All Chapters of SPECTRA: System Unleashed. Defender Of His Realm.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Ch 11 - The Competition
From far away, Spectra watched as his sister and two others released their arrows. Shadows streaked out, hitting their targets.Though Spectra's eyesight wasn't great, he could tell that his sister's arrow was closest to the bull's eye, while the others' missed slightly. Cheers and boos erupted from the crowd, with Mira's class, Class 6, cheering the loudest.The competition continued through rounds two and three. Spectra didn't understand the rules, but he noticed the crowd cheering every time Mira shot an arrow. It seemed she was popular at school, not as reserved as she was around their parents.The archery event lasted over an hour, and Spectra struggled to stay awake. When it was time for his dojo test, he said goodbye to his sister and made his way through the crowd toward the exit.Exiting the crowd, he found the other parts of the Academy deserted, as students and teachers prepared for a sporting event. Outside, the pale sun offered no warmth, and an autumn breeze sent a chill
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Ch 12 - The Challenge
POV: Spectra“Duck!” Silyn yelled, pointing her hands behind me.“What?” I asked amidst the noise. I found out soon enough as my knees caved to the ground from the impact of Benjamin's punch to my back. Ouch. I shut my mouth tightly to prevent the scream that was building up inside from coming out. My insides blared hot from the pain, so much so that I questioned coming to this group. Heck, I wondered why I came to school today. I should have just called in—Focus, Spectra. Focus.I tilted my head upwards, and I saw Silyn shake her head. A small crowd had gathered to watch the combat. I pushed to my feet in a frenzy, still feeling a bit dazed. I spun around just in time to block Benjamin's attack. I studied his stance for a bit; he had his face locked in a half smile—excited that he had the upper hand—and a half frown, probably surprised I hadn't surrendered already. Not yet, bro.“You know you could just throw in the towel and save everybody's time, right?” Benjamin asked with a smirk
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Ch 13 - Spectra
POV: Spectra“What would you have?” the waitress asked for the second time. I looked at the menu, still finding the dishes strange. Everyone at the table peered at me, wondering why it took me so much time to choose.Well, they wouldn't understand, I thought. I mean, it's not every day someone sleeps on Earth and wakes on another planet with different people and different– “Hello?” the waiter prodded, her eyes searching me curiously. Benjamin nudged me gently and I sat upright almost immediately. “Erm, I'll have whatever they're having,” I said most casually I could manage. Lord, please let it be something I could eat, I prayed in my mind. The waiter muttered an ‘ok’ and went with the menu. Phew.“So, anything in particular you have an interest in?” Farak asked, attempting to make conversation. “Uhm, yeah. I like jewelry.”“Oh?” Silyn sat up, with a glimmer in her eyes. “We have this amazing collection at home. You could come to see it soon,” she offered. I need it for my system ab
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Ch 14 - Point Of View
POV: SpectraMira’s face was locked in a frown. I rushed to her side Immediately, wondering what the matter was.“Mira, what's the problem? Are you okay?” I held her by the shoulders, searching her body for any harm. She shrugged me off vehemently and stepped back. “It’s you. You're the problem”.Huh?“How is that?” I asked, even more confused. She threw her head back in defiance. “You promised you wouldn't be close to any other girl, spectra. You promised!”Oh, so that's what it's really about? I heaved a sigh. “We talked about this, Mira. Ai Fei is my friend, and that's about that. I just met Silyn, and I don't know if we're even friends yet,” I reassured her. I felt her shoulders relax and I noticed her facial features return to normal. Good.“So… what Camp did you get?” She asked with a bright smile like she wasn't the angry teenager who had her face in a glare two minutes ago. “Emerald Lake.”“Too bad!” she pouted. “I got to be at camp Springfield” “Oh, sorry,” I said, trying
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Ch 15 - Strange Faces
POV: Spectra.The silhouettes drew closer until they became clear. Somebody flicked on a bulb and the hall became as bright as day. I studied the assailants; four boys who looked my age. They were tall, muscular, and generally rough and they oddly looked familiar. I surveyed the surroundings and I saw a safe. That must be what they were there for, to crack the safe. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” One of them, apparently their leader asked. He had a deep, husky voice, but that didn't scare me. Not one bit. “Who I am isn't important at the moment,” I countered. “what’s more important is that you all leave that safe untouched.”The boys looked at each other and then they broke into a roaring laughter. I stood down, unflinching.“Now let me tell you something, bro,” he said, eyeing the badge on my shirt. “You’re from the academy, interesting. Now, I am giving you a chance to walk out of here unscathed. Just go home to your momma and we'll forget this. We won't come after you
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Ch 16 - Eva; My Unlocked Reward
Somewhere in the city, in a dimly lit room on the sixth floor of the biggest high-rise building, a lone figure stood at the center of the room, watching his boys writhe in pain, telling stories of how they had all been beaten by a very unlikely assailant: an amateur student from… POV: SPECTRA I examined the necklace in my hand for a moment, intrigued by the design. This wasn't any regular piece of jewelry; it was a precious stone. I examined the engraved Team Nexus name and closed my eyes, trying to remember where I'd heard the name before. It rang no bells. I shrugged and stuck the necklace in my breast pocket. I looked calmly around the place one last time before ringing the burglar alarm. I heard feet shuffling in someplace nearby, and I knew security was coming. The place would be safe for the night, at least.The crisp cold air hit my face as I ran into the moonlit night. I felt my speed increase and my hearing sharpen. Must be because of my new points, I though
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Ch 17 - “The Man”
“The Man” SPECTRAMira stood in front of me, in all her feminine glory. I swallowed and averted my eyes quickly. She must have noticed because she gave a light chuckle and pushed me aside lightly. She reached for the milk jar on top of the fridge, causing her gown to go up, revealing her fresh thighs. She looked back and shook her head. I muttered a quick goodnight and dragged my feet up the stairs. What was that moment? I thought as I opened the door to my room. I looked on the bed and saw the clothes I wore on the night of the murder. Hmm. I closed my eyes quickly, wondering why it was on the bed. I'd washed it clean, but I'd hid it in my drawer. How did it come to be on my bed? I looked back as Mira walked past my door en route to her room. She paused and looked at me first, then at the clothes in my hand. She muttered a hmm and walked on to her room.Could she have seen the clothes that night and pretended not to have seen them? I looked at the pants. There was a small
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Ch 18 - Relics From The Past
SPECTRAI groaned as a pang of headache hit me. I burrowed my head into the pillow like it would somehow ease the pain. I rolled on my back and fluttered my eyes open, only to see Mira peering down at me. I sat up immediately wondering what the heck she was doing in my room. She rolled her eyes at me and sat on the chair by my reading desk. “It’s 11 am, dude. What did you do yesterday? Fight a war?” If only you knew how many times I had to fight yesterday, I muttered inwardly. “First off, it's not a school day, which means I could sleep till 5 if I wanted. Secondly, what the hell are you doing in my room?” I turned to the murder clothes. They were folded neatly, just as I'd left them last night. I searched her face for any sign she was about to ask a question. Her face was blank, giving nothing away. “I’m in your room because Mom has tasked us to go grocery shopping,” she said checking herself out in my mirror. “Together?” “Yes, dummy. Together,” I saw her roll her eyes fr
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Ch 19 - Cold Shoulders
SPECTRA“Hi, Sandra!” Mira waved, in a strong bid to sound cheerful. Still, there was notable tension hanging in the air around us. “Mira,” the girl smiled. She turned to me with a somewhat curious glance. It confused me the more. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to react? I wished I could remember what was up with his body's life before I arrived. It would help me so much in navigating this crazy place. I looked away from Sandra—the girl’s gaze in a manner that seemed nonchalant. I fixed my attention on a pair of toys hanging on a rack nearby. Anything else, anywhere else that would help me avoid being caught in the hoop that was cast at me.Mira and Sandra whispered amongst themselves. Due to my super hearing, I could hear what they were saying. “Is he okay?” Sandra asked, her tone split into half-surprise, half-concern. From the corner of my eye, Mira shrugged. “He is, I guess.” She handed the shopping items to Sandra to be checked out. They continued whispering t
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Ch 20- Conversations And Locked Lips
SPECTRAThe street bubbled with life as the summer sun continued blazing down. My sweaty shirt hung uncomfortably to my back and I wondered how much of this I was going to endure in a world with four summers. The heat back in my world during the summer was unbearable and this was even worse. I felt my throat parch and wished I could disappear to the house in an instant. I mean, you could do that with my super speed, a voice whispered within me. Not with your half-sister walking with you, dummy, another voice countered. I waved two of them off with a shrug. I looked at Mira, noticing how lost she looked. As we turned the curve onto our street, I saw a figure standing at the spot from last night. It turned out to be just a random person that just happened to stand there. I heaved a sigh of relief. Would this paranoia ever end? I turned my head Mira’s way. She was unusually silent and I wondered what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. Beautiful head huh?I wanted to inquire bu
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