All Chapters of Carson : The Great Guardian : Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Chapter 11
"You're ...." Paula just wanted to scold Carson. She still hasn't forgiven Carson for what happened in the past six years. It's just that suddenly the phone rang. Paula didn't finish her sentence and chose to pick up the ringing telephone. When she heard the one word that came out of it. Paula's heart immediately beat faster. Sweat dripped from her forehead slowly. Paula even fell silent for a minute. Her face looked pale and panicked. "Did you hear what I said?" The voice on the other side of the phone snapped at Paula. The person on the other end was angry that Paula was not responding. The woman on the phone was Alison's grandmother or Paula's mother in law. Her name was Nora. Paula swallowed. She calmed herself down first before answering. "Yes, I heard that, ma'am." "That's good. You should come here now because Mr. Marshal’s wedding has been advanced to tomorrow. Hurry up, I don't have time." Nora lowered her tone slightly after Paula's reply, but in part about asking Pa
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Chapter 12
"Darwis, can you get me the Marshall family's wedding invitation? I need it immediately."Without further ado, Darwis immediately nodded. "Very well, sir. I'll get it right away." Afterwards, Darwis immediately contacted everyone he knew to get the Marshall family's wedding invitation letter. He didn't want to disappoint Carson. As soon as possible, he will get it. Carson wanted to leave immediately. "Can you catch up with me after getting it? Don't take too long. I can't wait." Carson firmly said that. He walked to the car and drove to his grandmother's house. This time, he pushed himself. Not long after, Carson left there. Darwis got the invitation letter that Carson wanted. He immediately went to get the invitation to hand it over to Carson. Not long after, Carson was not in front of his grandmother's house. The house was big, bigger than the house they owned earlier. The comparison was like a poor man's house and a rich man's house. Carson got out of the car. At that moment,
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Chapter 13
George insulted Alison over and over again, which angered Carson. He clenched his fists. Alison tried to stop Carson, but she couldn't this time. Carson had reached his limit. Carson took one step forward, which frightened Alison's two cousins. Their faces were pale. "What are you going to do? If you hit us. Grandma won't stay silent. She will punish you." Vivian tried to threaten Carson, but it didn't make Carson flinch. He wasn't scared at all. George and Vivian had gone too far. It was unforgivable. George and Vivian fell because they tripped over their own feet. "Stop! If you hit us. Your little family will be expelled from the big family."Carson stepped forward. He was already very close to George and Vivian. "Stop! What are you doing? If you dare to hurt my two grandchildren. I will kill you." Someone shouted from behind. Nora went inside with several people following her. "You have destroyed this family's reputation and still dare to show your face here. How shameless. You'
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Chapter 14
Nora laughed at Carson's words. Even Nora did not believe the golden invitation Carson pointed to. She was sure that it was a fake. Whichever way you look at it, it never occurred to Nora that Carson would get an invitation. Nora turned her head towards George. He quickly got up and walked over to Nora. "What's wrong, Grandma?" George bent his body slightly. Nora was the most respected member of the family. "Beat up that liar!"Nora's orders were absolute in that family. George swallowed; he felt that this was not something he could do. Carson's gaze was imprinted in George's head. It was just that he couldn't contradict Nora. She turned to Vivian and asked her cousin to help her. "But," Vivian hesitated."Both of us. I'm sure we can."Vivian finally agreed to that. The two of them looked at each other. Both went in two different directions, thinking that this way, they could defeat Carson. Both of them advanced at the same time, which should have divided Carson's focus. Unfortunat
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Chapter 15
"Mr. Sergio, why are you silent? Carson is already in front of you. Just kill him! We won't forbid it at all. You can even bring Alison along. We don't need those two useless people."Nora urged Sergio to kill Carson immediately. Her subordinates had all been defeated, and her only hope was Sergio. Nora still thought Sergio had come there for revenge. Unfortunately, what she thought was wrong. Sergio wanted to do the opposite, something that Nora and the others did not expect at all.Sergio stood opposite Carson. He smiled. "I have no intention of revenge at all. I came here to apologize at the behest of the head of the Ramos family." Nora and the others were stunned. They never imagined Sergio would apologize to others. His arrogant and haughty nature would not allow him to lower his self-esteem to others except those who were more powerful and influential than him. "It can't be that Carson is one of those influential people, can it?" Nora thought. She shook her head quickly. She d
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Chapter 16
Sergio, Joel, and his subordinates had left. Getting an apology from Carson had satisfied him. With that apology, their family would be calmer even though Carson injured him and Joel. Especially Joel, who was injured very severely. Do you want revenge? If possible, Sergio would do that, but after learning who Carson really is, He wouldn't be able to do anything. He didn't even dare to get angry. Their current situation was much better than being enemies with Carson. It would hurt not only him and Joel but also his family, who would be in trouble. That was what Sergio was worried about. "Isn't that too much, sir?"Sergio's subordinate asked because Sergio's gift was tremendous. In total, it could be millions of dollars. It was an unbelievable amount. Sergio shook his head with a small smile. "Compared to the safety of my extended family. That gift was only a small part. Even that is still too small. Fortunately, Mr. Carson forgave us with just that reward."Sergio was pleased with
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