All Chapters of Hidden Legacy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Tense Introductions
James had spent the last few days contemplating the best way to break the news to Patricia and Williams about Hunter’s true identity. He knew it would be a shock, especially to Patricia, but he believed it was time for the truth to come out. One evening, he called a family meeting in the living room, his heart heavy with the weight of the revelation. Patricia and Williams sat on the plush couches, curiosity and slight apprehension evident on their faces. James cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts. “Thank you both for coming. There’s something very important I need to tell you,” James began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. Williams leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concern. “What is it, Grandpa?” James took a deep breath. “I recently discovered something about our family, something that changes everything. You both know that Michael had a serious relationship before he married you, Patricia.” Patricia’s expression hardened slightly, but she nodded. “Yes, Ja
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Embracing The Future
Hunter stood outside the courthouse, feeling a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The divorce from Ava had been long and painful, but it was finally over. The sun was high, and the courthouse steps were bustling with people, but all he could think about was moving forward. As he approached the entrance, he saw Ava and her mother waiting. Their faces twisted with anger as they spotted him. “You worthless piece of trash!” Ava’s mother spat, her voice venomous. “You couldn’t even keep a marriage together.” Ava joined in, her words cutting deep. “You’re useless, Hunter. I can’t believe I even considered marrying trash like you.” Hunter took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. He knew engaging with them would only make things worse. “Goodbye, Ava. I hope you find happiness,” he said simply before turning away. Ignoring the continued barrage of insults, Hunter walked to the exit. As he stepped outside, he was taken aback to see a sleek black sedan parked at the curb, a uniformed
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The Address and a Foreboding
The next few days were a whirlwind of activity at the Lee mansion and the Lee Corporation offices. The upcoming press conference, where James would reveal Hunter as his first grandson and subsequent heir, required meticulous planning and coordination. James was determined to ensure everything went smoothly. James stood in his office, reviewing the press release drafts with his assistant, Matthew. “We need to make sure the statement is clear and leaves no room for misinterpretation. This announcement is going to change everything.” Matthew nodded, jotting down notes. “I’ve scheduled meetings with the PR team to refine the message and anticipate potential questions from the media. We’re also preparing a video montage to introduce Hunter and highlight his achievements in college and as a employee in business industry.” James looked out the window, deep in thought. “Good. Hunter deserves to be recognized for who he is and what he’s accomplished. This isn’t just about the inheritanc
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Cutting Off Loose Ends
Patricia paced back and forth in her room, her thoughts a whirlwind of anger and frustration. The presence of Hunter and his mother, Charlotte, was a constant reminder that her carefully constructed life was at risk of unravelling. Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, she picked up her burner phone and dialled the only number saved on it once again. The phone rang several times before the gruff voice answered. “What now, Patricia?” Patricia’s voice was sharp, laced with impatience. “How long are you planning to take? I need Hunter and Charlotte gone from my life immediately.” There was a pause on the other end, then a low, menacing chuckle. “You seem to forget who you’re talking to, Patricia. You don’t make demands of me.” Patricia’s grip tightened on the phone. “I’m paying you a lot of money. I expect results.” The man sighed, his tone shifting to one of warning. “Careful, Patricia. You may be paying me, but I’m the one taking all the risks. A little gratitude might b
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Plots And Schemes
In the opulent living room of the Paige mansion, Ava sat on the edge of the plush sofa, her hands clenched in frustration. The news of Hunter’s true identity had hit her like a ton of bricks, and she was spiralling into a pit of regret and anger. She had divorced the heir to the biggest conglomerate in America without even knowing it. The implications of her mistake gnawed at her constantly. Ava’s father, Andrew Paige, a stern man with a booming voice, was sipping his evening whiskey when he looked over at his daughter, shaking his head in disbelief. “You really screwed up this time, Ava. Do you know what kind of opportunity you just let slip through your fingers?” Ava’s brothers, Richard and Mark, were no less forgiving. Richard smirked as he leaned back in his chair. “All those years scheming to get a piece of grandpa’s supposed inheritance, and you never thought to aim higher. Who would’ve thought the idiot you were using was actually a Lee?” Mark chimed in, his tone dripping
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A Close call
In the quiet neighbourhood where Charlotte lived, the atmosphere was serene, a stark contrast to the brewing storm that was about to hit. She had just finished watering her garden and was enjoying a cup of tea on her porch when her phone buzzed with a message from Hunter. He was adjusting to his new life but wanted to reassure her that they were in this together. Charlotte smiled, her heart swelling with pride and love for her son.Unbeknownst to her, a shadow was lurking nearby. The unidentified man Patricia had been conspiring with had been given his orders: to eliminate Hunter and his mother from Patricia’s life. He had been watching Charlotte for days, studying her routines, and now he was ready to strike.That evening, Charlotte decided to take a walk to clear her mind. She strolled through the quiet streets, lost in thoughts of her past with Michael and the future she hoped to build with Hunter now back in her life. As she turned a corner, she felt a chill run down her spine,
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Building Bridges
After the harrowing kidnapping incident, Hunter found it difficult to shake off the lingering fear and anxiety. The thought of returning to the Lee mansion, where his family’s wealth and status painted a target on their backs, filled him with dread. He became increasingly reluctant to go back, preferring the safety and anonymity of their modest home.Charlotte, on the other hand, had her own reservations. She worried that her presence at the mansion would not be welcomed, especially by Patricia, who had made no secret of her disdain. But the insistence from James, Michael, and even Williams eventually wore down her resistance. They made it clear that she and Hunter were an integral part of the family, and it was time to fully integrate into the household.One evening, as Charlotte and Hunter sat on their porch, James and Williams arrived unannounced. James’s face was set with determination, while Williams wore his usual easy-going smile.“Charlotte, Hunter.” James began, “We need
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Shadows Of Deceit
The Lee mansion had transformed since the arrival of Hunter and Charlotte. Despite the tension, particularly from Patricia, the house now buzzed with a renewed sense of hope. Charlotte spent much of her time with Michael, offering him companionship and solace. Their bond, rekindled after so many years, brought a gentle light into Michael’s life. However, beneath the surface, shadows of deceit and malice lingered. Patricia’s facade of indifference masked her continuing efforts to poison Michael. She was determined to maintain her control over the household, regardless of the cost. More so, with the sudden appearance of Hunter and his mother, she was determined to ensure that her own son would not be cheated of his inheritance. Williams should be the sole heir to the Lee family’s inheritance. One afternoon, Charlotte and Michael were in the garden, enjoying the warm sunlight. Michael looked frailer than usual, his face pale and drawn. “How are you feeling today, Michael?” Charlot
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Amelia Greene
Months had passed since Hunter’s identity was revealed, and the Lee household was undergoing a transformation. Hunter had stepped into the business world with the confidence and determination that marked him as a true Lee. His sharp mind and natural leadership skills impressed not only James but also the board members who had initially been sceptical of this new heir. James, seeing the potential in his grandson, began to delegate more responsibilities to him. Hunter was now handling meetings on his own, negotiating deals, and making decisions that directly impacted the company’s future.Michael, still abroad with Charlotte, was making a remarkable recovery. The treatment had worked wonders, and he was slowly regaining his strength. Though still unable to walk unaided, his condition had improved drastically. Charlotte, ever the devoted companion, stayed by his side, but even from afar, they kept in close contact with the family, offering their support and guidance.Back home, William
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A Rocky Start
Hunter Lee sat at his desk, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him. The morning had been a whirlwind of meetings, phone calls, and last-minute preparations for an upcoming business trip. Despite his growing prominence in the Lee family business, he felt a gnawing anxiety in the pit of his stomach. His mother’s kidnapping had left him on edge, and the constant pressure from all sides was beginning to wear on him. The last thing he wanted to deal with was another new face in his already crowded life. A knock on the door jolted him from his thoughts. “Come in,” he called out, his voice sharper than intended. The door opened, and Amelia Greene stepped in. She carried a small notepad and a pen, her posture straight, her expression poised yet uncertain. Despite her professional demeanour, there was an unmistakable nervousness in her eyes as she approached Hunter’s desk. “Mr. Lee.” she greeted, her voice steady but soft. “I’m Amelia Greene, your new secretary. Mr. Lee—your gran
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