All Chapters of Tower of Erase: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
Masuda Dojo
Why did those people who betrayed him not take this bracelet? Because once the owner of the skill died, the skill would be ‘erased’ with him. To those people, this silver bracelet sword was just ordinary jewelry.Axel found the bracelet and put it on his wrist. At once, he felt the bracelet hum to life. It vibrated in his hand, as if it recognized him as its master too. Axel looked at it with soft eyes. The image of his brother proudly showing off this bracelet to him with a mischievous smile could not be erased from his mind.He drew the bracelet close to his lips. “Brother… I swear, I’ll make them pay. I will not let any one of them get away with what they have done to you.”Axel’s finger touched the book tattoo on his wrist, and the magical book materialized in front of him. It turned to the second page where his brother’s skill, [The Legendary Swordsman Skill], was located. He activated the skill, and at once the silver bracelet in his hand transformed into a long silver sword. It
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“Yes, sure you do. How about this? Why don’t you try fighting my granddaughter, Luna?” Axel glanced at the girl, who seemed to be the same age as him.“She teaches these students the ways of the sword. I’m old, and my strength is not the same as before. So, the admission of my students has to be meticulously chosen by my successor.”Luna only looked at him. She could be considered a beauty compared to other girls Axel had met. Luna had long, black, inky hair tied in a ponytail. Her eyes were as blue as the deep ocean. She had pale white skin with a small face and wore a black jumpsuit that seemed loose on her.“Luna, give him a wooden sword,” the old man instructed.Axel protested, “You want us to fight with swords, right? But I haven’t held a sword before.”His words sounded like a small child whining. The old man only scoffed and shook his head.“Just fight the best you can. We don’t require you to defeat her anyway. So do your best.”Luna walked to the side and fetched two wooden s
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Fight (2)
In the end, Ken Masuda decided to teach his granddaughter what he knew about sword fighting. She was as strong and quick-witted as him. Ken could not help but see his younger self in his granddaughter. No matter what anyone said, he would make her his successor.Probably because Luna got much stronger, she rarely met opponents who could fight her equally. She was passionate and still persevered to train every day. Currently, Alice is not allowed to attack the Tower. The Challenger’s Association will only register individuals who are eighteen years old and above.Ken Masuda could not help but worry for his granddaughter. She was strong, yes, and her ice ability was also exceptional. But if she could not find a strong and ideal guild or teammate, she would not survive. The Tower is cruel and ruthless. Once you decide to attack the Tower, there is no turning back. The only option for an individual to quit challenging the Tower is to request the assistance of the Challenger’s Association t
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Axel left the Masuda Dojo late at night. He bid goodbye to Luna and Ken Masuda, saying he would come back tomorrow.His eyes still had the gleam of a normal seventeen-year-old. But when he rode the public bus home and started to walk back to his house, he assumed a gloomy, indifferent demeanor.Axel arrived at his house with a small smile on his lips.That was fun.Tomorrow, he would come back.The memories of his brother and how he practiced the sword were deeply integrated into his brain. Axel did not notice that he had applied his brother's techniques in his fight with Luna.He glanced at his hand, and the sensation of parrying against her did not fade.So this was the feeling of fighting an opponent stronger than you? And having the confidence that you have the power to stand up against them.Axel’s heart was beating loudly.He stood up from his bed and stared at his wrist. The silver chain bracelet glowed in his hand. It hummed against his skin, as if it sensed that he wanted to
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“An acquaintance maybe. Sorry, this is also the first time we've seen the boy,” the staff answered politely, changing the topic.Axel was brought upstairs and ushered into the kitchen, where Marina’s husband, who is also the owner, worked. Thomas was there, leaning on a long rectangular table, supervising the chefs. He had bushy brown hair that stubbornly stuck out of his chef’s hat. His beard also took up the upper and lower spaces of his mouth, tracing his jawline right up to his ears.“Tom,” Marina left Axel at the door and patted her husband’s shoulder.“Yeah?” Thomas was still buried in paperwork, double-checking the remaining ingredients.“Look who’s here.” She excitedly pulled on his shoulder so he would turn towards the door. When he saw Axel’s face, his eyes brightened with a wide smile.“My dear boy, Axel!” He rushed at Axel with a bear hug and tackled him.Axel almost lost his balance.“Why did you just come now? How are you, little brat? Tsk, you’ve grown taller!” Thomas ha
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Take advantage
“Oh, what is it?”If it is these two… maybe I can tell them what happened to Nyx. Maybe they can help me avenge him.“Remember this, human.” The woman’s cold voice echoed in his head.“I chose your brother because I knew he was strong. He was supposed to be my Chosen One. But he failed. He relied on and put his trust in his guildmates, which resulted in his death.”“Remember this, human. I willingly came here and revived your dead soul because I expect you to succeed. So don’t fail me.”The words that Axel wanted to say were stuck in his throat.Right…That woman warned him against trusting humans.Axel hung his head. His brother… Nyx. He also trusted his teammates who had been with him for many years, and they still betrayed him.The truth about Nyx’s death should not be known by anyone… except me.Axel gathered his fingers into a fist. He looked up to see Marina and Uncle Tom looking at him worriedly.“Just a few days ago, I almost died.”“What?!” Both of them shouted before they sto
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First kill
Axel came out of the Masuda Dojo with a battered body. Ken did not go easy on them; even with Luna being his granddaughter, he still caused bruises on their bodies. Despite that, Axel was still thankful. Before he bid them goodbye, he pulled Luna to the side.“What?” Luna asked.He noticed Luna was careful as she walked. Just like him, her bruises ached even as she moved.“Stand still first.” He put his hand on her shoulders and mustered his healing ability. A smooth, warm sensation floated from his hand in contact with her shoulder. It traveled down to her body, sending a cool, soothing relief to her bruises.Luna tilted her head. “Is this your ability?”“Yes,” Axel smiled.“Hmm.” Luna nodded and closed her eyes, enjoying the cool feeling as the pain subsided.While she closed her eyes, Axel observed her expression. She had long eyelashes, a small nose, and plump red lips. Her small white face was so pretty that Axel couldn’t help but stare a little longer.“Is there something on my
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Mysterious case
Despite their sorry looks and the devastating state of the residential houses, these men still rejoiced. For people like them, they rarely faced disasters. But when they do, they will be helpless.Even though they have abilities, they aren’t as strong as the Challengers. These magic were used only in their everyday lives. And it’s not enough to defend themselves against such monsters.While they were rejoicing, Axel was at the side, panicking. The [Stealth] ability just wore out. This was the first time that he exerted himself. Using his abilities one after another drained him of his strength.He collapsed on the ground with a loud thud, heaving in exhaustion. His heart is beating against his chest.He only conjured that wind blade according to how he saw the owner use it. But he did not expect this ability to be strong enough to kill the creature.Axel’s lips widened in a smile. He killed a Tower monster. Just him. Just by his strength. He stared down at his hands and giggled.A few
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Axel waited for the others to leave before he got up and left. But right when he turned to the next alley, he slipped and tumbled.A slightly big lump was lying in the street. His legs were still unstable, and he could not avoid it in time. Luckily, his butt only hit the ground beside the lump, he did not hit it directly.Axel curiously looked at the lump.It was a cat.A big tuxedo cat with a fluffy belly.Axel is not fond of animals… but his brother is. He remembered that his brother would adopt cats, feed them, and if they didn’t stay inside the house, he just let them go. But Nyx will always leave cat food in the backyard, just in case it comes again.As Axel took a closer look, this fluffy tuxedo cat is injured. It’s belly has an ugly wound and blood pooled around it. Axel stretched his hand to heal the little thing but he can’t muster any healing aura on his hand.He was able to regain his physical strength but not his abilities.Axel gritted his teeth.This won’t do. How will he
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Image training
A week had passed since Axel was released from the hospital. During this week, he never missed a day visiting the Masuda Dojo and practicing swordsmanship with Luna. He also got to know her better.She didn’t like to talk, but she loved animals. When he mentioned the tuxedo cat he had saved in an alley, she showed interest for the first time. She said she wanted to visit the cat and even thanked him for saving it. Axel immediately took this chance to invite her to his house, but she refused.“Why?” he blurted out before he could stop himself.“Just so,” she replied with an expressionless face, turning her back on him. Axel was left scratching his head. Sometimes he couldn’t tell what she was thinking. She wasn’t the talkative type, and her actions were hard to decipher.But he knew she was kind. She was kind enough to give him towels and a bottle of water during break time and kind enough to prepare his dojo uniform before training. Although he soon found out she did these things for e
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