All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
203 chapters
Chapter 121:
"Pick up the phone immediately!"Max Xanderson immediately roared, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and authority.Never had he been this angry before, his eyebrows furrowed in vexation as he stared at Doctor Walton who was now screeching backwards and crawling on his stomach away from Max Xanderson."You bully, you aren't that tough!""I will never call Lord Leonard and tell him anything!"Doctor Walton's voice was laced with a mixture of pride and stubbornness."You started this war and you will end it with your own blood!""You hear me, Max!""You will pay dearly for beating me up, you and your entire lineage will be obliterated for your actions!""I will personally supervise the burial of yourself and your entire family!"Doctor Walton continued cursing and ranting as he rolled on the floor, his arm bone fractured and shifted in the opposite direction.Picking up the crowbar, Doctor Walton immediately rushed in to deliver a deadly one to Max Xanderson but he was swift and d
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Chapter 122:
"I’ll break every bone in your body, one by one.""I’ll make you beg for the end, and when you do, I’ll make sure you regret every second you spent defying me."Max Xanderson's voice was now laced with a mixture of authority and anger, he clenched his fist in vexation.Doctor Walton smiled even in the face of death."Max...when will you understand that, I don't fear you more than I fear the dark Lord himself?!""Lord Leonard will definitely have my head if I call him just because of nobody like yourself!""Max..."Doctor Walton's voice was cut off immediately as the door of the ward was heaved open immediately by some soldiers dressed like Navy Seal agents.Out of the dark, Billy Mason walked in, their family's influence was strong enough for them to hire and build their own private army.Walking over to Max Xanderson, he immediately removed his dark shades and bowed before Max Xanderson."General Cobra Claw, I heard that your wife was admitted to the hospital and I decided to come se
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Chapter 123:
Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and authority as he stared intently into the fear-filled of Doctor Walton.Doctor Walton swallowed hard, the weight of his situation finally sinking in."I'm so sorry Max, I as you instructed!""I didn't know you were the dreaded General Cobra Claw!""Please don't kill me and my family!""I have heard and seen how you treat your foes, please don't kill me!""Please, I will do as you command, please don't kill me!""Please…General Cobra Claw…please…have mercy!"Doctor Walton's voice was now the opposite of what it used to be before, his voice was now laced with a mixture of humility and respect.He had underestimated Max Xanderson, and misjudged the level of ruthlessness hidden behind those cold, calculating eyes.He was totally shocked to his bone marrow immediately he had seen Billy Mason.For the first time, true fear crept into Doctor Walton’s mind, the realization that he had pushed too far, taunting him slo
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Chapter 124:
Max Xanderson paced around the already packed body bag and immediately attached a tiny spy camera on top of the bag.He stared once again at the heads of Doctor Walton and Nurse Vivian and immediately zipped the bag."Jack Oniels, I want you to deliver this bag as a message to Lord Leonard's family as a clear warning and a show of force!""This will definitely teach themselves and whoever is willing enough to play the role of the allies a wet big lesson!""I have made my stand and I will continue to protect my wife, Melissa Stevens and my little daughter Chloe Maxwell from any harm at all costs!" Max Xanderson’s voice was cold and laced with determination as he handed the bag to Jack Oniels, who took the bag unflinchingly.The spy camera was placed by Max Xanderson so that Jack Oniels would be all to get some visuals and audio once the bag was inside the Leonard's family villa.It was a well-thought-out and planned military movement by General Cobra Claw and Jack Oniels.Jack Oniels,
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Chapter 125:
The call didn't pull through, probably service issues or something.Max Xanderson immediately stared at the phone and stood up and walked towards the window.Staring at the phone, his thoughts raced vehemently. 'Why is Betty calling and why did she suddenly hang up immediately?'Max Xanderson's face and laced with a mixture of curiosity and determination as he stared askance into the phone.Just as he tried to dial Betty Jordan's number, the phone rang out immediately and it was Betty Jordan again."Hello…Betty what's going on?!""Why are you calling me at this time and why did you hang up the first time you called?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and authority as he immediately expected an answer from Betty Jordan.The situation was intense and palpable as Betty Jordan immediately began, her voice was a bit quaky as she spoke."General…we have a little bit of a situation back at the factory!" Betty Jordan's voice was laced with a mixture of remorse
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Chapter 126:
Max Xanderson's mind was clear, his course of action set. He turned back to Melissa Stevens, still lying unconscious in her hospital bed. Gently, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face."I’m going to finish this, Melissa," Max Xanderson whispered. "And when it’s over, you’ll wake up to a world where no one will ever dare to hurt our family again."Max Xanderson's voice was a bit above whispers and laced with a mixture of reassurance and hope.With one last look at his wife, Max Xanderson turned and left the room, his steps heavy with determination and purpose.As he walked through the hospital corridors, his thoughts were already on finding Luthor and Tommy.Luthor’s betrayal had opened the floodgates, and now there was no turning back. Max Xanderson had already decided he would see this through to the end, no matter the cost.The streets of Oakville were quiet as he stepped outside, the night air cool against his skin. Stepping in the military-grade van outside the hospi
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Chapter 127:
Max Xanderson immediately crouched down in front of her, his voice low and dangerous. "You’ve been through a lot tonight. But I need you to understand something.""This doesn’t end until I get what I want and until you all pay dearly for what you all did to Melissa Stevens, my dear wife!""Luthor betrayed me when he helped your accomplice, Tommy, get away and they’ll suffer for it. But you…"Max Xanderson immediately paused, letting his words sink into the middle-aged lady.He immediately gazed upon Betty Jordan and then signaled one of the security guards to grab him a chair.The security guard did and Max Xanderson sat down and gazed at the middle-aged lady, his face etched with inexpression.The middle-aged lady fidgeted as Max Xanderson immediately continued."You have a choice to leave or die today!""Tell me everything you know about their plans, and I might consider letting you walk out of here alive.""Keep quiet, and I’ll make sure your last moments are ones you’ll wish you
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Chapter 128:
The middle-aged lady gazed angrily at Betty Jordan and said coldly."You will pay for that!""All of you will pay dearly for everything you have just done to me!""Everyone one of you who had beaten me up will pay dearly for it!"The middle-aged lady said as she continued to laugh maniacally as she continued, this time pointing at Betty Jordan and her men although she was tied with a jute rope.Betty Jordan was immediately taken aback, and so were her men.One of them immediately moved forward to connect the head of his M16 to a middle-aged face but was immediately restrained by Betty Jordan."Let her speak…that was why we have been torturing her all day, so let her speak"Betty Jordan's voice was laced with a mixture of anger and determination as she whispered into the ears of his security guard who had gone to deal with the middle-aged lady.The situation was intense and palpable as Betty Jordan and her security guards continued staring at the middle-aged lady as she vented loudly.
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Chapter 129:
The situation was intense and palpable as Max Xanderson stared at the middle-aged lady."You aren't the only one with ways of getting information!"Max Xanderson immediately said as he stood tall before the middle-aged lady.Max Xanderson had sent the voice recording that Betty Jordan had sent to him to his people at the supreme Elite Forces headquarters.He instructed them to isolate and identify the voice using their wide-range voice recognition database.Moments later he received the result and found out that the middle-aged lady's name was actually Adrianna Harrison.The Harrison family were one of the quiet families in Westerville but secretly ran a huge crime syndicate in and across the country.Max Xanderson immediately gazed upon Adrianna Harrison who was still stunned by the whole turnout of events.She had always made sure she covered her tracks properly after each of her movements.She always had and moved with fake identity cards and had always stepped out of the way of th
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Chapter 130:
Max Xanderson asked, his voice as cold as the steel chain he held in his hand.Adrianna Harrison stared askance at him and sighed."Don't bother answering that, I will answer it for you!""They fall. And when they do, they fall hard to the ground!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and authority.Adrianna Harrison smiled even though she had blood all over her face.A flicker of doubt crossed her face before it was quickly masked by that same stubborn arrogance she had earlier."You can threaten me all you want, Max. It won’t change anything!""The Southern Pacifier is already on his way!""He’ll burn your world to the ground, and I’ll be there to watch it happen."Adrianna Harrison's voice was nowhere near remorse or regret for what she did to little Chloe Maxwell.Max Xanderson immediately remembered the scared face his little daughter, little Chloe Maxwell had when she was released from the boot of Adrianna Harrison's car as they were almost about to cr
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