All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
202 chapters
Chapter Fifty-one:
"I wasn't planning on keeping your dad's company forever." Lady Megan Stevens continued."I still had plans to return it to you and your family.""Please forgive us and help us this time to truly get access to the grand general's bidding event." She pleaded with Melissa Stevens.The whole thing was like a movie to Melissa Stevens.Who would ever have believed that Lady Megan Stevens and her autocrat of a cousin, Eunice Stevens, would have ever begged Melissa Stevens for mercy in this life or the next?Melissa Stevens was somewhat confused and stared askance at her grandmother."Okay, you know what Melissa, if you forgive us and help us get access to the grand general's bidding event, you and your family can keep this house all to yourself.""I will even call the demolition company to call off their bulldozers that are already on their way here as we speak."Her voice was laced with remorse as she immediately took her phone and called the demolition company and immediately the bulldoze
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Chapter Fifty-two:
"You know what, I think Max has got a valid point and argument.""I think the Stevens family should return the Walters Enterprise to Melissa's family and the Mansion at Westbrook back to Melissa Stevens.""That way who knows the grand general might be pleased with us and do us one better."Lady Megan Stevens' voice was barely above whispers as she turned and smiled at Melissa Stevens and Mrs Sophia Stevens."Grandma! This is just ridiculous!""You have just made the worst of decisions in just a day.""You have just allowed Max to hypnotize you into giving back all of Melissa Stevens's properties back to her."Eunice Stevens' voice was laced with anger and frustration as walked towards the door.Lady Megan Stevens stared at her and shook her head in disapproval, "Melissa Stevens I have also decided that it would be best that you represent the Stevens family at the grand generals' exclusive bidding event.""If the grand general kind of favors you for no just reason then I think, it woul
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Chapter Fifty-three:
Max Xanderson stared at Melissa Stevens and back at Mrs Sophia Stevens, his eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment."Don't worry about a thing Melissa.""I can assure you we have got this."Max Xanderson said as he walked into the house.Melissa Stevens and Mrs Sophia followed him up immediately."Max, why are you so confident about us not needing those gifts?"Melissa Stevens asked as she stared out of the window and gazed at Lady Megan Stevens's SUV Escalade as it sped on the road."Nothing, I just know that he might not need it.""I mean, I don't know him personally or anything but…""You know what, let's just forget it.""Later we will find out if I am wrong or right."Max Xanderson said smiling gleefully at Lady Megan Stevens and at Mrs Sophia Stevens."Max! You think this is funny?!""Why are you even laughing about a thing as serious as this?!""I have waited all my life for this day to come, the day Lady Megan Stevens will return the Walters Enterprise to us.""How can you be playi
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Chapter Fifty-four:
Max Xanderson only stared at her without saying a single word."Max! Say something.""I promised Lady Megan Stevens and my mom that we would return with the best of deals from the grand general.""But now I feel like we have already disqualified and discredited ourselves and it's all because of your unsure assumptions."Melissa Stevens' voice was laced with a mixture of anger and confusion, she tried to hold it all in but just couldn't.She really wanted to get this deal done at least for Mrs Sophia Stevens, her mom."Melissa, it's okay.""We don't even know whether the grand general would even love all these gifts. Can you please believe me and…"As Max Xanderson was yet to complete his statement, Billy Mason immediately bumped into him."Watch it, Jerk!"Billy Mason stood tall and huge, his aura was intimidating for everyone in the hall, expect for the grand general, Max Xanderson.Billy Mason was dressed in a blue Armani luxury three piece suit, apparently, his family had also come
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Chapter Fifty-five:
The situation was intense as everyone stared at Max Xanderson in anticipation of his next move."Max! Don't try my patience!""It's either you bend a knee this minute or you get hurt pretty bad!"His voice was laced with anger and disdain.Staring at Max Xanderson, Billy Mason immediately signaled his men to draw closer from where they were all lurking around in the crowd."Max, what should we do? These people are ruthless, especially Lord Draken Mason."Melissa Stevens's voice was laced with worry as she fidgeted and whispered into the ears of Max Xanderson.Max Xanderson stared around at the fearful faces of the audience and smiled gleefully."What is that fool doing?""Why is he laughing at the very point of his death?!""This guy is really a clown?!""How dare he mess with the dreaded Masons and laugh as if he doesn't smell his own doom?!"The voices from the crowd were now vehement as some people criticized Max Xanderson for laughing in the face of pure danger.Max Xanderson gaze
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Chapter Fifty-six:
"Max any last words?!"Billy Mason yelled as he held the desert eagle up to the head of Max Xanderson who for some reason maintained his cool all this while.His face was etched with inexpression and his hands were in his pockets."Max, I'm really serious, I'm going to blow your head and have your brain splatter over this wall!"Billy Mason's voice was laced with anger as he continued to threaten Max Xanderson who stood unshaken like an iron gate."You know what, since you are not afraid to die, how about I take your beautiful wife and have her for a night and we can all walk away and I will pretend all this never happened."Billy Mason's voice was barely above whispers as he stared at the beautiful Melissa Stevens.As he approached Melissa Stevens to touch her, she immediately slapped his wrist."Don't you dare touch me, you animal!"Melissa Stevens's voice was vehement and laced with anger and disgust as she yelled and fought off Billy Mason from touching her.Max Xanderson only sta
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Chapter Fifty-seven:
Taa!Taa!!Betty Jordan immediately landed Billy Mason two deafening slaps that sent him to the floor immediately.Billy Mason tried to stand up but all to no avail, his head was ringing loudly from the slap that he had just received from Betty Jordan.Everyone gasped in shock as they stared at Billy Mason lying on the floor and holding his cheeks in pain."Ah!!!"Billy Mason groaned in pain, the slap had almost blinded him.As he tried to stare at Betty Jordan but all he could see were blurry images."Had enough yet?!"Betty Jordan's voice was laced with anger as she stared at Billy Mason who now had his mouth filled with blood.Spitting into his hands, Billy Mason could see three teeth in his bloody sputum.The powerful slap from Betty Jordan had really done a good one on him and three of his molar teeth had been dislodged.Before anyone could know what was happening, videos and pictures of the dreadful Billy Mason being humiliated by Betty Jordan were all over the internet.As Bill
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Chapter Fifty-Eight:
Max Xanderson and Melissa Stevens walked to their table and sat down waiting for the bidding event to get started properly.Melissa Stevens still couldn't place together what just happened some minutes ago before they entered into the main hall for the bidding exercise.She gazed at the stage and back at Betty Jordan who was seated beside her looking all beautiful.'Why did Betty Jordan help us just now?''Could it be that she knows Max from somewhere before now?''What really happened back there?'Melissa Stevens's thoughts raced vehemently as she stared at Betty Jordan whose beauty was beyond stunning.Melissa Stevens immediately decided to approach Betty Jordan and thank her at least for saving them today from the deadly hands of Billy Mason."Hi, Mrs Betty Jordan, I really do appreciate you stepping up to save us from the hands of Billy Mason.""We are forever indebted to you and the Jordan family.""Thanks a million.""It's really nothing Mrs Melissa Stevens.""That Jerk, Billy M
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Chapter Fifty-nine:
"Max, didn't you just hear what the lady in glasses just said?"Melissa Stevens's voice was barely above whispers as she stared askance at Max Xanderson."Yeah, I heard it, so what does that have to do with your face suddenly turning sad?"Max Xanderson asked as he caressed his hands across Melissa Stevens' smooth face."Max, the Stevens family company isn't worth up to one billion dollars at the moment.""We were up by a billion and some millions but since my dad, Walter Stevens died and Lady Megan Stevens threw me out of the Stevens group, Eunice Stevens and my cousins have been making a whole lot of financial mess back at the Stevens Group.""This is really bad, how are we going to get access to the bidding now?""Now my cousin's unintelligent financial decisions in the Stevens group are going to cost us this opportunity to land a great deal with the grand general."Melissa Stevens's voice was barely above whispers but laced with anger and frustration.Max Xanderson stared at her a
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Chapter Sixty:
Ray Owens' voice was laced with so much mockery that everyone in the hall started laughing out loud at Max Xanderson and Melissa Stevens."Yeah, He is really a wanna-be grand general!""That non-entity tricked all of us into believing he was the grand general just for us to find out that he was a nobody, an ordinary foot soldier!""What is he doing here this time around?!"The voices from the crowd were laced with derision and mockery."It's true Max, what are you doing here today?""And you Melissa Stevens, what are you doing here too?!""Didn't you see the display board? Your family is already disqualified.""I mean how did you ever think that you and your poor family business, the Stevens Global Group, can even compete for the same deal with us?!""I mean look around you, you are totally out-classed!"Ray Owens' voice was vehement and laced with humiliation and disdain for Melissa Stevens.The situation was intense and palpable as everyone continued to laugh at Max Xanderson and Me
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