All Chapters of Tower of Erase: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 chapters
Of course, Axel would not forgive his foolish classmates.Throughout the entire school year at Maple High School, that group of boys never left him alone. They followed him like annoying fleas, beating him whenever they got the chance.Axel stared at his book.Should he… steal their abilities? Let them feel what it’s like to be boiled alive?A smile crept across Axel’s lips.The next morning, he slung his bag over his shoulder and locked the door behind him. He made sure his hair still covered his face and hunched his shoulders, just as he always did when heading to school.When he caught his reflection in the mirror, he noticed something had changed. He no longer looked beaten up and lifeless. Ever since he died, he seemed to look more alive.For the first time, Axel was able to smile.Axel left his house in high spirits, but the moment he stepped out of the gate, he felt someone’s eyes on him.Surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it, acting as if nothing was wrong
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Made public
What was he about to do? Of course, practice his skills.Cole stretched his fingers as if he hadn't used them in a long time. When he saw Axel’s figure, he smiled in triumph.“Oh, look who’s here.”“Attaboy, coming to class like an obedient top student,” Cole snickered.He and his friends didn’t realize Axel was already prepared. The reason he stole Leon’s ability was because of its uniqueness. It wasn’t meant for fighting but was perfect for surveillance.Leon’s skill could track anyone. It was a high-level ability that could produce at least one hundred bug-like creatures, capable of recording both high-quality video and audio.Leon could upload this footage to his smartwatch and store it in his virtual space, allowing him and his friends to watch it whenever and wherever they wanted.Not only that, as long as he knew which user to search, he can search for their account and share them the footage of what was recorded. He can even share a live feed as he wants to, without using any
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Made public (2)
The reporters and Mr. Carlos’s supporters witnessed his son’s cruelty firsthand.Because of Axel’s death two weeks ago, his face had become widely known. So, seeing this poor boy, who had just returned to school, being ganged up on by his schoolmates shocked and dismayed everyone.The media present had their cameras rolling, broadcasting live to their networks.“Who is playing this video?!” Mr. Carlos screamed at the staff in charge of the video.But he was met with surprise when all the staff showed him that everything on their end had been disconnected.The power was already cut, yet the video continued to play. Even his wired mic no longer worked, and the high-definition cameras positioned for different angles had also been disconnected.But the huge projector still played the video.“It’s an ability. Someone’s awakened ability is keeping the video playing in projection,” one of the staff murmured. Seeing that they had already turned off the generators they brought as a power sourc
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First step
Axel was treated at the clinic and rested there.In reality, he was just pretending to be unconscious. The moment that person arrived, Axel immediately cut the connection from the projection and smiled.He had seen how Leon used his abilities and knew how to use them as well. After all, that idiot would often boast about his unique abilities in the group, saying he would become the greatest undercover agent and change the world with them.Leon could never imagine that someone might copy his ability and use it against him.“Hehe,” Axel giggled.Because of the earlier incident, which had clearly sparked public outrage, the school asked Axel to rest in the clinic and gave him two days off. The man from the Challenger’s Association was quick to respond as well. After Axel was blocked by the instructor, he first headed to the nearby bathroom and released the bugs. He managed to obtain a 3D map of the building layout and located Cole and his friends.Three bugs were placed in the same corri
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Axel didn’t respond for a minute. Then, his dazed, lethargic eyes slowly looked up to meet Gabriel’s gaze. “I’m okay,” he whispered.But those guys are not.Axel flipped the blanket off and got down from the bed.“Thank you for saving me,” he said, bowing to the tall, stoic man who had shown him concern.“You—you shouldn’t be moving. Get more rest,” Gabriel said, taking a tentative step forward, ready to assist Axel in case he felt weak and collapsed.Gabriel had just discovered the monstrous things those boys had been doing to this unawakened poor guy. For years, they used him as a "living practice target," and no one paid any attention because the gang leader was the son of the Chairman.The students clearly didn’t want to get involved for fear of being affected. When Gabriel used his powers to question them, he was able to get the truth from their mouths.Axel was the only unawakened in the school.Nobody dared to go near him. No one wanted to help.Why would we help him? We are no
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Oh, it was the recording from earlier.Axel breathed a sigh of relief. At least she didn't see the actual event. It wasn't part of his plan to reveal the recordings to her or anyone at the Masuda Dojo. But here she is, looking worried for him.Axel couldn't help but feel delighted, seeing her concern.Gabriel stood beside them, deep in thought. It was a few more minutes before he spoke.“Axel, you’re good with sword fighting?”“Not as good as Luna,” Axel replied.Gabriel studied Axel closely, his dark eyes narrowing with suspicion.“If that’s the case, then you should be able to fight those boys and defend yourself. Why did you let them beat you?”Axel was stunned. After a moment, he erased the surprise from his face and looked at Gabriel seriously.Tsk, he had forgotten that people like this existed. They’re too perceptive for their own good. Axel decided to abandon his plan to use Gabriel for his own gain and just let him be. After all, he couldn’t take advantage of Luna's family.A
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“Are you sure?” Gabriel doubted it.He had a feeling it wasn't that simple. Gabriel remembered his grandfather talking about a promising student whose fighting skills were on par with Luna and Nyx.He praised the student for being smart and quick-witted. His reflexes were also top-notch. Grandpa Ken said that this student had a natural talent for sword fighting.Considering Grandpa Ken, it was rare for him to praise someone else for their skills. The first person he admitted was better than himself was Nyx.So if Axel was really as talented as Grandpa Ken said, then why didn't he fight back against those people? Gabriel didn't believe it was to enhance his ability.That would be too stupid and risky. Unless Axel knew about the secret recording and intentionally got himself hurt to trap those who bullied him.“Yeah, he's fine. Let's go now. The kid is safe anyway, and we can put his name on the Awakened list. We'll figure out the level of his awakened power once he turns 18 since he wi
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