All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
161 chapters
Chapter 91
"Finally, it's over," Anna said when she got to where Ryan had asked to meet him."Is it?" Ryan glanced at her."Of course, we got what we wanted. And now, Edison is in prison."Ryan watched her carefully. "You? Is it the end for you?""What more could I possibly…" She started to say when she stopped, a hint of sadness flashed across her face as she remembered the death of her daughter."If I could remember, you said you won't stop until the real head of the Lt group dies."She blushed. "You still remember that?" Ryan nodded."Well… I guess it's enough for me. Good things have happened today and even the company is getting more famous than it was some minutes ago.""You're sure?"The smile on Anna's face faded away. She looked away from Ryan. "Mr Ryan, can we not talk about this?""The real head of the Lt group is not someone that
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Chapter 92
"What's wrong? Did that man say anything to you?" Ryan asked.She shook her head."Why are you crying?" He got no reply from her. Her sobs soon filled the car. Seeing that this won't help, Ryan parked their car. He studied her face, wondering if he should comfort her or allow her to go on crying."Anna?" He called some minutes later when she had still not stopped crying.She cleaned her face with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry," she muttered."Should I drive to the hospital?"She shook her head and cleaned another tear that had fallen on her face.Ryan watched her for some more seconds before he turned on the ignition. To his surprise, Anna placed a hand over his to stop him from driving."Please, can you drive me home?" Ryan was sure his lips had formed the question 'why' he just didn't say it aloud."I don't think I can go to
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Chapter 93
Ryan glanced at Anna when she called his name. "Do you…" that was the only part of the sentence he heard before the sound of the helicopter that had been in the distance flew past and overshadowed her voice. "What did you say?" He asked after the helicopter had left.Anna was more than grateful for the sound of the helicopter that had overshadowed her voice. Had she really hit on her boss? Things would have been super awkward between them at work if he had a girlfriend and now that she thought about it, a guy like Ryan would most likely have a fiancée. "I asked if you are happy that everything with the Lt group has ended."Ryan looked at her before smiling. "No one wants to live with the kind of situation that company put us in forever." She managed a smile, hoping her face wasn't that flushed from the sensation she felt from noticing that Ryan was really smiling and talking to her. Not as a boss
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Chapter 94
"And so?" Ryan asked."What?" Ryan leaned closer to her, his voice almost in a whisper. "Are you trying to tell me I'm the one who would have taken something from the safe?""Are you also trying to tell me someone from my family could have taken it? My brother?  One of my uncles? What are you getting at Ryan?" Ryan laughed. He filled a cup on the table and drank from it. Slowly, he set the cup down and looked at her. "Let this be the last time you call me for your family problems." He lowered his voice, "if you have any problem, sort it out with your family." Stephanie swallowed hard. It's become crystal clear that this is a wrong idea. If all evidence that she is running crazy hasn't been enough, then this is enough. Had she really come here with the hope of covering up for Ryan? Just to cover up for him —that is if he hands over the document— she might be taken off the post as the head of the f
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Chapter 95
The question amused Ryan and he couldn't help a chuckle. Is she really asking him that? All through the time they were together, she had never for once asked him that question."You must be bored," Ryan said."Why did you say that?" "Of all things to ask of, you're asking about my amnesia. So do you even remember that?" "Well…" for the rest of the ride, Stephanie felt awkward saying anything. She didn't remember having this feeling around Ryan when they were married. When the car pulled in front of Villa, Ryan got down and started walking inside. Stephanie noticed that he made no attempt to open the door for her. Clearly, he's no longer a man who performs courtesy like that.Ryan walked into the sitting room of the villa. The first thing he noticed was the plasma TV that has the faces of some of the Hill family members on it. It was obviously a general family meeting, those who were not in Atlanta
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Chapter 96
"Wow. So Ryan, with this innocent face of yours, you could steal and remain calm about it?" "I've always known the boy has something up hus sleeves.""I wish grandfather were still alive to see what his favourite orphan did."Having heard enough of it, Ryan stood up. "I've to go now.""I give you three days to bring back the document and money, if not you'd be sued to court," the oldest man said."Three days are too long, uncle, do you have any idea what damage he could do with those document in the space of two hours?" Ryan heard Alice sneer as he left."He'll be responsible for everything that happens," the oldest man replied.Ryan's eyes met with Stephanie and she seemed to give him a look that said, 'I warned you'. As Ryan walked back to his car, he realized how much negative energy those people had rubbed on him. For some moments, he wondered how he had managed to s
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Chapter 97
There she goes again. If he doesn't stop her on time, it would only be a matter of seconds before she starts blaming herself for the death of Anna's daughter. So much for having a kid sister. No matter how many years, they don't outgrow whining about everything."Don't forget the good part of it. The company has gotten a free advert."Brenda glanced at him and shook her head. "I can't believe that's what you are thinking about.""As the executive director, I've to think that much. I can't focus on just the bad part."Brenda laughed. "Dad called some hours ago. He sounded pleased about everything. You know, when I first told him about it—""You told him about the Lt Group?" Ryan glanced sharply at her."Of course. That was why he sent that lawyer. What's her name again…? Elizabeth?""Oh." He should have known he would call. It's his company. The company he cherish above his wife. Read more
Chapter 98
Ryan got inside the kitchen and looked at Brenda. "I was wondering if you were still here." "Um, yeah. Just cleaning up stuff that had been unwashed since I was hospitalized."Ryan walked closer to her and Brenda almost stepped back. Too much for having feelings for him when he doesn't even realize it."How is your arm, for real?" He asked, looking at the arm in cast."Well, it's nothing. I mean, it doesn't hurt anymore." She lifted it up for him to see even though the action intensified the pain in her arm. What she was just trying to avoid was any skin contact. That was really inadvisable when her heart was beating this fast."I will go grab my jacket," she said and left hastily.Ryan sighed in relief. Brenda was okay. If there had been anymore painful death, he would have offered it to Jed.At the restaurant, Ryan ordered food for himself and Ryan. After the waiter br
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Chapter 99
By the time Brenda could succeed in pulling Ryan away from Stewart, all of Stewart's face was bleeding. The only noticeable injury Ryan had was a slight cut on his neck and it was from a cut that hasn't healed properly from his encounter with Jed's men."Ryan!" Brenda scolded. Ryan looked at her and smiled briefly. He took a bottle of water on the table and opened it seal. He gulped down some water.Stewart fell on the floor. He couldn't believe he had lost it just because of Ryan. Every part of his body was on fire. What was he even thinking to have plunged at Ryan like that? He was yet to recover from how Ryan dealt with him at the water fountain last time.Stephanie ran her hand through her hair. This was the last thing she wanted at a time like this. Right now, the family was divided into two parties. A party thought she had helped Ryan in stealing the document and money and a party was for her. If she had known that Ryan
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Chapter 100
Ryan managed to drag Brenda fuming with rage inside the car. He closed the door and went to the other side."They will surely be sued for this," Brenda said. She took the phone from the console. Ryan grabbed the phone from her and tossed it in the back seat."What on earth are you doing, Ryan?" "This is a matter between me and—""I am not going to sit back and watch them humiliate you. Do they think you're still married to them?" Ryan groaned and started the car. The last thing he wanted now was for the Hill family to be sued to court because of him. Sometimes, Ryan couldn't help but imagine why the Hill grandfather had made him promise to protect the family business. If not for that damn promise, he would have folded his hands and watch those people go down."Brenda, listen to what I'm about to tell—""No. Don't tell me anything. You need to show those guys where they
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