All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
158 chapters
Chapter 31
Ryan couldn't stand the risk of anything happening to Piper. If he had been alone, he would have stopped to see what the owners of the cars wanted and know if they were those who abducted him but now wasn't the time to satisfy his curiosity."Sit tight," he told Piper. He suddenly moved the gear and sent the GMC down the road, past the three cars in front of him. At that moment, more black SUVs appeared. Ryan couldn't figure out where they had been hiding all the while. He continued driving at a high speed. He glanced at the side-view mirror and saw that two of the SUVs were very close behind. He stepped on the brake. The two SUVs sped past. He swerved in the opposite direction of where the two SUVs had driven.Beside him, Piper's knees were jerking nervously. She held onto the seat belt and continued murmuring cuss words."I am going to fucking kill them all. What the hell do they want?" Ryan gla
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Chapter 32
Piper pulled away from Ryan. She wished she wouldn't have to do that but it couldn't be helped. Somehow, in a way she couldn't explain, she felt damn secured. More than she had ever felt all her life even with the tight security in her apartment."I will go in now," she said.Ryan waved at her. "Take care of yourself."She smiled at him and went inside. She hadn't heard the fucking car engine's sound so she assumed Ryan was waiting for her to get inside before he leaves. She inputted the password of her apartment and opened the door. She peeped inside. It was fucking dark. Had she turned off the lights before leaving this morning? Fuck. She couldn't really remember if she always left the lights on or not. She stepped inside. She saw a movement or… did she imagine it? Her heart beating fast, she took another step inside. She was only a few meters to where the switch was when she heard a crashing sound.<
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Chapter 33
She dropped the blanket on the couch and sat beside him. "Brother Rye, there is nothing to be scared of. Personally, I can deal with any freaking person who comes near you and tries any shit." Ryan couldn't help laughing. Just look who's talking after being scared of staying in her apartment by herself."Just trust me, okay? We are going to use one of the bloody cars in the garage so that no one will recognize us. I can make you safe, brother Rye. Just trust me."Ryan sighed. Once her mind was made up, he knew there was no way to convince her otherwise. He stood up despite his tired self and went to the garage with her. He  walked over to a white Toyota Camry."We are not fucking driving that, brother Rye," Piper said."What again?" "Let's go with the fucking Ferrari over there. The blue one.""Seriously…""Please," she said. "No one would fucking recognize us if we go i
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Chapter 34
Quickly, Stephanie tore her gaze from Ryan. She grabbed her cup from the table and down the wine. It did nothing to help the anger coursing through her. Seriously? Ryan came here with another woman? First it was Brenda, now it's another girl?Across her, Anderson maintained his stare on Ryan. He smiled at Ryan.Ryan didn't return Anderson's smile. He looked away from both Stephanie and Anderson, taking a last note on Anderson's face. The smile was just a facade. The dark look Ryan caught in Anderson's eyes was enough to convince Ryan that Stephanie's angry face was much better than Anderson's smile.After they had been served and had eaten for a while, Piper cleared her throat. Ryan poured her some water but she didn't drink it, instead, she leaned toward him."Brother Rye…" her voice was in a whisper."Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was not in a whisper like hers."Shhh…" she plac
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Chapter 35
Ryan laughed. "Mr Carson, your father, and I are friends. You know what it would feel like if we date?" Piper shook her head. Somewhere deep in her heart was a familiar feeling. One she had grown used to wherever she had anything to do with guys. Hurt."It would feel like incest," Ryan said. "And it would be awkward."Piper burst out laughing, and Ryan joined her."You know, I was just fooling around. Do you think I can date you?" Ryan smiled too. "I knew you were joking."Piper tried to smile. She tried not to let the fucking tears forming in her eyes to fall. She blinked repeatedly and picked at her food. "I am off to the restroom. I'll be back," she heard Ryan say. She nodded. She couldn't look at him.Some hours ago when Ryan had hugged her after the incident with the tailers, she had felt Ryan was the guy for her. She had thought she had finally met someone she wou
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Chapter 36
"You are the worst liar I have ever met," Stephanie said.Ryan snapped out of his fantasy. He loved a different Stephanie. The Stephanie he loved back then is gone. This Stephanie standing in front of him is the one who moaned another man's name while they were… damn it. A frown caressed his face as he remembered that night."What does it matter to you who I date? Do you think we are still married?" Ryan asked.Stephanie laughed. She staggered. Ryan thought she was going to fall but she maintained her balance after some moment."You… have I ever told you?" She laughed. "You're cute when you're angry." She staggered again."Don't threaten me with divorce. You…" she laughed again. "You can't divorce me. You love me. Like… love me so much."Ryan shook his head. Just how much did she drink to get this drunk? She is very good at handling alcohol. "Ryan… you… we can't be divorced. Huh?" She
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Chapter 37
Brenda came in after the door had been opened. She looked at Ryan. Stephanie was leaning on him, her head on his shoulder. She bit back the disappointment nagging her. When she had gotten Ryan's call, the last thing she had expected he would talk about was Stephanie. After everything Stephanie has done to him, she found it hard to believe Ryan would still want to have anything to do with her. "What happened?" She asked, taking her eyes off Stephanie's back. "I think she is drugged." Brenda wanted to ask Ryan what his business was with Stephanie. For all she cared, Stephanie might as well go to hell! But she didn't say all that, she fixed her eyes on Ryan instead. She came here because of him, not her. "For how long have you been here, waiting?" She asked, looking around the little restroom. She ignored whatever it was at the back of her mind wondering what might have happened between Ryan and Stephanie while they stayed here. "Not long. You came right on time." Ryan sta
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Chapter 38
Had Piper left without waiting for him? He went back outside and dialed Piper's number. She didn't answer the call.He tried calling her repeatedly but it was still the same. She wasn't answering the call.Why would she have gone instead of waiting for him? Not knowing what to do, he tried calling her number again, this time, it was switched off.He frowned. Switched off? Is she upset or something?With a frustrated hiss, he started toward the road to find a cab. That temper of Piper can be really annoying. What was so difficult for her to wait until he was back? After the hectic day he had, he couldn't believe he had to deal with Piper's attitude being like this. While he searched for a cab, he glanced at the parking lot. The exact place he had parked the Ferrari. Was it possible that Piper had left on her own? He frowned, thinking about the possibility of Piper leaving on her own.
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Chapter 39
She swallowed hard. What the fuck was happening? "What's the fuck is happening?" She snapped."Shh. Don't raise your voice," Anderson whispered. For a man in his position to look that scared, Piper's heart beat faster against her ribs."We've been kidnapped," he whispered again.Piper wasn't ready to believe that but looking at how rough and dirty his white suit had become, she couldn't help but… believe a bit of what he was saying."You've been unconscious for a long time," Anderson added."How long?""I'm not sure. I'm relieved that you are awake," Anderson said.Piper looked around the room again. There was no door at the entrance of the room. Shs glanced at Anderson. He seemed to have followed her eyes and knew what she was thinking of."I already checked. There is a door in the other room.""Have any of the bastards who brought us here com
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Chapter 40
At that moment, she remembered the incident of the SUVs that had been on their tail. Ryan had been so calm about everything as if he expected it. She felt like a fool for having believed Ryan was a calm guy. A good man. A great big brother. A part of her still felt there might be a misunderstanding somewhere and that Anderson might not know the Ryan she was talking about. "Anderson, are you fucking sure of all these?" Piper found herself asking, even though it sounded stupid to her ears."Actually, I don't have any intention of convincing you about anything. I just… I felt I should let you know about your boyfriend." Piper glanced at Anderson, she wanted to tell him off to hell for telling her all that stuff about Ryan but she bit back all the cuss in her throat when she saw the hurt in his face."I'm fucking sorry. I didn't mean that."Anderson turned his back to her. For a moment, no one said an
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