All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
158 chapters
Chapter 11
She hissed, rolled her eyes on Ryan before she looked back at the laptop to continue watching the movie she had been secretly watching. If not for the movie, she would sleep throughout all the time of her shift since nothing happens here except watching very rich people come in and go out."Call the general manager directly and —"The receptionist hit her fist on her desk, interrupting Ryan."Do you have any difficulty in locating the door leading outside?" She asked. Irritation evident on her round face.Ryan frowned. He looked her straight in the eye, waiting for her to do what he asked.When she saw how determined the man dressed in Walmart clothes was, the receptionist picked the phone. She couldn't wait to see him thrown out by the security men. After all these days, maybe she could watch a live drama in the company. She rolled her eyes on the man in disdain again and snorted. He has a real gut. Does he think he is special or something coming here without an appointment?"Ma'am.
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Chapter 12
"I only want to be the executive director." He noticed her frown, so he added, "you are handling things pretty well. I don't want to intervene.""Alright." She stared at him as he looked at the paintings on the wall. He looked more handsome."I still can't believe you didn't call me…""I said I am sorry, Brenda!" She is such a nag. "If you really are, come with me to a party this evening. And…" She added before Ryan could say anything. "I will get you some new clothes."Ryan chuckled and continued looking at the paintings.Later that evening, Ryan, dressed in the expensive black suit that Brenda had bought for him, drove them to the venue of the party.As he drove, Brenda noted that he looked even more handsome in the suit. "You've been in Atlanta all these while?" She asked."Yeah.""Dated anyone?" Ryan chuckled. "Married and divorced." As he drove, Ryan filled her in on his marriage to Stephanie, leaving out the details of how he was brought into the Hill family. For now, only hi
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Chapter 13
Stephanie pushed Anderson away from her and dashed across to where Ryan and Brenda were. They were on the last step of the staircase that led to the hall and had stopped to look at her."Have you been cheating on me all this while?" She shouted at Ryan. Her face, a mask of anger. She looked at Brenda through the corner of her eyes."What?" Ryan frowned, completely surprised with her accusation."If you haven't been cheating on me, there is no way you have gotten involved with her all of a sudden." She looked from Ryan to Brenda. "She is a famous and capable managing director in the city." Ryan wanted to ask her why she would think of something like that but he didn't. There was no use of wasting his energy on an argument with her."Your slanderous words would be taken to court, Miss Stephanie," Brenda said. She shot Stephanie a cold stare. Does she think she can say whatever she wants to Ryan and get away with it? Not anymore. Stephanie had done enough to Ryan and now that she found
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Chapter 14
"Apologize for what you just said to Brenda right now," Ryan said in a no nonsense tone.Anderson scoffed. "Never. I only exposed what was going on between you and her. Why should I apologize for that?" If Ryan thinks he can make him do what he wants just because he is holding him slightly by the collar, Ryan should stop fooling… Anderson suppressed a groan as Ryan's grip on his collar tightened."Do all you can. I will never apologize," Anderson said. Although he wished Ryan would release the grip on his collar, he didn't make it obvious in his voice.Ryan lifted him higher. Anderson's feet were no longer touching the ground. A sense of fear overcame him. It slowly turned to one of oppression. One that he had never felt before. He had never thought Ryan had this much power. And somewhere at the back of his mind, Anderson realized that Ryan was no longer the househusband he used to know."I am sorry!" He tried not to yelp out the words."Say it well," Ryan said."I am sorry, Brenda. I
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Chapter 15
Brenda glanced at Ryan, seeing it as an avenue to have a dance with him. She had not known how to approach him before but Stewart seemed to have provided her with a good opportunity.She glanced back at Stewart. "I only accept one person's invitation."Stewart grinned at her. "Which will be mine?"Brenda turned to Ryan. "Will you dance with me, Ryan?" Ryan smiled at her and nodded. Stewart's mouth hung open as he watched Brenda and Ryan walk to the dance floor. Did Brenda just turn down his invitation because of that poor man?He glanced at his hand and realized that he was still extending it like he did when he had invited Brenda to dance with him. He scoffed, Straightened up and grabbed a cup of drink from one of the waiters walking around. He down the content while staring at Brenda and Ryan on the dance floor.People stared at Ryan and Brenda on the dance floor as they danced. The appearance of the two looked very great as it blended with the lively atmosphere of the party. Rya
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Chapter 16
Ryan glanced at Brenda and smiled at her. "I will be back," He said.He asked one of the waiters around and he directed him to where the garden was.In the garden, Ryan saw Stewart. His hands were thrust in his pocket.When Ryan got nearer, Stewart took out one of his hands from his pocket, bringing out a bank card. He stretched it to Ryan."There is 300, 000 dollars on this card. Take it and leave the city," Stewart said.Ryan looked at Stewart before looking at the card. He laughed bitterly. He cannot even buy a new pair of shoes with 300, 000 dollars and Stewart is telling him to leave the city with it. Does Stewart think the fact that he appears poor means he cannot reason like the rest of human beings?Stewart smiled proudly when he heard the laughter from Ryan. Right now, he was sure Ryan's mind would be in catastrophe as he thought of what he would buy with all that much money. He would probably think he would become the first rich man in Atlanta with the money in the card."Yo
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Chapter 17
Ryan leaned on the pole behind him and concentrated on his smoking while he waited for a reply to the message he sent. Stewart glanced at the expressionless face of Ryan. Ryan had not made any attempt to collect the card from him. Does he have to think for such a long period? Even if he has to, he should collect the card from him and go elsewhere to do the rest of his thinking. "Take the card fast before I change my mind," Stewart said, starting to get impatient. Still, he got no reaction from Ryan. Just as Ryan let out the light from the cigarette and tossed it away, one of the bodyguards who had come with the butler earlier today appeared. He was carrying a black box. Before Stewart could say anything, he saw the box flying toward him. His face suddenly stung, and then the entire box of cash hit his head and floated down from above, covering the ground. Green banknot
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Chapter 18
Stewart didn't need anyone to tell him that he had reached a dead end. Just when he thought Ryan's grip could go no further, it tightened. He couldn't accept defeat. No. Not yet. For God's sake, he is Stewart Hill. He is the guy who can drive any girl crazy with just his smile. So, how can he accept defeat from this poor man?"Fuck, Ryan, you are crazy. I mean…" he paused to catch his breath. "You are mentally ill. Your misery has gotten to your shitty head!" He shouted. He hoped his scream would get someone's attention."Someone help!" He shouted hysterically. "Somebody help me from this madman!" His legs kicked and flailed, but Ryan's grip didn't loosen. "Let me go… you fucking son of a bitch!" He shouted."If my sister wasn't a fucking whore, she wouldn't have met someone like you!" He said in a calmer tone. "She fucking slept around!" "The fact that she is your sister doesn't give you the righ
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Chapter 19
"Ryan!" Someone shouted. Her voice echoed across the garden.Ryan released his grip on Stewart's neck and turned to see Stephanie. She looked confused as she tried to make sense of what was happening. There were banknotes scattered on the floor and Stewart, now that Ryan had now let go of his neck, was soaked. His hair wet and his face full of shock. He sat on the floor, coughing incessantly.Many people who had been attracted by the intensity of Stephanie's scream had gathered around. "What on earth is happening?" She gave Ryan a look. It was filled with so much anger."Will you open your mouth and tell me what is going on?" She shouted.Ryan did answer her. It didn't look like he had anything to explain to her with the way he put his hands in his pockets.Stephanie crouched down to her brother's level. She lifted his head so that he could look at her. His suit was a mess and his tie
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Chapter 20
Ryan frowned. "What are you doing?" "You beat someone up and you want to leave?" A man asked. There was a frown on his face."Not just anyone, but one of the Hill family." Another person added.Brenda had checked the time on her phone again. It had been more than half an hour since Ryan had left. Sensing that one of the Hill family members might be trying to get on his nerves again, she had gotten up and headed for the garden, the direction she had seen some people rushing towards.She was surprised by the number of people there. Just like her beauty had attracted attention when she entered the hall, people directed their attention at her as she pulled through the crowd. She saw Ryan surrounded by some angry looking people. Beside him was Stephanie who was looking no less angry than the others. Stewart was on the ground.Brenda stifled a grin as she imagined what Ryan might have
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