All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
149 chapters
"You never cease to stop spilling nonsense, Nathan," Grandfather Wilson said."Tonight the Global Triad, which consists of the three most powerful presidents in the world, will be meeting with Lord Cloud in this very same hotel. They are going to deliberate and announce their first key partner in Prescott, and that is going to be us," Ivan said, gesturing to the Wilson family."Oh, the Global Triad is here?" Nathan decided to play along with them like he did not know, meanwhile, the entire hotel was shut down because of him."Yes, the entire Celestial Resort was put on lockdown because of this meeting, and it was due to Liam's influence that we were granted access as important guests to meet with Lord Cloud firsthand. With this opportunity, we will be able to gain the favor of Lord Cloud and reach the top faster than anyone has ever done."Nathan looked frustrated at the family's ignorance. "There's no need to keep telling me about the Global Triad. Of course, I know that they are he
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"I've told you times without numer that the gifts were from me but you did not believe me, but Liam never said a word and you believed it was from him" Nathan paused for a moment ad diverted his attention to Claire"I'm so disappointed in all of you especially Claire, you can't even distinguish between right and wrong"Ivan immediately interjected "Talking this lunatic is pointless, he must have been pretending to be unwell for the past year I order to gain our pity amd attention, and now he has stolen gifts worth million of naira from us, a pauper like him would never return the gifts, because he knows he would never see such money in his life, why then would he return it?"The family nodded in agreement to Ivan's words Claire couldn't believe that she had taken care of him for the past year not knowing he was just pretending, Victoria only wished she had gotten rid of him sooner. "How dare you think of keeping such viffts, do you know the consequences of doing so?" Victoria said a
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Ivan scoffed and said, "Nathan, I was quite certain you were merely bluffing when you claimed the Global Triad had invited you here. I had no idea you had made such elaborate preparations. I must admit, I'm not entirely surprised - your forged invitation does appear quite authentic. You've clearly put in a great deal of effort."Ivan paused, a confident smile spreading across his face. "However, as I'm sure you're aware, the Celestial Resort always provides security details to escort any special guests, and they are the ones tasked with verifying invitations. If your invitation were genuine, they would have been the ones to present it to you."Nathan remained silent, recognizing the validity of Ivan's statement.In truth, the Celestial Resort had indeed dispatched a team of highly trained security personnel to escort Nathan, but he had sent them away, believing they were unnecessary as his own security contingent would suffice.At that moment, the Chief of Security nodded in agreement
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"I have arrived at the hotel," Nathan stated."but I think there is a mix-up. The security chief seems to be harboring a certain prejudice against me." The security chief and the Wilson family looked at Nathan, laughing. This was obviously another one of Nathan's displays. He was pretending like he was talking to someone important. They were certainly not impressed. First, he produced a fake invitation claiming he was invited here by the Global Triad, who were extraordinarily powerful people, and now he was claiming to speak to someone of high importance. Nathan's stunts kept getting better and better.President Alexander's voice boomed with fury as he practically spat the words through the phone. "What?! How dare he have the audacity to do that?" The usually composed leader's demeanor had been shattered by the news relayed by Nathan.Nathan could practically feel the waves of anger radiating from the other end of the line. "Please, Lord Nathan, I need you to wait in the lobby," A
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Turning to his men, the security chief's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing to slits. "Take down this lunatic immediately," he barked, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Break his two legs if you have to, but I want him subdued and restrained. We've had enough of his ridiculous antics."The armed guards, their faces set in grim determination, moved in swiftly, surrounding Nathan with practiced precision. Their hands gripped their weapons tightly, ready to carry out the chief's orders with ruthless efficiency.Nathan's eyes widened momentarily, but he stood his ground, his expression defiant as he folded his hands at his back.Nathan looked around, studying his opponents. There were five men in total. One thing the Wilson family did not know about him was that, growing up, his father had made him train in various martial arts. His father was a strong believer in being strong in mind and spirit, so he had the best martial artists from all over the world train him. Nathan n
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The hotel owner, Mr. Vegas, glared angrily at the security chief, his brow furrowed in a severe expression. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded sternly, his voice laced with irritation as he barely contained his anger. The security chief winced visibly, immediately cowering under Mr. Vegas' withering gaze. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Vegas," he apologized profusely, bowing his head in a sign of submissiveness. "It's all my fault. I allowed this troublemaker to gain access to the hotel. Please, don't worry, sir. I will rectify this immediately. I will have him thrown out straight away." He thought that Mr. Vegas was angry that he had allowed Nathan to cause a scene. Before the security chief could finish his explanation, Mr. Vegas lashed out, his hand swinging with sudden, forceful motion. A resounding slap echoed through the lobby of the hotel as Mr. Vegas' palm landed harshly on the security chief's cheek, the impact stinging and leaving an imprint of Mr. Vegas' palm on
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The Wilson family, who were once confident and composed, now found themselves in the midst of a perplexing and unsettling turn of events. Grandfather Wilson tugged at his sleeve, his own eyes wide with disbelief. "That's.. President Alexander!" he whispered urgently, his voice laced with a hint of panic. "It's impossible; it can't be... What is he doing?"Claire's mind raced desperately, trying to make sense of the situation. Were they witnessing some kind of elaborate ruse or political theater? Or was there something far more sinister and profound unfolding before their eyes? The implications of President Alexander, a prominent figure in the government, kneeling before a man she wanted nothing to do with, sent a shiver down her spine.Nothing could have prepared the Wilson family for this bizarre and unfolding spectacle. They watched in stunned silence as the two powerful men, normally beacons of authority and command, now prostrated themselves before Nathan in a display of the
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"Someone come here immediately!" Mr. Vegas barked, his voice brimming with a sense of urgency. In an instant, the security personnel stationed throughout the grand lobby came rushing to his side, their expressions tense and alert, awaiting his orders.Grandfather Wilson, his weathered features etched with bewilderment, swept his gaze over the approaching men. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, his voice carrying a hint of defiance.Mr. Vegas, his posture exuding an air of unwavering authority, leveled a cold, calculating gaze upon the Wilson patriarch. "Escort these... insignificant people out of the Celestial Resort immediately," he commanded, his words laced with a barely concealed disdain.At his order, the security men began to close in on the Wilson family, their movements fluid and efficient, intent on carrying out the directive.But before they could lay a hand on the family, Ivan stepped forward, his expression a mix of alarm and resolve. "Wait!" he cried, rais
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Ivan's eyes narrowed, his jaw set in a firm line as he regarded the opulent surroundings of the Celestial Resort with a newfound disdain.With a subtle nod, Ivan turned to his family members, his voice laced with a quiet but unwavering resolve. "Let's get out of here," he said, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his family, each one reflecting a mix of anger, humiliation, and determination to not be manhandled by the Celestial Resort's security men."Such a foolish and arrogant man!!!" Mr. Vegas said as he watched the Wilsons disgracefully exit the hotel. They were so blinded by arrogance that they could not see the truth right in front of them.Meanwhile in the VIP room, one of the president's confidants who had been keeping a close eye on the VIP servants as they prepared the room for Nathan's coming, immediately called one of them who looked familiar."You there," the president said, his voice low and authoritative, "I recognize your face. Who are you?"The servant's Adam's ap
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As the grand white door swung open, the beautiful and luxurious VIP section of the Celestial Resort was slowly revealed. The room was a masterpiece of opulence and sophistication, designed to receive highly esteemed guests.The ceiling was high above and adorned with intricate paintings that depicted scenes from the history of the hotel. An enormous crystal chandelier hung from the center, its countless facets catching and refracting light into a dazzling display.The walls were lined with rich, dark wood paneling, each piece carefully carved with ornate designs. Between the panels were large, gold-framed mirrors and original artwork, creating a sense of elegance. Soft red velvet drapes framed the tall, arched windows, which offered a breathtaking view of the surrounding city and skyline.The floor was covered in a thick, luxurious rug, its intricate patterns and vibrant colors adding to the beauty of the room. In the center stood a long, mahogany banquet table, polished to a mirro
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