference room, their faces filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. They were waiting for Drake, having received the memo from Prisca that he had called for an emergency meeting with all of them.As Drake walked in, an air of confidence and authority seemed to precede him. The doctors instinctively rose to their feet, greeting him with respect and deference."Please, take your seats," Drake said, his voice firm but polite. "I'm sure you're all aware of why I've called this meeting. I'll get straight to the point."The doctors nodded, taking their seats as Darke began to speak."I've been made aware that some of our hospitals are still charging workers from various companies within our empire for medical services, despite them already paying into the healthcare scheme. Can someone explain to me why this is happening?"One of the doctors, a middle-aged man with
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Chapter 82 (Decreased Alertness)
Drake arrived at the hospital around 4p.m. that afternoon to find doctor Jason conducting various checks on Summer. Despite his long and stressful day, the news of Summer's awakening had compelled him to set aside any thoughts of rest and rush to her side. Immediately he walked in, he noticed Summer still laying in her hospital bed, her eyes open but her body barely moving, like she was just awake but not yet responsive to her immediate environment, casting a shadow of concern over Drake's hopeful anticipation.Approaching one of the nurses who stood with a file clutched in her hand, and with a heavy heart, Drake inquired about Summer's condition."The doctor is still trying to determine the exact aftermath of your wife's condition. A couple of tests have been conducted already and this is the last of them," the nurse replied.A sigh escaped Drake's lips as he looked upon Summer, wondering what it was to expect from her condition now that she was finally awake.After a few minutes, t
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Chapter 83 (Summer’s Condition)
Drake sat by Summer's side all through the evening. He made various attempts to get her to notice him, but none of them was working. He didn't know when tears started dropping down cheeks."Come on, honey," he sighed. "You have to get better. We didn't wait for you all these while only to have you back this way. You need to fight this."Summer could only blink without moving her limbs, making Drake to feel even more pained. While he was there, Mr and Mrs. Willmont walked in, with Dr. Jason almost taking him by surprise."When did she wake up?" He heard Fletcher asking Dr. Jason."Earlier today," Doctor Jason replied.Both Fletcher and Rachel walked past Drake who was already walking towards them to greet them. Getting to Summer's bed, Rachel couldn't hide her emotions as the sight of Summer made her break into tears."It's okay," Fletcher patted her on the back gently. "We should be happy that she's now finally awake."Drake walked up to them, finding the right words to utter, even if
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Chapter 84 (Be Vigilant)
The streets outside were bustling with the usual city energy, but Drake couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability as he made his way home. The encounter at the hospital with the Willmonts and Summer's condition not looking any better, weighed heavily on his shoulders.With everything that was happening, he decided to take a stroll round the city's street, as a way to clear his mind of all the things that were weighing heavily on his shoulders.It would be the first time in a long while that he'll be taking such strolls since he took over the Sullivan's empire. It made him miss the good old days when he didn't have much to worry about.But as he walked through the crowded streets, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Every passing stranger seemed to heighten his sense of unease. Just before he could take the first turn on the right which led back to the Sullivan's estate, a voice called out to him."Drake...." The shrill voice echoed through the stillness
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Chapter 85 (Grandfather Walter's Secret Vault)
That same night, Drake decided to visit Grandfather Walter's secret vault within the empire. Having turned around in hic bed, and unable to get any sleep, he decided to confirm for himself if what the strange caller had told him over the phone was true.Throwing off the blanket which he was using to cover himself, he swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet dangling in the darkness.He dressed quickly and quietly, changing from his pyjamas, his hands shaking with uncertainty. He knew he had to be careful; the empire's security was notorious for being impenetrable, and going into Grandfather Walter's secret vault was similar to trespassing a highly priced property, but he knew hd had to do it and just know where to look out to of truly there was no more information regarding tye IRIS. He made his way through the deserted corridors, avoiding the guards and cameras with ease. He took the secret passage which was only known by members of the Sullivans family - enroute for times
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Chapter 86 (Lucy Ferdinand)
The following evening, as Drake was preparing to close for the day in preparation for his meeting with the strange caller who had requested for them to meet, he heard a knock on his door and it was Prisca."Come in, Prisca," he ushered her in.Prisca walked in to the office, her express sombre. "Good evening, sir Drake," she greeted."Good evening, Prisca," he returned with a short-lived smile. "Any news about my daughter? Were you able to get to find out who had been employed as her nanny?" Drake inquired."Yes sir, I already did." Prisca replied, a triumphant smile, playing across her lips."Really? Who is it?" Drake asked, the curiosity in his eyes very much evident."It's Lucy.., Lucy Ferdinand," Prisca revealed, much to Drake's surprise.Of all the names he was expecting to hear, Lucy Ferdinand was the least name that could have ever crossed his mind."Did you just say Lucy Ferdinand?" Drake asked, to be sure he hadn't heard wrongly."Yes, sir Drake." Prisca replied, her smile w
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Chapter 87 (Mr Anonymous)
Drake couldn't hide the fear that surged through him as the anonymous caller's laughter kept replaying in his head. He already could sense the trouble that was brewing, the realization dawning on him that he had probably been lured into some kind of trap.He decided to quickly exit the cafe before it became too late. But just before he could turn around to leave, two burly men appeared beside him, their faces menacing.He tried walking right past them, but one of them stood in front of him, preventing him from going through, causing Drake to bump into him."Sorry," Drake apologized, but the man who had stood in his way didn't appear to be moved by Drake's apology.Before Drake could further react, the two men flashed a gun and gestured for him to follow them. He hesitated for a moment, but the guns convinced him to cooperate. "Who are you, and what do you want?" Drake asked, his feeling of dread overwhelming him."You just have to cooperate and come with us Mr. Sullivan. We're not he
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Chapter 88 (Co-founder Of IRIS)
Drake's eyes opened wide in disbelief when Mr. Anonymous revealed that he was right there on the night that his parents were killed. This was exactly what he needed, someone who was a first hand eye witness to all that had happened eight years ago."What exactly do you know about my parent's death? What really happened to them on the night that they were killed?" Drake inquired from Mr. Anonymous, all in one breath.Mr. Anonymous chuckled slightly, his deep and coarse voice echoing through the room."I guess you've probably heard the name Mr. Black within the walls of the Sullivan empire?" Mr. Anonymous asked, as the laughter suddenly came to an end, his tone becoming serious.Drake's piercing gaze met his, as he waited to hear what he had to say regarding Mr. Black who suddenly became a sacred name to mention within the Sullivan empire."Well, his real name is Jacob Morgan," Mr. Anonymous revealed.Drake's curiosity was heightened as he looked at Mr. Anonymous to continue. He really
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Chapter 89 (A Lot Is Already Happening)
Mr. Anonymous' laughter echoed through the room, as his revelation hit Drake like a ton of bricks. He Just couldn't believe that he had actually guessed right, that it was Barrister Clark who had actually called him."What did you do to him?" Drake asked, his breaths increasing with unspoken rage."You really want to know? Why don't you check your phone?" Mr. Anonymous replied, the coldness in his voice enough to convince Drake that whosoever this Mr. Anonymous was, operated in the leagues of his grandfather, even if he appeared to be younger than his grandfather.He quickly brought his phone and noticed that he had received a text message from Barrister Clark."Drake, I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with you as agreed. I am being followed and my life is in danger." Drake read."You see," Mr. Anonymous continued. "I hate it when people want to stand in my way. I learnt that from your grandfather. Whoever is not working for me is definitely working against me, and the moment I find out, I
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Chapter 90 (The Death Of Barrister Clark)
Grandfather Walter was with the Captain when Drake and Conner walked in. They seemed to be engrossed in their conversation that it didn't even appear as if someone had died."I think they're all returning one after the other," Captain was saying to Grandfather Walter, his voice barely above a whisper."Have your seat, Drake," Grandfather Walter gestured for him to sit down. "Where have you been?"Drake wasn't sure if he should let his grandfather know about Mr. Anonymous, and so, he chose not to disclose it."I've been out on a walk," Drake replied, casually."On a walk? And that too, without Conner or any of the security guards?" Grandfather Walter threatened. "I believe you saw the news that Barrister Clark was shot dead?""Yes, I did," Drake nodded his head sorrowfully. He was having that nudge to tell grandfather Walter what he knew about the death of barrister Clark's death, but he had to refrain himself and to hear what Grandfather Walter and Captain had to say about what was ha
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