All Chapters of My unlimited lavishing system : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
Chapter 11
Sapphire's breast so huge that smith couldn't want to resist, meanwhile, sapphire was doing this because she just witnessed how smith was and she could use him to her advantage. {Say yes!} They System tingled. "Is that a mission", He mumbled. {no, but I am going to give you many rewards, including points champ!} sapphire moved closer to him, "I am sorry for my approach, but you can come to my house later in the day", she said and streched him a card. he reluctantly collected it!. she ran his hand on his chest, "I will be waiting for you call", she said before walking out of the company. smith stood there. He just missed a big enjoyment!. {Stop acting like an impotent} "stop ridiculing me, what is your purpose in me", smith wondered, asking the system. {to fullfil your wishes and stop you being a simp and slow}. Smith couldn't denied, when he was living with Jessica, they took him as an idiot and she deprived him from having sex with her so he was still a virgin an
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chapter 12
Smith entered the showroom and this was the first time. He never believe one Day, he would come to get a car for himself, life works in a wonderful way.he smiled, then one of the staff came forward to meet him."Hello sir… how can I…" The staff's voice faltered as she was shocked to see who was in front of her.Smith was very surprised to see her too. "Wow, Clara! This is where you are! Why did you run away?"Clara scoffed. "I'm sorry, I don't want to disturb you. My mom's hospital is closer to here so I am working here now. I don't want to disturb you."Smith was very happy, with smiles on his face, and maybe he was just thinking, Clara looked very beautiful! Perfect shape."Are you here to buy a car?" she asked."Yeah, and to buy you out of here too!" He said and Clara burst into laughter.Meanwhile, Jessica and Gideon were watching them. Jessica chuckled, "What's that lowlife doing with that beautiful lady?"Jessica couldn't even deny Clara was beautiful, and Gideon immediately lo
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Chapter 13
---The staff collected the card from Gideon and immediately swiped it to make the payment.The staff smiled at Jessica, "You have successfully bought your dream car!"Gideon mocked Smith, "You see, I knew you didn't have the means to pay. Do you even have all that money you're bidding with?"Jessica kissed him, "Wow, thank you, my baby! I can't believe you bought me that car. I'm going to get the receipt and show all my friends!""Sure, babe... So, you," he said, turning to Clara, "Leave this man already. You can see he's a liar too. Come to me, let me help you.""Babe, she's none of your business. Let her live her miserable life with him," Jessica said, pulling Gideon closer."I just want to help her! Babe, let's show him some mercy," Gideon stated.Smith ignored them and faced the staff, "Do you have any exclusive cars I can buy for $120 million?""Sure, we have a very exclusive one. There are only three of these sports cars in the country," the staff said."Okay, bring it," he sai
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Chapter 14
"Then Smith caught Clara's gaze lingering on him, her eyes tracing the contours of his face."Um, what happened?" he inquired."Why do you suddenly become so handsome? You look more charming, maybe it's the effects of your new car," she stated, and Smith chuckled. The system's charismatic skills were at work."I would like it if you became... a model. Like, women would be dying to see you!" she said.Smith chuckled nervously, feeling a bit disappointed; he was expecting something else from Clara to say.Then, it struck him that he didn't even know how to drive a car. He had never held a car steering wheel in his life; what he knew how to hold normally was a piece of rag to clean the floor.He stylishly excused himself and prompted the system."Show me the dashboard."{Dashboard}.Name: SmithAge: 23Strength: 30+Intelligence: 40+Agility: 55+Charisma: 42+Skills: Negotiating skills (25+), cooking skills (20+), omniscient skills (30+), fighting skills (75+)Points: 22Golden points:
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Chapter 15
"what!", he yelled. Clara couldn't hide her curiosity any longer , she frowned at him and demanded, "okay, I have to know what's going on!". smith chuckled, "Never mind!... nothing... I want to ask, is there a way to extract 20,000 People from poverty and make them rich". Clara couldn't help but scoff, "Actually, no!, like... are you Elon musk or bill gates, you can't do that". with the money with him, He is getting richer than Elon musk. he stated, "Let's say I am richer than him, is it possible?". "yeah, With a direct means, which would be creating something like a website, where people will leave there account and you will send them money", Clara said. smith nodded, "But how much do you think it's enough to remove someone from poverty". Clara made some thinking and said, "1 million dollars, let's say 2 million multiply by 20 thousand, that would give us...mmm... 40 billion!, that's huge, so you can't do that". {To make the mission possible!, Your dashboard has been updated w
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Chapter 16
Smith approached the receptionist, oblivious to what was going on between the two, and he completely ignored them. He told the receptionist he would like to lodge a room and was told the only two rooms that remain cost $500 thousand per night!Smith nodded casually. "I will take them both."Gideon's eyes widened in surprise, and his jaw dropped at the way Smith said it like it was nothing. And again, Gideon saw the sexy and beautiful Clara. He decided to show off again."I want to take a room also," he told the receptionist.Jessica smiled. "Yeah, that's my baby. I knew you would eventually get it. You have money and you are just teasing me! Thanks, babe."The receptionist glared at him and stated, "Unfortunately, there are no rooms left for you. The two have just been booked."Gideon growled at her. "What are you saying? We got here first. How could you say they are booked?""You didn't decide on it! You said you could take a room for $500 thousand dollars..." The receptionist simply
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Authors note
Hi there!! . Dear my support interactive readers, I'm delighted to see you're enjoying my story and eagerly unlocking its chapters!. wow, I'm surprised!, this is my first time publishing as an author. Your support means everything to me. As I continue this journey, I kindly request your assistance with reviews. I promise to release two chapters daily from now on. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping this narrative. Together, let's embark on this immersive journey and explore the unfolding tale. Thank you for being part of this adventure with me. it contains a lot of excitement and unexpected plot twist Warm regards. [Your author, slay writer!! ]
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chapter 17
As the receptionist returned with the first aid box, Smith's eyes locked onto it with a sense of determination. He opened the box, revealing its contents: bandages, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, and other basic medical supplies. With the skills he knew exactly what to do!. He poured out the content and asked the receptionist to help him carry her on the counter."Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Jessica asked, her voice laced with disdain. "You're not a doctor, and you're going to make things worse, are we just going to look at him and kill someone!"gideon whispered, "We should leave him, that way the incident wouldn't be on me anymore, let him do whatever he wants".True, was that some part of Jessica cared for smith and didn't want him to implicate himself.Smith ignored her, focusing on Clara's wound. He gently cleaned the area with antiseptic wipes, then applied a bandage to stem the bleeding. Next, he administered a painkiller to help Clara relax."you should stop now an
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Chapter 18
*Morning* Smith was surprised when he heard that Clara was in the Royal-K Hospital. It's actually Mr. Kelvin Hospital, named after Gideon's grandfather. Clara had registered there, the same hospital where her mother was receiving treatment. Smith entered the hospital to check on Clara. As he asked for her, he headed to where she was. Clara was already awake and smiled when she saw Smith. "How are you feeling?" he asked, sitting down beside her. Clara nodded and tried to get up. Smith helped her. "I'm okay... I heard you treated me. How?" "I treated you? That's right. You don't know how talented I am. I can cook, fight, fly, and I have medical skills too," he bragged. "Wow, so according to you, your body's system gives you all these skills?" "Sure," he said. Just then, the doctor entered and discharged her. As they were about to leave, Gideon and Jessica walked in. Smith did his best to ignore them. "Smith, I can't believe you're in this charity program at this hospital. I kn
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chapter 19
The system's gathered the S. group address for Smith, and he made his way there. ***** "No, we can't afford you again. You should step down for your brother. You keep causing trouble here and there! Your outburst at the hospital caused a scene. Do you know how many people left the hospital because of that?" The director of the board leaders of S. Group, Mr. Richard, slammed his hand on the table as he spat in anger. Sapphire exhaled in frustration. This company was given to her by her father, Mr. Steve, before he died. She was supposed to head everything. Now a man came and said he was also Mr. Steve's son, claiming some of the property which Sapphire refused to release. Now, the company has been struggling, and her husband was adding to the problem. The company has run out of funds. She had just managed to leverage the company by using the $50 million Smith had invested, but it seemed like someone was plotting against them. They were attacking him. Now, they have run out of fund
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