All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
149 chapters
Nathan's lips quirked as he considered the question. "That is precisely why I have called you all here today," he replied, his gaze sweeping across the room. "I believe it is important to hear the perspectives of each of you . So, I ask you, what do you all think?" The room fell silent once more as the Presidents exchanged thoughtful glances, each considering their response with the utmost care. "Well, the Royal Corp has risen to be one of the companies in Prescott," President Dominic said, and the other Presidents nodded in agreement. "Yes, Miss Vanessa is a very smart and capable woman," President Alexander chimed in. "Really?" Nathan said, his face void of expression. Deep down, he noted that the Royal Corporation was the company the Global Triad was considering for the investment. This was the same company he was considering, not only because Vanessa had saved his life in the past, but also because she had trusted and believed in his advice to save her company from b
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Ivan's brow was furrowed, his expression a mixture of frustration and disbelief as he recounted the events. "We were in the lobby waiting for you to finish up," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "But then suddenly Nathan came out of nowhere and we got into an argument. And before you know it, he had us thrown out of the Celestial Resort!" Liam's eyes widened, his mind struggling to process the gravity of Ivan's words. "Wait, wait, wait," he interjected, his tone laced with bewilderment. "Are you telling me that Nathan didn't flee after stealing those gifts?" How could the man they had accused of theft now be the one responsible for their expulsion? Ivan shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin, grim line. "Nathan, flee?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with a mixture of disbelief and disdain. "No, he's now all high and mighty, and somehow managed to get President Alexander to treat him with such great respect. "Meanwhile, we were the ones
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However, as Liam's fingers caressed Claire's hand, Claire slowly retracted it, her expression guarded. Claire was not that naïve; she recognized that Liam's desire to take their relationship to a more personal level, one that she was not yet ready for. She had just gotten out of a divorce, so she would have to think things through before she considered getting married again or being in a relationship again. Liam felt the sting of rejection, which was obvious on his face, but he quickly composed himself, his broad smile not wavering. Victoria, who had always wanted her daughter to marry a successful young man like Liam, immediately stepped in as she saw the growing tension between Liam and Claire. "You and Liam would look so good together," she said, her eyes shining with a mixture of hope and determination. "Unlike that useless and miserable loser of an ex-husband, Liam is a man worthy of your affection." Claire felt the weight of her mother's words, the unspoken pressu
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Nathan looked out the helicopter's windows, his brows furrowed as he observed the dark clouds gathering. They would definitely be in danger if they were hit by a storm while in the air."This doesn't look good," Nathan murmured with a grave expression. "We need to find a safe place to land immediately."The pilot's voice remained calm as he replied, "I'm already scanning the area for the nearest suitable landing site. "There's a hotel complex about ten miles northeast that should be able to accommodate us."Nathan nodded decisively. "Make the emergency landing there. We'll have to wait out the storm and continue our journey tomorrow."The pilot acknowledged Nathan's command and adjusted the helicopter's direction, accelerating toward the hotel's location. As they approached, it became increasingly obvious that a storm was imminent, with bolts of lightning cracking through the darkened sky and the distant rumble of thunder echoing around them.Carefully, the pilot navigated the air
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Nathan shook Alistair's hand, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Thank you for taking the time to see me, Mr. Carlton. "As you know, the weather conditions are severe, and moving the helicopter right now would be extremely dangerous. I'm hoping we can find a temporary solution until the storm passes."Alistair maintained a warm smile, but he was determined to get the helicopter off the helipad on the roof. The VIP guests he was expecting were major shareholders in his hotel, and he needed to treat them with the best service. "I completely understand, Mr. Nathan. The safety of our guests is very important to us. However, I'm expecting some very important guests, and the use of our helipad is essential for their arrival. "I'm afraid I must insist that your pilot relocate the helicopter to a nearby facility before the storm gets even worse."Nathan's heart sank, but he maintained his composure. "Mr. Carlton, I appreciate your position, but the storm is already getting worse. Relocating the
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Liam's surprise expression was replaced by a huge frown as he glared at Nathan. "What the hell do you think you are doing here? Did anybody ask you to come in?" Liam asked angrily as he managed to compose himself.But he was visibly shaking like a thief who was caught red-handed.Nathan looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. What was he doing here? He should be the one asking him what he was doing in his hotel.“What’s going on here, Liam?” Nathan demanded, his voice firm as his eyes darted between Liam and his employee. “Why is Claire unconscious, and what has happened in this room?”Before his employee could speak, Liam immediately interrupted him. "Leave here, you fool! She is no longer your wife, and it is not your business," Liam said, pointing his finger furiously at the door, asking Nathan to leave.Liam was right; Claire was no longer his wife, so he had no responsibility whatsoever towards her. But he could not just ignore a woman lying helplessly on the bed, especially w
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Andrew took another deep breath, his eyes flicking nervously between Nathan and Liam. "As I was saying, sir, I heard strange noises and came to check." When I entered the room, I saw Liam here... he was hovering over Claire, and she was unconscious on the bed. It looked like he was..." He pauded as his gaze fell on Liam who was glaring at him, bur he continued anyway."Trying to take advantage of her, he was about to pour a red wine on her body. "I pushed him away from Claire, causing him to tumble and break the vase, the red wine also ended up spilling on me"Nathan's eyes glanced briefly at his ex-wife who was lying peacefully on the bed. He also noticed the petals of flowers around the bed. Claire lay there like a gentle lamb to be slaughtered by Liam.Nathan's rage and disgust increased as he turned his gaze to Liam, his eyes shooting daggers at him. He took a deliberate step forward, closing the distance between them.With a sudden movement, Nathan landed a very big slap acr
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Claire’s eyes widened in shock, shifting between Liam, Andrew, and Nathan. "Is this true?" she asked, her voice trembling as the effect of the drug slowly wore off.Nathan stepped forward, his expression a mix of anger and determination. "No, Claire. It's not true. This man found you unconscious and was trying to help. Liam is lying to cover up what he was about to do to you."Liam’s face contorted with anger. "He's lying! I saved you from this man," he insisted, pointing an accusatory finger at Andrew.Andrew, visibly shaken but determined, spoke up. "Ms. Claire, I promise you, Mr. Nathan is telling the truth." I found you unconscious, and this man here was about to..." Andrew said, pointing his finger at Liam, but Liam immediately cut him short."Claire, you know me better than that. I would never do anything to harm you," Liam said, faking innocence as he continued."I caught him in the act. Can't you see the red stain on his shirt?"Claire's gaze followed his gesture, landing
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Liam, seizing the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, turned to Claire. "You see, Claire? Nathan is trying to manipulate you.""He must have been so angry about the divorce that he wanted to get back at you by sending this man to take advantage of you.""Even after his cheating scandal, he still has the guts to walk around with his head held high."Confusion etched Nathan's face. "What are you talking about?"Claire’s eyes widened further in anger as Liam’s words sank in. "Nathan, we know all about your cheating scandal. "How could you do such a thing?"" Humiliating me and my family is not enough?"Nathan's heart sank, but he remained calm. "Claire, we were married for three good years. Is this how low you think of me?"Nathan could hear some comments coming from the crowd."What a shameless man.""Is this the best way he could think of to get revenge?""How could he stoop so low? "Their family was right for chasing him out of their house."Nathan ignored their comments
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As soon as Liam spoke, a loud thunderclap echoed through the room, signaling that the storm outside had intensified. Nathan's gaze intensified as the room fell silent, except for the roaring storm outside. Security officers exchanged uneasy glances.Claire, shaking with rage, moved towards Nathan. "Get out, now!"Before Nathan could respond, Mr. Clinton entered the room, having been summoned by the escalating commotion. "What’s going on here?" he asked as his eyes darted aroundA lady from the crowd spoke immediately. "Mr. Clinton, this man here was accused of trying to sexually assault this lady here, and this man..." She pointed to Nathan. "Paid him to do so. We were just about to throw both of them out of the hotel.""This man here?" Mr. Clinton said, gesturing to Liam, and they all nodded. "Do you have any idea who he is?" he asked and they all looked at each other, puzzled.Who could he be? "This man here is the owner of this very hotel you are all standing in."He bought i
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