All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
150 chapters
The sound of Nathan's voice was so condemning, made the families tremble even more. They knew there was no escape from this. They had sealed their fates the moment they chose to cross Nathan. The once grand names of Wilson and Smith were now tarnished beyond repair, their legacies tainted by their own hands. Richard did not even know if his son survived the beating those hefty security men inflicted on him, whether his son was dead or alive. Even if he survived, he was dead to him! It was because of him his family was about to lose everything. No one as disgusting as he deserves to bear his family name! From now on, Liam had nothing to do with the Smith family. Nathan let out a slow breath, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at the quivering bodies before him. "It's too late to beg now; I warned you," he said, his voice carrying the weight of a thunderstorm. "Now you will all pay the price." Claire let out a strangled sob, her heart aching with regret. "Please, Lord
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"You chose this path, Claire," Nathan continued, his voice now a low, dangerous growl. "I could have revealed my identity to you a thousand times, and it wouldn't have made a difference.""You never would have believed me. You were so blinded by your greed, by your ambition to climb higher, that you couldn't see the truth right in front of you.""You chose to betray me, to side with a man who fed you nothing but lies, and now you’re paying the price for your own ignorance."Claire’s breath hitched in her throat, her anger now mingled with a creeping sense of guilt and despair. "But… but I loved you," she whispered, her voice breaking as if clinging to some last shred of hope.Nathan laughed, a bitter, mirthless sound that sent a chill down the spine of everyone present. "Loved me? Is that what you call love? You didn’t love me, Claire. You loved what you thought I could give you—status, power, influence. "You loved the idea of being married to a man who could elevate you, but when yo
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Nathan nodded slowly, satisfied with their submission. "Good," he said, his voice firm. "You have until the end of the day to complete the transfer.""If there is any delay, any hesitation, I will not hesitate to revoke my offer. Do I make myself clear?"Richard nodded frantically, his face a mask of desperation. "Yes, Lord Cloud. It will be done immediately. You have our word."The rest of the Smith family murmured their agreement, their fear palpable as they clung to the hope that they might walk out of this alive, even if it meant losing everything they had ever known.Vanessa stepped forward, her icy gaze sweeping over the Smiths as she took in their pitiful state.As the guards moved in to escort the Smith family out of the hall, Richard turned back to Nathan one last time, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. "Thank you, Lord Cloud," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "We will not forget this mercy."Nathan’s expression remained blank as he watched th
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Nathan settled into the back seat of his sleek, black car as he drove to the Cloud mansion. He had not been home for the past three years.The events of the day played over in his mind—the applause, the admiration—everything turned out as he had planned.It was no longer a secret that he was Lord Cloud, the most powerful man in Prescott, and he now had an alliance with Vanessa's Royal Corporation.The car glided smoothly through the city streets, the headlights cutting through the darkness. Nathan stared out the window, his thoughts distant when something suddenly caught his eye. A figure, faint and almost ghostly in the dim light, stood in the middle of the road ahead."Stop the car!" Nathan barked at the driver, and the driver reacted instantly, slamming on the brakes just as the car came to a halt a few feet from the figure. Nathan leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make out who it was.The figure was a woman, her clothes disheveled, her hair falling messily around
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The entire Smith family gathered in the Smiths' family mansion, their faces etched with a mixture of disbelief and sorrow.They had lost everything! Richard’s father, Mr. Smith, sat in his armchair, with a very sad yet angry look. His hands trembled slightly as he held a glass of whiskey, hoping to wash all the sorrows he felt away, but they were still right there, weighing him down. The rest of the family sat in the room, their expressions devoid of any hope, some were wailing, crying, as they thought of what to do next. where will they go from here? They would have to build their empire from scratch. it took years of hardwork and consistency to get to where the family is today, and now all their efforts has gone down the drain because of their son's stupidity. The world they had known was crumbling around them, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.They all despised Liam, he had lied, disgraced the family, and put them in this unfortunate situation.They were glad
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Ivan's eyes narrowed as he took in Liam, anger immediately beginning to course through his veins. He was the last person he wanted to see right now."You’ve got some balls showing up here, Liam," Ivan sneered, his voice cold and filled with rage"You!!!""You have the audacity to come here!""After everything you’ve done, you actually have the nerve to come here?"Liam’s heart sank further as he heard Iva's voice, but he tried to stand his ground, even though his legs felt like they could give out at any moment, especially what he had already been through in the hands of those brutal security men. If not that they had something urgent to attend to, they wouldn't have stopped beating him. "Ivan, please…"" I know I’ve made terrible mistakes. I know I’ve hurt your family, but I have nowhere else to go.""I’m begging you… please, just let me speak to Claire."Ivan’s eyes flashed with anger, and he took a step forward, towering over Liam. "Speak to Claire?""Are you out of your mind?""D
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Liam opened his mouth to respond, to say something, anything that might ease the pain in her voice, but no words came out of his mouth.He was speechless. His throat was dry, and his face was disfigured, but it was nothing compared to how messed up he felt inside.He had never seen Claire like this, in so much pain. So broken that the pain weighed down on her. "You promised me, Liam!" Claire continued, her voice rising as anger coursed through her voice."You promised me!!!" She cried her heart out as she shook Liam violently, her fingers digging into his chest as if she wanted to rip him apart. She wished she could."You promised to make our family better""You promised to make our family the new partners of Lord Cloud""And what did you do instead? You destroyed us! You destroyed everything we managed to build!""I should never have trusted you, I should have trusted Nathan"Tears began to well up in Claire’s eyes, and everyone could see that she was on the brink of breaking dow
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Nathan's car came to a stop in front of the entrance of the Cloud mansion. Finally, he was home.The driver got out of the car and hurried to the car door. He opened it with a respectful bow, and Nathan emerged from the car, his aura exuding nothing but power. He was a king returning to his own kingdom.James, the Cloud family's butler, was waiting at the top of the steps leading to the entrance."Welcome back, Lord Cloud," James said, his voice a smooth, practiced tone that gave away nothing of what he might be thinking.He bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. James was filled with happiness that his master had finally returned. There were few people in the world who knew Nathan well, and James was one of them.James’s mind went back to three years ago when Nathan left the Cloud mansion to get married into the Wilson family. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. He tried to discourage him from leaving, but Nathan refused, saying he loved Claire and that once he revealed hi
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Nathan’s eyes softened as he watched Vanessa accept the invitation with excitement.Vanessa carefully tucked the invitation back into into the envelope "Thank you so much for the invite, Nathan""Being by your side at an event like this… it's such an honor."Nathan reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "The honor is mine, Vanessa," he replied. "You've been more than just a partner in business.""Oh really?" Vanessa said, blushing at Nathan's words.But eventually, reality began to creep back in and Vanessa glanced at the clock on the wall. "I should probably head home," she said, a hint of reluctance in her voice. "I have a lot to prepare for the luncheon"Nathan’s grip on her hand tightened slightly as if he wasn’t quite ready to let her go. "I’ll have James arrange for a car to take you home."Vanessa shook her head gently. "Thank you, Nathan, you're so sweet""But that’s not necessary... My driver is here already. "Nathan nodded. "Alright, but promise me you'll let me know i
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Vanessa continued to desperately cry for help, but her voice was barely audible over the storm as she stood in the rain, drenched and shivering from the cold. Her eyes darted around, desperately searching for anyone who could assist her.Suddenly, she could smell fuel from the car despite the rain.Her eyes widened in terror as she saw flames start to form. The crash had caused a fuel leak, and the vehicle was very close to igniting.“No, no, no!” Vanessa gasped, scrambling back toward Mark. She tried to drag him further away from the wreckage, but her strength was fading, and he was too heavy for her alone. The flames were growing.Panic washed over her as she did not know what to do. Suddenly, a car skidded to a stop on the roadside, and two men rushed out, seeing a woman in distress.“Get away from the car!” one of them shouted, as they both immediately came down from the car to rescue her. One of them grabbed Vanessa by the arm, pulling her back as the other man lifted her driv
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