All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 chapters
Before James could respond, Nicholas erupted into a loud, mocking laugh. The sound of his laughter was harsh and cutting, echoing through the boutique. “Lord Cloud?!” Nicholas roared as he continued to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”Nathan’s face flushed with anger. “What’s so funny about my identity?""I am Lord Cloud, and I need the suit for tomorrow’s investment forum,” he said firmly, his voice unwavering despite the storm of laughter directed at him.Nicholas waved his hand dismissively, still chortling. “Oh, come now! You expect me to believe that?""The other day you were still at my other establishment pretending to be a child, and now you are claiming to be Lord Cloud.""How gullible do you think I am?""You are nothing but a pathetic fraud!""How dare you come here, thinking you can pull off a stunt and steal this suit from me?”Nathan’s jaw clenched. “I have offered to pay twice the price of the suit, and yet you accuse me of trying to steal it?""I’m here to buy th
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James’s anger burned like a furnace, and he could no longer contain his rage. As the two burly security guards moved menacingly toward Nathan, James’s muscles tensed. He stepped in front of Nathan, blocking the guards’ path with a determined glare.One of the guards, a towering figure with a scar running down his cheek, sneered at James. “Get out of the way, or you’ll regret it,” he growled, his voice like a deep rumble.James’s eyes blazed with fury. “If you dare let a finger on my master, you will never use those hands again,” James barked fearlessly, each word dripping with defiance.The second guard, slightly shorter but equally menacing, reached for James, his hand outstretched as if to shove him aside.In a flash, James’s fist shot out, landing a solid punch to the guard’s stomach. The guard staggered back, clutching his abdomen and gasping for breath.The first guard, momentarily taken aback by the swift attack, growled and lunged at James. .But James was quicker. He sidest
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Before Nicholas could finish, Mr. Alister raised his head slightly, his eyes meeting Nathan’s with a look of respect.“Nicholas,” he said firmly, “How could you say such a thing? Do you have any idea who you are talking to?""Nathan is not an ordinary man; you would be making a grave mistake by underestimating him.”Nicholas’s face contorted with frustration. “That is so absurd,” he spat. “Of course, he is not an ordinary man; he is below ordinary!""His mates are in the psychiatric ward.""Why would you bow to such a man?"Nathan cut him off with a cold, measured voice. “Enough, Nicholas!""We might be business partners, but I will not let you speak to Lord Cloud that way!""Why not?" Nicholas retorted."Just because he has managed to convince you that he is Lord Cloud doesn't mean I will believe him.""I'm not that foolish!""But you are foolish enough not to know that your business partner is telling the truth," Nathan interjected.“Your arrogance has blinded you to reality.”Nicho
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Bianca, sensing the urgency in Nathan's voice, immediately said, “Understood, Lord Cloud.""I’ll get right to it immediately.”Nathan hung up, his gaze returning to Nicholas, who was almost trembling. “You still have time to kneel at feet and beg for mercy till my personal assistant calls back.”Nicholas glared back, his anger mingled with fear. “Sparee the nonsense, Please!""So, you think you can intimidate me with your little display? It’s not going to work. I’ll never kneel before you!""Not in this life or the next!""I have already called the police, and so I will expose you for what you really are.”Nathan’s expression hardened. “Your arrogance is quite amusing, Nicholas.""I promise you that the same police you just called will drag you out of here shamelessly.”Mr. Alister, who had been watching the exchange with a mixture of pity and apprehension, stepped forward. “Nicholas, I beg you, you need to listen.""Kneel and apologize now, Lord Cloud might forgive you"Nicholas’s fa
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Nathan’s voice rang out even more as he continued to expose Nicholas. “Nicholas Greene, or should I say Sebastian Grey...""in addition to your criminal dealings, there are multiple reports of your violent outbursts and threats against those who are against you.”“You thought you could move here and start a new life like nothing happened, but your reputation precedes you, Nicholas.”“You pretend to be tough, but you are nothing but a criminal and a coward.”He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, as the room remained tense and silent.The crowd's murmurs grew louder as they expressed their shock.Their phones continued to capture every moment, and the social media buzz became a storm of outrage and condemnation.Nicholas was dumbfounded as he tried to mutter some words, but he could not say anything. He could not defend himself as Nathan uncovered all the truths about him, even information the police had been trying to get for years to incriminate him was in Nathan's palm
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The crowd, once filled with eager anticipation, now watched in a mix of pity and fascination. The media captured every moment, broadcasting Nicholas’s downfall to a global audience. The murmurs of disbelief and scandal swept through throughout the internet like a wave.Nathan looked down at Nicholas with his icy gaze. “You had your chances, Nicholas. "But you chose to live a life of arrogance and deceit.""Now you must face the consequences.”Nicholas’s eyes filled with tears as he continued to beg. “Nathan, please! I can make things right. I can fix this. Just give me one more chance. I-I’ll do whatever you want, I swear. You don’t have to do this!”His voice was a raw, desperate cry, but Nathan’s resolve was unwavering. The officers stood by, with their hardened expression as they were prepared to carry out their duty without hesitation.Mr. Alister only stood by and watched with a heavy heart. The echoes of Nicholas's cities were worse than Liam and Claire’s desperate pleas the
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Nathan’s face remained impassive as the journalists battered him with questions from all angles. “I have no comment on that at this time,” he finally said, his voice calm but carrying an air of authority. “I only came here to shop in the boutique like everyone else. I don't know what you are talking about.”Nathan debunked all their questions smartly with one answer. He was not going to reveal his identity like this; where a criminal was arrested, it had to be something grand. Besides, everyone would find out who he really was tomorrow, so what's the rush?The reporters seemed to be taken aback by his response. Nathan thought it was over, but the journalists were not done. Instead, they quickly changed the direction of their questions. “Can you at least provide a hint about your role in all of this? Why did you expose Nicholas? What’s your connection to him?”The scene outside the boutique grew even more chaotic as the journalists clamored for any information they could get. Na
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The officer shook his head apologetically. “I’m afraid not.""With the boutique being part of the investigation, we can’t allow any access to its contents.""It’s standard procedure to ensure that everything remains secure and inaccessible.”Nathan’s disappointment was palpable, but his determination was clear. “I appreciate your position, but this suit is crucial to me. Is there no way for me to get special permission?”The officer’s expression hardened slightly as he reiterated his position. “I’m afraid the rules are the rules. I understand your frustration, but we cannot make exceptions, especially not with the current circumstances.”Nathan sighed, realizing he might need to take a different approach. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. With a steady hand, he dialed a number, his expression a mixture of resolve and urgency. As the call connected, Nathan spoke directly and confidently.“Hello, Commissioner? This is Nathan. I need your assistance with something.”
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Daniels couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Nathan, who seemed completely at ease. The officer’s mind was filled with questions. Was this really the legendary Lord Cloud, whose identity had been a mystery all these years? But he kept his silence, focusing instead on fulfilling the Commissioner’s orders to the letter. When they reached the entrance of the boutique, Daniels paused, reaching for the key that would unlock the sealed door. His hands moved quickly as he unlocked the door, and with a respectful gesture, he stepped aside, holding the door open for Nathan. "Please, go ahead," Daniels said, his voice almost reverent. Nathan stepped into the boutique, his eyes sweeping over the neatly arranged displays, but he knew exactly what he was here for. He made his way to the back of the shop, where his luxurious suit awaited him. Nathan reached out and carefully lifted it from the rack, running his fingers over the fine fabric as he inspected it. A small sm
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“You’re asking me to risk my own reputation to save yours,” Nathan said, his voice low and steady. “Do you understand what you're asking?”Alister nodded frantically, his eyes wide. “Yes, yes, I understand. But I would never ask you to do this if it weren’t the truth. I’m not like Nicholas.""I’m not a criminal. I’m just a man who made a bad business decision, a man who got caught up in something far beyond his control. Please, have mercy on me, Lord Cloud.”Nathan was silent again as his gaze pierced Mr. Alister. He could see the truth in Alister’s.He was genuinely afraid, and he looked innocent. But there was more at stake here than just Alister’s fate.Nathan had to consider his own position to consider, his own power and influence to protect.“What makes you think I’d be willing to put my reputation on the line for you?” Nathan asked finally, his voice as sharp as a blade.Alister’s breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he couldn’t find the words to respond. Then, with
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