All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
158 chapters
Chapter 21
Stephanie swallowed hard at Ryan's words. No one stopped him and Brenda as they left the suddenly quiet place."I need to check the CCTV," Stephanie said when she was able to get her tongue back, which seemed to have been tied by Ryan's accusation. What does he even know that makes him so bold as to accuse her of cheating on him?Stewart jumped up from where he had been sitting. "Is this… necessary?" He asked his sister."Yes." Stephanie turned to the people gathered around her. "Who is in charge of the surveillance camera?"A chubby man came forward. He bowed slightly before leading Stephanie and the curious people who would do anything to know how the case would end.Stewart tried not to show his nervousness as he went with them. The CCTV system wouldn't have recorded audio, would it? If it only recorded the visuals, there would have been footage of Ryan hitting him. Since he had not been able to
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Chapter 22
Stephanie took off her heel shoes and threw her bag on the bed. She dialed the number of one of her subordinates. She sat on the bed and drank from a bottle of water while she waited for the call to connect."Hello, ma'am.""Who is he?" She asked."We couldn't find anything about him.""What?" Stephanie stood up from the bed.After watching the footage from the party and seeing  how much Ryan had sprayed on her brother, she had been curious to know who he really is. He had not even come back to pack the money. Just how much does he have to have wasted a million dollars? She had ordered her subordinates, The elite hackers who had helped hack into very secured systems before, to get information about Ryan."Apart from what you already know; he is from the orphanage and he saved your Patriarch, there is nothing about him that we could get," the man at the other end said."Alright," she sai
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Chapter 23
The gate guard couldn't believe the guy dressed in navy blue suit was laughing. Does he seem like a joke to the man? Of all time, this isn't the time a random person should come here and cause a scene. The new boss would be here any moment from now. "Actually —" Ryan started to say but the gate guard interrupted him."Didn't you hear what I said? I said you should go." Each passing second was making the gate guard more furious. Inside the compound were the rest of the workers lined up, ready to give the new boss a very remarkable welcome. Would this man, this serious man, be the one to ruin all the plans everyone has made?"I am—"The gate guard stamped his foot on the ground. "Have you not been listening to me?" He snapped. "We. All of us…" the gate guard pointed toward the gate. "All the workers in this company are inside there, lined up, waiting for our new boss. This isn't the time for you to be here. Do you get it?" He snapped the last part of the sentence.Ryan smiled. "I am th
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Chapter 24
"Let him be, after all, he was doing his job," Ryan said.The gate guard raised his head to look at Ryan. Was the executive director really letting him go freely? He couldn't believe it!"His only problem is that he treats people based on how they are dressed. I hope he already learnt a lesson from this," Ryan said."I promise, Sir, I won't ever look down on anyone. I will respect everyone I see, Sir," the gate guard said.Brenda was quite surprised by Ryan's decision to forgive the gate guard that easily. This side of him must be what the Hill family were used to, that was probably why they treated him the way they did. She was quite worried that the workers here might take advantage of his kind heartedness and look down on him thinking they would get away with it. Planning to call his attention to it later on, she pushed the thought behind her mind."I look forward to having a great time working with all of you,
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Chapter 25
Ryan shocked Brice more with his reply. "What if they knew? Everyone starts from somewhere."Brice scoffed. "What?" Definitely, Ryan has too much confidence for someone who doesn't have any experience in this job."What exactly are you getting at, Mr Ryan?"Ryan shrugged. "I am just trying to tell you that you don't have to be worried about the fact that I am not used to this. I can learn anything." Brice stopped pacing around. He had tried to think of anything that the board of members might have seen in Ryan to have made him the executive director, but so far, he had not been able to figure out any reason why someone like him would be placed in a position like this."Mr Ryan, what exactly were you expecting when you came here? Did you by any chance think that you were coming here to laze around?" "I—"Brice raised his hand to stop Ryan. "I am not done, Mr Ryan. This is the only way
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Chapter 26
Brice stormed inside. He hit his fist on Ryan's table."There is a commotion in the waiting room. I can't believe you are still here," Brice said angrily."Commotion?" Ryan frowned."Are you going to continue sitting there, Mr Ryan? I said there is commotion. Don't you understand what that means too?" Ryan stood up. "What exactly is happening?" His voice was calm, a contrast to Brice's shout."Someone is throwing a fit in the waiting room and is disrupting the company's business."Ryan started at the door only for Brice to stay in front of him. "You know, Mr Ryan, this isn't a good omen.""What?" "It's your first day here and commotion is happening. Even when you came, the gate guard couldn't recognize you as someone who can be the new executive director and I got to know you don't have any experience in this work," Brice said."About the gat
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Chapter 27
Ryan knew what Brice was trying to get at. The bad omen that he had spoken about earlier. But Ryan ignored him. He wondered why anyone would choose to cause a commotion here of all places.Deep down, Brice knew this was his chance. It couldn't be a coincidence that on Ryan's first day here a commotion is happening and Brenda isn't here to sort things out. It was clearly the universe working with him to see that he gets his rightful position that had been given to this inexperienced man. "Shit! Will you just shut up?" Ryan heard a female shout just as they got down from the staircase. As they got nearer, Ryan heard something crashing. Somehow, it reminded him of Stephanie. It seemed like a long time ago since the incident leading to their divorce happened but it had only been two days.People had gathered around, some of them were taking video of what was happening. A man was sweating furiously, he had a frustrated look on his
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Chapter 28
Every noise in the place stopped as eyes turned to look at Ryan who had held Piper's hand. Slowly, Piper turned to see who had held her hand. A frown creased her brow when she saw Ryan. When she turned to look at him, Ryan recognised her at once. Her nose was still the way it was back then. He held back a smile at the thought. Her British accent was now very strong. "Apologize to the janitor," Ryan said calmly. Piper scoffed. "Apologize? Who the hell are you?" "Won't you apologize to him?" Ryan asked. "I have no fucking business apologizing to anyone. Who the hell are you to tell me to apologize anyway?" Her eyes darted up and down Ryan's body, fury in them. Quickly Brice came forward. "Miss Piper, I am sorry you didn't know him." He gave her a rueful smile. "Meet Mr Ryan, the new executive director of our company." "Oh. So you are the executive director of this damn company?" She asked, anger still evident on her face. "Will you now apologize to him?" Ryan asked.
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Chapter 29
"Don't tell me you ditched martial arts," Ryan said.Piper stopped screaming. She looked at Ryan very well. She realized that his face looked damn familiar. His voice sounded familiar too. Where had she seen him…? "Brother Rye!" She shouted. The pain in her eyes vanished and it became replaced with excitement. Ryan let go of her hand and immediately, she rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly."I can't believe I fucking ran into you after all these years," she said after pulling away from him. "Wow. Your martial skills are fucking impressive," she added. She touched her arm that had hurt badly when Ryan held her but as soon as he released her, the pain vanished. Not even a single mark was on her arm."You gotta teach me that skill, brother Rye," Piper said.A phone fell from the hand of one of the people who had become an instant photographer and was covering the scene. No one und
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Chapter 30
Ryan looked at her. Their eyes met. She sighed and looked away."You know how fucked up my life is, right?""I don't. I mean, it isn't fucked-up unless you think it is.""I keep getting dumped by the guys I fall in love with. Most of them are just twats who lie to me and… you know that shit. They always find out that I am Mr Carson's daughter before I tell them and maybe that is why they always fake their fucking feelings for me to get some money." "You should take a break from dating. It doesn't seem like it is working for you." Piper sighed. "I thought about that too but…" she sighed again. "You think it will fucking work?"Ryan nodded. "Try it."They spoke later into the evening. Ryan didn't know how much time had passed until his phone beeped and he had to check it. It was a message from Brenda asking him if he had gone home. He quickly replied to her that he was st
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