All Chapters of The Heir's Masquerade: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
Chapter 1: Jackson, a servant
In the city of New York, there stood a mansion, with enough rooms and land way too much for anyone. The word mansion is used but honestly, it was more of a place containing beautiful gardens, sculptures, and rooms. Anything that looked elegant could be found in this mansion. This was the Starkwood mansion home of the Starkwood family owners Starkwood Motors the world's greatest Manufacturers with over a hundred-year legacy on their shouldersIn one of the rooms was a man in his early twenties, with black hair and dark eyes making the bed that looked to be able to fit twenty people. “Hey Jackson you’re doing It wrong”, a man with blonde hair said standing in the doorway. “How exactly am I doing it wrong Master Blake”, the dark-haired man asked. The blonde man jumped on the bed and started wriggling. “See, there are still a lot of rumbles everywhere, It’s like you’re not even trying, do better or I’m going to ask Father to replace you”, Blake said.The dark-haired man clenched his fis
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Chapter 2: Not My Face
Jackson kept looking at the mirror and what it was showing him didn’t change. It was Blake's face staring back at him.”What…How..Why do I have Blake’s face?” Jackson thought. The nurse and thought were starting to worry about him, he hadn’t said a word and just kept staring into the mirror. “Mr Starkwood I know you don’t look exactly as you did before, but try to understand this type of surgery is quite complex and we had to use past photos as a reference. In fact, you look younger which is a good thing”, The Doctor said. Jackson turned his gaze to the doctor and the nurse showing a look of horror. “I ..”, Jackson was about to speak but was interrupted by the door sliding open. Coming in was the family butter, he had long grey hair, a full-grown beard, and looked close to the late Daniel Starwood’s age. “We called him during the accident. He's hardly left your side. He stayed here during the entire operation and refused to leave until you had woken up, quite a loyal servant you got
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Chapter 3: The New Heir
Going into the mansion there were servants waiting to greet Jackson or to be more precise Blake Starkwood. Cooks, maids, cleaners they all slightly bowed. Huh well, I don't hate this, Jackson thought with a grin on his face. Walking beside him was Adrian. You're doing good so far avoid talking with them too much for now insults will do, Adrian said whispering in his ear. Jackson nodded slowly still not fully into the acting, just because some people had more money than others doesn't mean they should be treated like trash. Hey Adrian If I'm such a brat to everyone why do you care about me so much? Jackson asked. Adrian remained quiet for a while. Well, I've become quite attached to you young master you might even say I need you, Adrian said with a smirk on his face.Jackson saw that but kept walking. Adrian had directed him to Blake's room, truth be told he didn't need any directions. He had spent quite a lot of time in this room not sleeping in it, just cleaning it every day for y
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Chpater 4: Funeral and Inheritance
As soon the driver opened the door Jackson saw flashes which made him shield his eyes. He got out of the car hearing mummers and seeing tons of people to the side. This wasn’t a red carpet show it was a funeral but it certainly didn’t feel like it.To his back he saw rows and rows of limos parked, to his side he saw paparazzi, reporters, newsmen, and regular civilians trying to look at the event. None of them could enter the church since it was a ‘private ’event. “It’s Blake Starkwood I thought he was dead”, “Seems he’s alive and well what’s he been doing these past few months”.Adrian came to Jackson’s Side stopping any reporters or cameramen from getting close. “This is a troubling time for Mr Starkwood so please just let him through he doesn’t need all this”, Adrian said to the reporters. Adrian led Jackson to the church while shielding him from many cameraman as he possibly could. When they both entered the church there was murmuring heard, men with black luxurious suits and wome
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Chapter 5: First Day as CEO
The next few days Jackson was woken up by Adrian, which was quite a task because it seemed he was attached to the bed he didn’t want to part from it no matter what happened. He was then dressed by Adrian in an expensive blue-looking suit, which Adrian reminded him once again that it was Blake’s favorite color.Adrian then went to a drawer in a room opening it there were rows and rows of watches. At first glance it was obvious that one of them was more expensive than most houses, there were watches with pure gold and diamonds embedded into them, and there were watches with a silver layout but a slick design with the brand logo of Rolex one of the most recognized watch companies in the world, there were those with a platinum layout and some with a leather skin not as charming as the rest but had an old and Gentleman vibe to it.“A suit is never complete without a watch. Do well to remember that.”, Adrian said. He gestured to the drawer giving Jackson the choice of picking which watch to
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Chapter 6: Hello Rebecca
Still in the car, Jackson found a parking spot reserved for the CEO. He parked and went inside the colossal building. Inside people instantly recognized him as Blake Starkwood a quite known figure.Before he entered there were those performing their daily duties such as the receptionists directing guests in the building and answering numerous calls. Jackson noticed something peculiar about the receptionists, they were young and attractive. He didn’t realize that would be a requirement to work in the company, they might as well be a supermodel. Women in their twenties having the bodies of supermodels wearing these white shirts and pencil skirts did seem pleasing in Jackson's eyes, maybe It was a good strategy.“Welcome Mr. Starkwood”, a voice said. Turning around Jackson noticed a man in his thirties rising up from a cubicle, with baggy eyes, and messed hair. ‘Was he working here all night, that must be brutal Jackson thought ’. Jackson smiled and waved to the man. After a moment of si
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Chapter 7: Night Life
Mr Weston waited for a reply from the young man. Blake's face remained emotionless which made Mr Weston wonder If his plan would truly work. ‘What the hell? Brian told me If I brought this deal to Blake he’d take it in a heartbeat, my son may not know his friend as well as he thinks he does, Mr Weston thought.Jackson was considering the deal, It was obvious was Mr Weston’s end goal was but should he care? Taking on the identity of Blake Starkwood he already had enough money than he ever thought he had and he wasn’t sure he even cared about the company. The engine of the man before him almost ran his previous company to the ground what’s to stop him from doing the same to Starkwood Motors, he may not have cared for the company but there were people here who needed the jobs for their survival and Jackson knowing this better than anyone wasn’t heartless enough to contribute in its downfall.“I’ll think about it”, Jackson said. “Great give me a call if you decide to take the deal”, Mr W
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Chapter 8: I Spent How much?
Entering the club it was illuminated with several different colors of light flashing and spiraling around everywhere. There was music playing quite loudly so much that Jackson couldn’t hear his own thoughts If I didn’t try hard enough. It was also filled with people, not just more men than women, and the women were quite a sight. If Jackson had to guess none were above thirty and were all fit and good-looking. The same couldn’t be said for the men though, from young adults to those who looked to be in their mid-thirties was there. There must be certain criteria for people who can enter here I wonder which one I fall under rich or young. Probably both ’. Walking around he wondered what to do, dance if he did who would he dance with himself? That would just be Awkward.Suddenly he felt a hand touching his shoulder. “You made it bro so glad you could come”, looking behind him which was where he came from he saw the one who was touching his soldier was Brian Weston. ‘No no no. What is
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Chapter 9: Money and Power
‘Ten … million … dollars'’ Jackson thought to himself. An amount that most would work their entire lives and wouldn’t come close to making, and he spent it all in one drunken night what an idiot he was. Jackson kept staring at the receipt it seemed he had bought the club in his drunken state. ‘I was in No condition to buy anything, I could sue the sellers for this but then I’d have to court and It would become a big deal but It’s ten million dollars I have to fight for it’.“I must say young master when you were given your platinum card I expected you to go with spending but not this. It seemed I underestimated you” Adrian said with a soft smile.As to what Adrian meant it was the Platinum card Jackson was given access to sometime after the Funeral. The card has access to a lot of the Starkwood's, not all of it of course. There would be spare money all over but it was safe to say that access to tens of millions if not hundreds of millions which Jackson could use at any time.Jac
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Chapter 10: No Deal
Jackson went to Starkwood Motors headquarters after his conversation with Adrian. The last time he had visited the building, he did so in a Chevy Camaro, but now he decided to go in a sports car made by Starkwood’s, in fact.It was gray in color, gleaming under the sunlight. It had a sleek body exuding power. The front had a wide black grille and sharp, bright headlights. Its interior had comfortable leather seats and a modern dashboard with a big touchscreen.The steering wheel and the back had the Starkwood Motors logo embedded into it. The design was a combination of sporty and elegant, easy for anyone to appreciate.This was the Starkwood Phantom sports car, its latest model. It wasn’t even in the market yet, but of course, Jackson, acting as the CEO of Starkwood Motors, would have no difficulty in getting access to one.Jackson had always heard how Starkwood Motors made the best sports cars in the world, and now he was driving one. It was the first sports car he had ever used, so
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