All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
202 chapters
Chapter forty-one:
The henchmen had their axes, batons and daggers brandishing in front of Max Xanderson and Captain Drex."Any last…"Before he could complete his statement, Max Xanderson performed a double flip, using his ankle, he flipped the table and it crashed into some of the henchmen and they fell off and crashed into the main club.The music stopped immediately as everyone realized what was happening and started dashing out the door.Removing his leather jacket, Max Xanderson immediately threw it to Captain Drex, who jumped and caught it in mid-air, preventing it from touching the floor.The battle didn't take long as Captain Drex took out some of the henchmen with his special Nunchaku weapon.Moments later, the down floor of the club was filled with dead bodies of some of the henchmen.As Max Xanderson made his way towards the remaining, they all fidgeted backwards in trepidation.While all this was going on, Eric Jeremy, Max Xanderson's cousin had hid under a table.His thoughts were still on
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Chapter forty-two:
Stepping in the car outside, Max Xanderson immediately went home to Melissa Stevens and little Chloe Maxwell.Moments later, in the depth of the night, Jack Oniels arrived at the gate of the Xanderson's villa and demanded an audience with Jeremy Xanderson immediately."It's late in the night, your message can wait till tomorrow!""Go away!"The guard at the watchtower spoke from on top of the elevation at the gate.His voice was husky."Tell him, I have bad news from Eric Jeremy."Jack Oniels voice was laced with authority, the guard immediately stared at him in trepidation.Moments later, Jack Oniels and two other military men were standing before Lord Larry Harold, Jeremy Xanderson and Gary Jeremy."What news did you say you have about Eric?"Lord Larry Harold asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and anxiety.Throwing the bag he carried on the floor, the head of Eric Jeremy rolled off the bag towards the feet of Lord Larry Harold and Jeremy Xanderson."What the…!!!
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Chapter forty-three:
Eunice Stevens had just parked her Lamborghini STO at the parking lot of the venue for the bidding of the grand general's investment scheme.'Oh poor Melissa, by now she would be wishing she was me.'Her thoughts went on a rampage as she pranced towards the main gate of the venue.The venue was a magnificent structure, an architectural marvel that stood as a symbol of wealth, influence and power of the grand general.The building was tall, with glittering spires reaching towards the sky.The entrance was decorated with some of the best ornate carvings and luxury designs.The main hall beyond the gate was filled with the chatter of some of the top elites in Westerville, all gathered to bid for a piece of the grand general's mouthwatering investment deals.As soon as Eunice stepped up and presented the bidding qualifications, she was immediately denied access to the main event center."I'm really sorry ma'am but we can't grant you access to the hall."The voice of the huge security guar
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Chapter forty-four:
At the same moment at the Stevens Fort, Lady Megan Stevens is instructing Denise and Logan Stevens.They were to go and check out the Villa at Westbrook, the one that Lord George Lucas had given to Melissa Stevens."Denise and Logan, I don't want any issues this time around.""Check out the Villa and see if there are any necessary changes that need to be made, you know, to bring it up to my taste.""For instance, I heard the Lucas's usually put up a monument of their great grandfather, Lord Michael Lucas, in all of their villas.""I want that monument removed and replaced with this."Her voice was laced with exhilaration as she pointed at the door, some servants brought in a golden-painted sculpture of herself."Isn't it adorable?!""It is grandma."Denise and Logan immediately admired and adored the golden sculpture."Place it where anyone who comes in to visit our new villa will see it and adore the beauty that is me."Her voice was barely above whispers and laced with exhilaration
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Chapter forty-five:
At the Stevens Fort, Lady Megan Stevens is pacing around in anger after hearing Eunice Stevens' narration of how she was thrown out of the bidding venue and how she was embarrassed in front of everyone."Grandma, you need to have seen the weight of insults I got from the security guards.""They threatened to deal with me if I kept asking them to let me through the gate.""They even had to point their guns at me before they were able to make me walk away."Eunice Stevens' voice was laced with accuracy as she narrated in full detail what had happened to her at the bidding venue of the grand general's Springfield Properties Investment program.Walking over to the table, Lady Megan Stevens took a sip of her special brown tea to help her calm her nerves."Did you manage to get the names of the security guards?"Lady Megan Stevens' voice was barely above whispers as she stared into the frame in front of her which read…"Until we win the game is just getting started." Eunice Stevens was sile
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Chapter forty-six:
"Hello, Granny."Melissa Stevens's voice was mellifluous as always."Melissa! How dare you set us up?!""What did you do to the bidding qualifications that you gave me so hours ago?!""You had the guts to tell the grand general not to allow anyone except you into the bidding venue!""Was that why you never wanted me to attend the bidding event from the very beginning?!""You had it all rigged against us and to your favour!"The voice of Eunice Stevens was vehement and laced with derision as she poured out all her anger at Melissa Stevens.Melissa Stevens was taken aback on the other side of the phone.She removed the phone from her ear and stared at it in bewilderment before placing it back again."I'm sorry, Eunice, I don't understand what you are yapping about?""What happened and how does any of all this concern me?!"Melissa Stevens's voice was vehement as she immediately put the phone on loudspeaker, Max Xanderson had signaled her to do that."I will tell you what is happening!"
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Chapter forty-seven:
The situation was palpable and intense as Melissa Stevens and Mrs Sophia stared askance at Max Xanderson wondering why he would disconnect Lady Megan Stevens in the middle of a call."Everyone relax, it's not as bad as it seems, trust me."Max Xanderson said, trying to reassure them that everything was under control.Mrs Sophia Stevens and Melissa Stevens stared askance at him."What are you even talking about?!""Max! Do you know what you just did now?!""You abruptly ended a call with Lady Megan Stevens of the Stevens family.""That is it, you have finally cemented our fate!""If Lady Megan Stevens had any plans to return the Walters Enterprise to us, it's now gone all because of you!"Mrs Sophia Stevens yelled, all she had ever wanted was for the Walters Enterprise to belong to them once again.Mostly because the company was worth over fifty billion dollars. She had been imagining the way their life would change the moment Lady Megan Stevens returned to the Walters Enterprise.But
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Chapter forty-eight:
Opening the door immediately, Max Xanderson was standing face to face with Logan and Bryan Stevens, two of his wife's male cousins.Their facial expressions weren't like those who had come to apologize for anything."Did Lady Megan Stevens send you here?"Max Xanderson asked as the two of them walked right behind him and into the house."No!""We are here because of Melissa!"Logan Stevens immediately replied as his gaze fell on Melissa Stevens who was sitted on a sofa in the house."How dare you plot against your own family?""You plotted with Sir Alfred to have the locks of the mansion changed and had me and Denise beaten up pretty badly!"Logan Stevens' voice was laced with anger and frustration as he yelled at Melissa.Melissa Stevens didn't say a word but only gazed at Logan and Bryan Stevens as they continued ranting."Bryan, I didn't do any of those things you and Grandma are accusing me of!"Melissa Stevens's voice was vehement as she tried to defend herself from her cousins b
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Chapter forty-nine:
As soon as they left, Mrs Sophia Stevens and Melissa Stevens fidgeted and blamed Max Xanderson for having put them all in deep trouble."Max, you really shouldn't have beaten up Logan and Bryan Stevens that way.""They will definitely tell Lady Megan Stevens all that happened here today.""She really wouldn't take it lightly with us for that."Mrs Sophia Stevens's voice was barely above whispers and laced with trepidation as she dabbed an icepack on her head.She had hit her head on the floor the moment she was shuffled aside by Bryan Stevens.Staring at Mrs Sophia, Max Xanderson immediately began, "Mrs Sophia, Bryan was almost about to slap my wife, your daughter.""Did you expect me to sit and watch as they beat up my wife?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with reason as he walked towards little Chloe Maxwell who was just returning from school."Max, I didn't say that, I only meant that now that you have beaten up Logan and Bryan for the second time in a month, we should be prepare
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Chapter Fifty:
Max Xanderson immediately retracted his hand and kept the coffee on the table and walked around the room with his hands behind his back.Now making direct eye contact with Lady Megan Stevens he began."Lady Megan Stevens, you wish to get back the Villa at Westbrook and have access to the grand general's bidding event, right?""So why are you yelling at the only one who can help you do that?""Melissa Stevens was the one that got the villa at Westbrook in the first place and she also was the one who received the bidding qualifications from the grand general.""Don't you think it would be to your disfavour if you keep on yelling and humiliating Melissa?"Max Xanderson's voice was barely above and laced with reason and determination."See it this way, if you were to be the grand general and someone is messing around with someone you care about for some reason, would you ever let those people have any favour from you?!"Max Xanderson asked, staring intently into the eyeballs of Lady Megan
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