All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
203 chapters
Chapter 131:
Max Xanderson immediately asked as he got closer to Betty Jordan and stared at the screen of her tablet and gazed back at Betty Jordan almost immediately."General, I just received intel that Tommy is actually the step-brother of Cody Leonard.""Tommy is actually the son of Lord Leonard, we didn't see that coming, did we?"Betty Jordan's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.Max Xanderson immediately stared back at Betty Jordan and asked, his voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination.He found the information quite surprising, although he had expected something related to that news.Staring at Betty Jordan, Max Xanderson said,"How trusted is this intelligence of yours, I hope it's not from Luthor?!"Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with sarcasm as he gazed at Betty Jordan.Betty Jordan immediately understood where Max Xanderson was coming from and smiled slightly."No General Cobra Claw, it's actually one of my trusted artificial intel
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Chapter 132:
Meanwhile, Max Xanderson stepped out into the cool night air, his mind racing with the new revelations and news that Betty Jordan's artificial intelligence analytics had disclosed to them. It was already night time and he hadn't even heard from Jack Oniels, who had gone to deliver the headless bodies of Nurse Vivian and Doctor to Lord Leonard's villa.The thought of Tommy being the son of Lord Leonard was a twist he had anticipated, but one that made the situation even more volatile and more escalatory.If Lord Leonard is Tommy's father and the father of the dead Cody Leonard and was protecting Tommy, then their task was far from over. This wasn’t just about revenge anymore; it was about dismantling an entire network, brick by brick until nothing remained.Max Xanderson pulled out his phone and dialled Sam's secured line, his military secretary back at the Supreme Elite Forces headquarters.The phone rang twice before Sam picked up almost immediately.“Sam, it’s General Cobra Claw.
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Chapter 133:
"Yes, sir," Sam immediately replied."And it gets worse. Our surveillance flagged an unusual signal, something we hadn’t seen before—an encrypted transmission that we traced back to the Northern Alliance.""We’re looking at potential collusion here, General Cobra Claw!""If the Northern Alliance is backing the Southern Pacifier, we might be dealing with a full-scale international conspiracy!""We’re talking weapons-grade tech, biowarfare capabilities, and more."Sam's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and bewilderment.Max Xandersons eyes narrowed."And you're telling me this now? After we’ve already been led on a wild goose chase?"Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with a mixture of anger and determination."General Cobra Claw, the intel only came in after we’d already mobilized."By the time we intercepted the transmission, the team was already on the ground.""They were sitting ducks. It was either we pull back and regroup or risk losing everything."Sam's voice wa
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Chapter 134:
At Leonard's family villa, Jack Oniels immediately alighted from a military van that was camouflaged as a news van.Walking slowly towards the main gate of Leonard's family villa and heaving the body bag containing the headless bodies of Doctor Walton and Nurse Vivian in front of the gate, he immediately rang the bell and walked over to the camouflage military van and closed the door immediately.Moments later, two security guards dressed in black suits and holding AK-47s came out of the mansion gazed at the bag and immediately checked it out.Shuddering backwards in trepidation and anxiety, they called the chief security guard, who immediately also fidgeted and they carried the body bag inside of the main mansion.The military-grade tech van that Jack Oniels had entered was more of a listening post than an ordinary van.Jack Oniels immediately turned on the necessary buttons fired up the necessary gears and connected to the spy camera that Max Xanderson had placed in the body bag.Ma
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Chapter 135:
The security guards immediately started fidgeting and pushing backwards in trepidation.As they pushed back, they crashed into each other as they avoided the shotgun of Lord Leonard.They clearly remembered how Lord Leonard had gunned down his tea maker just because he had added two cubes of sugar to his tea instead of one.The situation was intense and palpable as Lord Leonard immediately aimed at one of the security guards and as he was about to take him out loudly with his shotgun, the chief security guard, whom he had sent flying with one slap immediately jumped in and began pleading for mercy and for his fellow security guards to be spared by Lord Leonard.With tears in his eyes, began pleading as he stared into the eyes of Lord Leonard, who was still infuriated over the ruthless killing of his sister, Nurse Vivian and Doctor Walton, one of his best loyalists.Lord Leonard immediately walked over to the chief security guard, as he made his way to slap him the second time, Sudden
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Chapter 136:
Just then, Lord Leonard's other two sons arrived from the Blue Marine Army.Perry and Andy Leonard had really done quite a lot for themselves at the Blue Marine Army.Upon arriving at the Leonard's family villa, they both went straight to the family Voyeur."Oh thank goodness, you both have arrived!""I was just about to call you two right before you both walked in!"Lord Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as he stared at his two sons in the Blue Marine Army.Perry and Andy Leonard stared at Lord Leonard and asked immediately for the full details of what happened there.Lord Leonard sighed and began narrating the whole event to them.“Max Xanderson…” Lord Leonard began immediately, his voice laced thick with venom and anger.Each word dripped with a height of hatred that you could actually see reeking all over him.Lord Leonard paced back and forth, his steps sharp and deliberate.It was as if each movement was a release for the seething rage boiling ins
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Chapter 137:
"But we need to be smart about this. Max Xanderson isn’t some common thug.""He’s a soldier with a little and negligible backing of the Grand General. We can’t just rush in blind but we will definitely get him!""I was mobilizing the security guards before you guys came in!"Lord Leonard's voice was laced with anger as he pointed his fully loaded shotgun at the security guards he had previously reprimanded. Perry Leonard's face contorted with rage, his body trembling with the need for action. “Then what do we do? Just sit here and wait while that b*stard laughs at us? While he plans his next move?”Perry Leonard asked angrily as he gazed at his father, Lord Leonard.“No,” Lord Leonard said sharply, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. “We won’t wait. But we also won’t act recklessly.""We just need to gather our strength, find out exactly where Max Xanderson is hiding, and then… then we strike.""And when we do, we make sure he feels every ounce of pain he’s caused u
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Chapter 138:
Immediately the door was opened, and everyone's gaze fell on Tommy as he walked slowly and lifelessly towards Lord Leonard."Dad…help me!"Tommy said as he immediately fell into the hands of Lord Leonard.Everyone was shocked down to their bone marrow, they had thought that Tommy would be dead meat by now."Tommy! Tommy!...wake up!"Perry immediately raced over to Lord Leonard and held Tommy's hand as he called out to him.Andy and some other members of Leonard's family raced also towards Lord Leonard as they all stared at Tommy who was still lying almost lifeless in the hands of Lord Leonard."Quick call the ambulance!"Lord Leonard immediately yelled out."You don't need an ambulance, just hit his chest, that should defibrillate his heart."Someone said from the door behind Leonard's family.Lord Leonard, Andy and Perry Leonard immediately turned and it was Luthor.Tommy and Luthor ran off from the factory immediately after Tommy saved Luthor, running as fast as they could, they wer
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Chapter 139:
"I told them nothing, but the more I resisted, the worse it got.""They broke my fingers one by one… I can still feel the crunch of the bones, the agony of it all.”"I never knew such a beautiful lady like Betty Jordan could be a master of torture!""That lady is heartless!""You all needed to see her torture kit and how she was just brandishing and using never-seen-before torture gears!"Tommy Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.Perry Leonard only clenched his jaw so tightly that it seemed like his teeth might crack. His Glock-17, still aimed at Luthor, trembled slightly as he fought to control his anger.Andy Leonard, his usually composed demeanour shattered, took a step forward, his voice thick with emotion as he immediately asked his brother.“And how did you get out? How did you survive all this, Tommy?”His voice was a bit above whispers and laced with a mixture of confusion and bewilderment.Tommy's gaze flickered towards Luthor, who still stoo
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Chapter 140:
Immediately he reached the door, he noticed something unusual.As he stepped forward to gaze at the beads that were rolling towards them, the beads exploded and a smoky storm covered the entire Leonard's family villa vestibule.Everyone coughed violently, Lord Leonard, Perry, Andy and the rest of the Leonard family stared anxiously at the door as they waited for the person who crafted the diversion to emerge.The situation was intense and palpable as they all stared at the door in anticipation.Clash!!!Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels immediately dropped from the glass roof behind the family breaking the luxury chandelier.Immediately they all turned in shock and bewilderment to the direction of the crash which was behind them.Everyone's gaze fell on them immediately, Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels were on their military camouflage polo.Lord Leonard immediately walked towards the front from the back and gazed at the Chandelier on the floor."What the heck!""That chandelier was a Given
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