All Chapters of The Lone Son in-law : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 chapters
Chapter 21
Gill carried his daughter Nancy jnr and she laid her head on gill’s chest.Gill’s ex wife Nancy Snr was initially excited when she heard gill was coming with the goodies he bought for their daughter but all that died the moment she saw Monica.She glance at Monica from hair to toe.Taking note of her make up, juweleries,shoes and hair.She immediately felt intimidated as she saw Monica was a pretty,curvey younger lady.It was clear to her that if ever there was any chance of she getting back into gill’s life,now is all gone.This lady here was pretty and younger.If she was younger maybe she would have competed favourably.Monica was coming with all they bought for Nancy jnr,Only to be stopped at the door by Nancy Snr.Monica was matured enough to ignore her and simply drop the bags at the door,and go back to the car.“She is only trying to help”gill told Nancy.But she refuse to give him a listening ear.“You couldn’t even wait for six months.”She continued,You already got a repl
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Chapter 22
“If you won’t do it,I will.Sue him for alimony.He has to start paying for his daughter.He is rich now.The court will request for his monthly earnings and revenue,Before deciding how much he would pay every month for alimony.”Carol was voiced.“Mummy I don’t want that.He has been trying,We pushed him out,he didn’t ask for a divorce.You made me leave him,you wanted Oscar because he had money.”Nancy Snr was lamenting to Carol.“He has the audacity to bring a woman to your face.Gill.who is Gill?We housed him for years,clothes and fed him,treated him when he was sick.He is indented to us.How can he bite the hand that fed him when he didn’t have.”Carol went on.I will make him pay for insulting you like that,He didn’t only insult you he insulted us all.The whole family.He thinks he has made it I will show him what the Wellington’s can do.Nancy Snr was hesitant about starting a fight with gill but as usual Carol has a way of forcing her so things.“I don’t think I want to s
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Chapter 23
His phone rang and it was the court bailiff.“Hello Mr Gill,you have a case against you at the magistrate court San Jose 13th of August.Please make yourself available Probably with your lawyer to defend you.You have been informed by this phone call”Gill was confused,He doesn’t remember having any issues with anyone.He wasn’t sure that call was for him.It must be a mistake.But then the bailiff called his name and also told him a written notification will be sent to his work place as he doesn’t have a known residence registered in his name for now.Gill decided to go home to his seaside apartment.Get some rest and be at the hospital the next day as he has been at the research institute’s shelters for days now waiting for Mr Collins test results to be out.Him and his team have been curious to know the outcome of the test.They have put in their best in stem cell research,A lot of taxpayers money has been put in the research,all eyes were on them .A lot of lives depended on t
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Chapter 24
A code red at near by San Jose high school. The caller says a young boy in the school suddenly blacked out. The nearest emergency service available to the school would be San Jose memorial. Information available says Sex male Age 14yrs Race Caucasian Other Health status cancer patient. The call came to gill before the ER unit could get to the hospital because he was the patient’s doctor. The minister’s son Richard suddenly went unconscious at school while he was playing with his friends. The ER nurses with the ambulance initiated CPR and was able to stabilise Richard Getting to the hospital he was put on oxygen as the call for his doctors came to gill. Gill came down to the emergency ward to see Robert,to ascertain the series of events that led to Richard going unconscious. “Hello Richard , How are you?” Gill asked him. He nodded his head to affirm he is good. Gill turned to the ER nurses and asked if they got the school’s contact or one of Richard’
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Chapter 25
Oscar Rodriguez and Nancy Snr hasn’t been getting on well lately.Gill's success and growth was to be blamed partly.Oscar accused Nancy of flirting with gill.He says the way Nancy looks at gill lately says it all.“You look at him lustfully.Am sure you get wet thinking of him.Your countenance,the way you respect and pay attention to him.You even smile at anything he says.”Oscar tells Nancy every other time.Nancy says Oscar is no longer as caring as he used to be.She often complains of the way Oscar treats her daughter.It’s because she is not his,if she was her daughter.he did treat her a lot better than he does.She says.Nancy even feels Oscar is cheating on her with other ladies.The relationship wasn’t working.Carol on the other hand has been doing everything possible to see that the relationship works.The suit she filed against Gill made Oscar feel good.Carol told him(oscar) on the phone about the case and used the opportunity to invite him over to the Wellington's fam
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Chapter 26
Back home at the Wellingtons,it was world war 3.Carol could not believe what Nancy just did.You chose gill over your family?What sort of daughter are you?You have always wanted to be a disgrace to this family.I think is time I let you be.Go with your gill but please do not call me for help again.”Carol was blazing red hot.“But mama,he didn’t do anything to me,He has been a good father to my daughter,He provides and sends money for her up keep He even paid for the heart surgery.Have you forgotten?I regret ever sending him out of my life.You were the one that forced me to divorce him.I promised myself not to make such mistake again.”Nancy Snr said crying.“Shut your mouth you ungrateful girl.What do you know?How much does he earn?How much does he give you?You feel you are grown,you can handle your shit.You will find out later in life that I was protecting your interests,but by then it would be late.”Carol said as she turned to leave the sitting room.After what pla
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Chapter 27
Master Gill went from the national level to the world stage.The news of a vaccine that could roll back cancer cells and enhance the full bodies immunity sounded more like an impossibility The world woke up to the good news.Gill made it to the world news agencies wanting to know more about this miracle vaccine creator.CNN,BBC,aljazeera,sky etc all wanted live interviews with gill.He became the man of the moment.He won Nobel prizes,time magazine made him the man of the year 2019.His time finally came.His friends and enemies all wanted him.A team from WHO,UNICEF,United nations,common league.The entire world came to San Jose.they all came with the best of the researchers and scientists to learn and understand the rigorous process of manufacturing the vaccines.The composition,the raw materials needed and ratio of content needed to make this life saving vaccine.Some where skeptic others accepted gill’s procedure and approach to medicine and science at large.As he w
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Chapter 28
You have a visitor sir” Monica said. It’s 7am in the morning,how can I start entertaining visitors this early,I came this early to work on yesterday’s carry over assignments. Please tell the visitor I willl see him by 9:00am. I need to get these jobs done this morning before any other thing.gill told Monica. “It’s the honourable Minister Sir,” Monica said. Gill raised his head,taking his eyes of the files he has been looking into for the past minutes to look at Monica standing at the door. “I will see him right away.” He said. “Where is he?I will go to him.” He added,walking to the door. “Master Gill. How are you?it has been a while. These days we only see you on the news and social media. The man of the moment,Congratulations one more gill. Am proud of you. Thank you sir, Am here today because of men like you sir. You believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I am ever grateful sir. God will continue blessing you sir,all the days of
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Chapter 29
“I need you to call honourable Brown.Invite him to the hospital.You could say I need to talk to him about his son’s health.”Gill told Monica.Book an appointment with him.Be sure to present him with coffee,tea or water,anything I need him to take something with a cup.We need his saliva for a paternity test.”Monica was surprised at the statement.“Why do you think he is not Richard’s father?”She asked.“It says here in the file that he is the father.Don’t you think this is a deviation from what we are supposed to be doing sir.Besides, what does it have to do with anything?”Monica continued.“Do what o told you to do Monica”Gill instructed her.Okay sir I will.Monica made the call.Honourable brown heard it was about his son and decided to be on his way to the hospital immediately.There was no time to waste he said.If anything had to be signed off,he would be at the hospital in 30 mins time to do that.Monica told her boss the honourable minister was on hos way to the hosp
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Chapter 30
Gill was amazed at how understanding little Richard has grown to be.He was amazed that he had the knowledge of the honourable and his wife not being his biological parents and yet loved them as if they were.Richard’s recovery was quick.Within 14 days he was recovered enough to leave the hospital,but within these 2 weeks he grew so fond of his friend gill.They often spend hours talking.Gill found out that Richard wasn’t just a regular boy.There was something about him.He would always tell gill about his dreams.How he already knew gill was the one to heal him.He also had premonitions like gill.On the day Richard was to be discharged from the hospital,his friend gill was there to bid him farewell,and encourage him to remain a good boy. After exchanging salutation with his father the honourable he hugged little Richard and felt this connection from within,like he was connected to the source,the same feeling he often gets when he goes to visit his grandfather’s grave.This beca
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