All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
150 chapters
As the guests filled the hall, the air was filled conversations and whispers about who Lord Cloud could be.How he had managed to keep his identity a secret for so long, and what the future might hold for the partners fortunate enough to be chosen by Lord Cloud.The press, stationed at the back of the hall and along the side aisles, were ready to broadcast the event live.The Wilson family was also seated in the Silver Section. Usually, in a gathering like this, they would be seated in the Gold Section, but since Nathan left their family and Victoria, Claire's mother, was arrested after Nathan accused her of trying to take over the family, they had been reduced to almost nothing.Their only hope now was becoming the primary partners of the Cloud Corporation. Thanks to Liam, they now had an opportunity to become the primary partners of Lord Cloud.Especially now that Liam and Claire are engaged, their family will certainly rise from the ashes.Liam casually walked into the hall, and
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Nathan placed the chair back as he faced the Wilson family closing in on him. The room was thick with tension, and the eyes of the esteemed guests were fixed on the unfolding scene.A slight smirk tugged at the corner of Nathan's lips, but he remained silent, allowing the Wilsons to draw nearer. They were visibly boiling with anger.“You heard me,” Liam hissed as he stood before Nathan, his fists clenched at his sides. “Leave this place at once before I drag you out.""You don’t belong here!”" Get out immediately!"Nathan’s gaze slowly swept over Liam, then to Ivan, and finally Claire, who stood a step behind the two men, her eyes wide with fury.He crossed his arms over his chest, his calm and bold demeanor only further infuriating them.“I don’t think I will,” Nathan replied smoothly.“I’m quite comfortable here, and as far as I can tell, I’ve been invited to this event just like everyone else.”“Invited?” Claire snapped, stepping forward. “You must be delusional, Nathan.""Why wou
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Nathan let the silence hang in the air for a moment longer, as he took in the shock on their faces. Then, with a smirk, he spoke. "Is this what you were looking for?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he waved the invitation card in front of their faces. "The invitation you were so sure I didn’t have?"Ivan’s voice was hoarse as he tried to regain his composure. "This… this has to be a forgery," he sputtered, though even he didn’t believe his own words. "There’s no way Lord Cloud would invite someone like you. It’s impossible!"Nathan chuckled, his laughter low and mocking. "Forged? Really, Ivan? Is that the best you can come up with?""I guess it’s easier for you to believe that than to accept the truth."Claire, her face pale with rage, tried to snatch the invitation out of Nathan’s hand, but he pulled it back just in time, tucking it safely into his pocket. "Not so fast, Claire," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "You do not deserve to touch this.""None of yo
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Vanessa's presence drew all the attention in the room to herself. Her aura commanded attention, and the Wilson family could do nothing but gape as she approached Nathan, her hand resting lightly on his arm.She wore an elegant, deep blue gown that looked very beautiful. Her eyes, however, were warm as they settled on Nathan.Nathan was also surprised when Vanessa called him her husband. She probably thought she was coming to Nathan's rescue, only Nathan did not need saving.Despite that, Nathan chose to go along with it."Did you hear me?" Vanessa repeated, her voice smooth and composed but laced with authority. "Nathan and I are getting married. "He's now part of the Royal Corporation, and he has every right to be here. In fact, I was the one who sent him the platinum invitation.""You are going to treat him with respect!"Everyone in the room knew that the Royal Corporation was now one of the leading businesses in Prescott, thanks to Nathan.If someone was part of the Royal Corpora
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Ivan continued, "You may have wormed your way into this event, but don’t think for a second that we’ll kneel at your feet.""We’re the Wilsons. We may have lost a lot these past few days, but we still have our pride and dignity.”Nathan remained calm, his gaze unwavering as he met Ivan’s glare. “Your pride and dignity?” he repeated, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. “One of your family members is rotting in prison, and you have lost almost everything, and you still dare to speak of pride and dignity?"Grandfather Wilson, his face twisted in anger, stepped forward, his voice a low growl. “Don't you dare insult us, Nathan!""We took you in, Nathan. We gave you a place in our family, and this is how you repay us?""By demanding we kneel before you?""You’ve truly lost your mind if you think we’ll ever stoop so low.”Nathan’s expression hardened, his patience wearing thin. “Look at the family I once helped to rise from ashes, a bunch of ungrateful people.""Very soon, your family will be le
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Vanessa’s expression hardened as she turned to face him. Her distaste for the man was evident in the way her lips pressed into a thin line.“Henry, you heard me right,” Vanessa said, her voice cold. “Nathan is my fiancé, and we will be getting married soon,” she repeated, so that Henry could hear loud and clear."Look at the person you want to marry, she is also involved with someone else," Claire added mockingly. "Well, what can I say, you two deserve each other after all."Henry’s lips curled into a sneer as he took a step closer to Vanessa, ignoring Nathan entirely. “Fiancé?” he scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. “You dare choose this thing over me? How could you stoop so low? We both know you’re just putting up this show, just trying to get out of our arrangement.""But newsflash, you can’t. Your father made sure of that when he signed the contract with my father. You’re mine, Vanessa, and no one especially not some nobody like Nathan is going to change that.”Vanessa’s ey
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Henry’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. “You should be. Our family is already making plans with Lord Cloud. In fact, we already have Liam, who works closely with him, and very soon we will rise to the top. And then, where will you be?""Beside this nobody, in the gutter where he belongs?”Before Vanessa could respond, Nathan stepped forward, his voice calm but carrying an unmistakable edge. “You’ve said enough, Henry."Vanessa doesn’t need your threats or your control. She’s stronger and bigger than you and your family combined. "And I can assure you, your family will never rise to the top because Lord Cloud would not want anything to do with your family."Henry’s eyes narrowed as he turned to face Nathan fully for the first time. “And who do you think you are to decide that? "Some powerful man in disguise?""You’re crossing a line, Nathan. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”Nathan’s gaze didn’t waver. “It does'nt matter, do you think you can always bully and intimidste peop
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The tension in the room thickened as the Wilson and Smith families continued to report Nathan to the Global Triad, but Nathan had an awkwardly calm expression.Henry was more than eager to paint Nathan as nothing more than a nuisance, so that they would deal with Nathan, and he could finally have Vanessa."Mr. Thorne, Presidents," Henry began again, his voice dripping with false humility, "this man, Nathan, has done nothing but cause problems.Not only did he claim to be Lord Cloud, but he’s using Vanessa for his own gain. A lowlife like him does not deserve to be at this event, he is an insult to you and to all of us!"Richard Smith, sensing an opportunity to drive the nail further into Nathan's coffin, chimed in. "Nathan has not only interfered with our family’s business but has also caused a rift between families!""When Lord Cloud arrives, he would not want someone like this to be in his presence.""Please Mr. Presidents let's throw him out now!"Claire, who had been seething with
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As the echo of Isabella Reynes' sharp command lingered in the room, silence fell once again.The air was heavy with tension from the ongoing drama. The once confident expressions on the faces of the Smith and Wilson families had vanished, replaced by fear and disbelief.Nathan, now revealed as Lord Cloud, stood in quiet composure, his presence commanding absolute respect.Alexander Thorne stepped forward, his eyes filled with a mixture of disdain and disappointment as he gazed upon the two families. "You fools," he said, his voice reverberating through the hall, "Do you realize the gravity of your offense? You dared to slander and humiliate the Almighty Lord Cloud?"President Rajesh added, his voice cold and unrelenting, "We will not tolerate disrespect toward Lord Cloud. Your ignorance will cost you your life!"Claire, trembling with regret, tried to speak, her voice weak and quivering. "We... we didn’t know. We thought—""Don't you dare speak!" Isabella Reynes cut her off again, thi
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The Wilson family, hearing Nathan's cold voice, immediately knelt down with the Smith family, disgracefully in front of Nathan and the whole world. With Grandfather Albert taking the lead, the rest of them followed, including Claire.They continued to cry out and beg, but seeing that Nathan was not budging, they intensified their begging by prostrating flat on the floor.As the Smith family and the Wilson family lay prostrate on the floor, their bodies trembling with fear, the weight of their despair pressed down on them, threatening to crush them.Each one of them, once so proud and confident, now groveled before Natha, before Lord Cloud.The veryman they had underestimated and betrayed.Ivan, who used to enjoy taunting Nathan, was the first to break the silence, his voice choked with desperation as he clasped his hands together, pressing his forehead to the ground."Lord Cloud, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking under the strain of his fear. "We were wrong. We were foolish. P
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