All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
203 chapters
Chapter 141:
"You and everyone you ever loved will pay dearly for my son's death! I will avenge Cody Leonard if it's the last thing I do!"Lord Leonard's voice was cold and detached, as he took a menacing step forward, his hands gripping his shotgun with a white-knuckled force.The atmosphere was thick with impending violence.Every breath was a tense anticipation of the carnage to come. "You think you can waltz into my home, threaten my family, and walk out alive?""I’ll make sure you regret every single breath you’ve taken since you stepped foot on this earth.""I’ll take my time with you, Max. I’ll peel away your flesh, piece by piece, until you’re begging me for the mercy you’ll never receive."Lord Leonard added as he stared askance into the eyes of Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels wondering why they had this weird impassive expression all over their faces.'Weren't they afraid? The Leonard family boosted some of the best elite henchmen in all of Westerville and everyone was aware of that!'Lor
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Chapter 142:
Jack Oniels immediately stared at Lord Leonard and shook his head in disapproval.Max Xanderson gazed at Lord Leonard, Perry Leonard and Andy Leonard, his eyes widened as he immediately calculated his next move."Lord Leonard, keep the gun down!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and authority.He had once disarmed two enemies armed with Heckler and Koch firearms with a grenadefirepin.Lord Leonard immediately gazed at Max Xanderson, his face etched with a mixture of confusion and anxiety, he was still fidgeting.Tommy Leonard, his son, was still behind him as he immediately moved the gun to Max Xanderson."Max, I have had it with you and your little minion, Jack Oniels, I will take your life and that of Jack Oniels!"His voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and venom as he corked the gun, making a loud noise that should cause Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels to fidget but they didn't fidget at all.Just then Perry Leonard immediately stepped up and s
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Chapter 143:
"Today, Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels die and, what do you want us to engrave on the top of your tombstones?!"Lord Leonard asked, his voice was cold and detached.Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels remained unfazed amid the whole show of power.Lord Leonard immediately snapped his fingers and over five hundred henchmen raced into the Leonard's family villa Voyeur.All of them were masked with face masks covered by a sinister array of coverings—black balaclavas, skull-painted bandanas, and hoods that deepened the shadows cast by their cold, piercing eyes. Each one moved with calculated precision, their muscles taut, ready to spring into violent action at any given moment.The air in the Leonard family villa grew heavier with each second, thick with the tension of impending violence.One of the henchmen, a hulking figure with bulging muscles that strained against the fabric of his tactical gear, brandished a massive broadsword. The blade shined ominously in the dim light, reflecting the t
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Chapter 144
Jack Oniels stared askance at Max Xanderson, his eyes were laced with a mixture of anger, he was ready to take out Perry Leonard and his entire family.His chest heaved heavily as he gazed at Max Xanderson.Shaking his head immediately, Max Xanderson stared at Perry Leonard and smiled gleefully as he immediately bent a knee and knelt Perry Leonard."Ge…" Jack Oniels was immediately flagged off with a wave of disapproval from Max Xanderson, who immediately urged him to the knee as he did.Now kneeling by the side of Max Xanderson, Jack Oniels stared at the whole henchmen of Lord Leonard's family.He could have taken them all by himself not to talk of Max Xanderson, the grand general Cobra Claw himself."Jack, we have three types of energy in the universe, Positive, Negative and neutral energy, and now we employ the neutral energy.""Just wait for it, trust me one more time, just like old times."Max Xanderson's voice was barely above whispers as he whispered to Jack Oniels who was stil
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Chapter 145:
"You took Cody, Nurse Vivian and Doctor Walton in secret, well, we are going to take your own life and that of Jack Oniels on a live stream!""How great is that?!""Isn't it a great comeback plan!""With this device, we are going to live stream your deaths to the whole world, billboards, radio, television stations and the internet…isn't technology so amazing?!"Perry Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and anger as he passed the device over to Andy Leonard who Immediately gazed at the box-like device, smiling gleefully as he began."Max it's playtime!""Time for you to go poof!"Andy Leonard said as he made a poof sign with his hands in the air making his family members laugh out loud.Max Xanderson’s eyes burned with a fire that hadn’t dimmed for a second.Even as he knelt before his enemies. His mind was a whirlwind of strategies, scenarios, and possibilities. He was still angry that Perry had slapped Jack Oniels but only decided to lay low and wait for the ri
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Chapter 146
"We’re going to make sure your death is slow and painful, something that’ll haunt the nightmares of anyone who watches!"Andy Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of anger, determination and venom, he really wanted Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels dead immediately.Max Xanderson shifted slightly, drawing the attention back to him. His voice was steady, almost conversational as if he was discussing the weather instead of his imminent death.“You talk a lot about making an example out of us, but have you ever wondered what happens when people stop being afraid of your threats?!""What if, instead of fear, you inspire something else?”Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and sarcasm.Perry Leonard's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on the device his sister, Kira Leonard, had just given to him before leaving.“And what would that be, Max Xanderson? Hope? Don’t make me laugh!"Perry Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of anger and bewilderment.Max Xanderson
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Chapter 147:
Moments later Lord Leonard returned, his eyebrows arched in a mixture of bewilderment and exhilaration.He immediately stared at Andy Leonard and Perry Leonard."Well, what did General Stan say?!"Perry Leonard immediately asked Lord Leonard, his father.He really wanted to take out Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels before his father stopped him."Well, he said he would be here in no time, so we have to wait for him!"Lord Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and bewilderment as he smiled gleefully at Perry Leonard and Andy Leonard.Andy Leonard and Perry Leonard nodded as everyone waited for General Stan to arrive at the Leonard family villa.General Stan was a feared general and a known and influential figure in the whole of Westerville.He and Leonard's family have been close allies for many years.Lord Leonard had thought if the grand general was to find out that he and his sons had killed Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels that they would be in deep trouble.So he planned
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Chapter 148:
Perry Leonard violently threw off his brother's grip, turning on him with the same fire and anger in his eyes. "You think I’m afraid of what’ll happen?!""You think I care about General Stan doing it better?""I want to feel life, leave Max Xanderson’s body under my hands!""I want to see him and Jack Oniels choke on their own blood!" His words dripped with venom as he spoke them out, his face twisted in rage and determination.Max Xanderson, who had been quietly watching the unfolding drama, finally spoke, his voice calm but cutting like a blade."You think this will end it, Perry Leonard?""You think killing me and Jack Oniels will bring you peace?"His gaze met Perry Leonard's with a steady defiance."You kill us, and it won’t end anything. It’ll only start something worse. Others will come for you—for your family.""And when they do, it won’t be just blood you spill.""It'll be your legacy, everything you’ve ever worked for, everything you’ve ever loved."Max Xanderson's voice w
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Chapter 149:
Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of anger and determination."I told you Lord Leonard, I'm the one person you shouldn't play with!"Max Xanderson's gaze was laced with a mixture of fury and venom as he gazed upon the headless body of Perry Leonard.Blood was still pumping violently from Perry Leonard's headless body.The whole family of Lord Leonard were dumbfounded, they couldn't believe what they had just seen.Tommy and Andy Leonard immediately fell down by Lord Leonard's side and immediately joined him in mourning Perry Leonard.The situation was intense and palpable as everyone stared at Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels in horror.The henchmen were still standing there but were waiting for orders from Lord Leonard.Lord Leonard immediately stood up, his face was etched with a mixture of anger and frustration.Walking over to the wall, he immediately took a frame of Perry Leonard and launched it at Max Xanderson but Jack Oniels was fast enough to step in and punched the
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Chapter 150:
"He knew what came with it. You wanted a battle, and now you're drowning in the consequences!"Max Xanderson's voice still hadn't lost its unique signal as it was still laced with determination and authority."Shut your mouth!" Lord Leonard's face twisted with pure hatred.He lunged forward with the katana, swinging it with a wild, reckless fury. "I will cut you down myself! No one else—just me!""I’ll slice you into pieces, and when I'm done, I'll find your daughter, Little Chloe Maxwell and your wife, Melissa Stevens, and I’ll make her watch as I take my revenge!”Lord Leonard continued venting in anger, the situation was intense and palpable.At the mention of Melissa Stevens, Max Xanderson's eyes flared with an icy fire. He swiftly dodged Lord Leonard’s swing, his movements fluid and precise.Lord Leonard's rage, however, made him clumsy, each strike missing its mark as Max Xanderson sidestepped with ease.“You’re a fool if you think you’ll touch my daughter!"Max Xanderson said
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