All Chapters of Hidden Legacy : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 chapters
A New Start
Amelia Greene let out a deep, exhausted sigh as she closed the door of her small apartment behind her. The first day at her new job had been a challenge, leaving her mentally drained and physically weary. Without even bothering to turn on the lights, she kicked off her shoes and shuffled into the living room. Her eyes fell on the single couch she had managed to arrange in the otherwise cluttered space, and she immediately slumped into it, sinking into the worn fabric. She gazed around the room, disheartened by the sight of unopened boxes stacked haphazardly against the walls. They were a stark reminder of how much she still had to do to make this place feel like home. The movers had delivered everything just over a week ago, but between settling into her new job and trying to adjust to life in New York, Amelia hadn’t had the time—or the energy—to unpack. Her eyes travelled to the boxes scattered around the house, each filled with items she hadn’t yet bothered to take out. Pots a
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Meeting His Ex
Hunter leaned back in his car, eyes closed as he tried to erase the day’s events from his mind. It was quiet now, the only sound being his audible breathing. Despite the stillness around him, his thoughts were anything but calm. His new secretary, Amelia Greene, had been on his mind since their first meeting that morning. Hunter had been intentionally cold, keeping his distance and making it clear that he had no interest in forming any kind of personal connection. But as much as he tried to ignore it, a nagging guilt crept in. He hadn’t missed the way Amelia’s hands trembled slightly as she handed him his schedule, or the momentary flicker of uncertainty in her eyes when he gave her curt instructions. He’d been harsh, perhaps unnecessarily so, but it was a defence mechanism he couldn’t afford to let down. Hunter knew all too well the consequences of letting someone get close. He’d been burned before—his mind inevitably wandered back to Ava, his ex-wife. They had married, and Hunt
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Persistent Pursuit
Ava didn’t know the meaning of giving up. After her last confrontation with Amelia, she was even more determined to get through to Hunter. The image of her ex-husband’s stoic face haunted her, and her mind twisted with thoughts of what she had lost. The fact that Hunter was now the heir to the Lee fortune only fuelled her desperation. She needed him back—not for love or even for the prestige, but because her life had spiralled out of control since their divorce, and Hunter was the key to regaining her footing. Her next attempt after that fateful encounter with Amelia at the office, was at a charity gala that she knew Hunter would attend. She had been planning to make a grand entrance, to remind him of the woman he had once fallen for. But as she arrived, dressed in an elegant red gown designed to turn heads, her heart sank when she saw Amelia lingering around Hunter— who seemed to be in a heated discussion with some businessmen, scanning the crowd. “Good evening, Ms. Greene.” Ava
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Power Shifts
The evening sun cast a warm, golden hue over the garden outside Amelia’s house. Inside, the small living room was filled with a sense of quiet anticipation. James sat across from Amelia, his sharp eyes softened with age but still holding a commanding presence. He held a cup of tea between his large hands, the steam swirling lazily upward. Amelia, seated with a notepad and pen out of habit, watched him patiently, ready to jot down any relevant information that might alter the direction of the company, and possibly the family, forever. “Amelia,” James began, breaking the silence. His voice was deep, measured, as if weighing each word before it left his lips. “You’ve been with us for a while now, but you’re a seasoned secretary and you’ve seen the ups and downs, the battles within and outside companies. I’ve come to a point where I must make a decision that will affect the future of everything we’ve built.” Amelia leaned slightly forward, her curiosity piqued. “What are you thinking,
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The Heart Wants What it Wants
The passing weeks were a whirlwind of meetings, decisions, and long hours as Hunter Lee gradually took the reins of the family business. He threw himself into the role with a single-minded focus, determined to prove his worth not just to his grandfather, but to himself. The shadows of past mistakes loomed large in his mind—chief among them, his disastrous marriage. The bitter memories of how his ex-wife had betrayed him left deep scars, making him wary of trusting anyone, especially when it came to matters of the heart. Amelia, on the other hand, was a model of professionalism and efficiency. As a long-time secretary, she was more than familiar with the inner workings of the company and had become an invaluable asset to Hunter. She was there for every meeting, handled every crisis with calm composure, and often worked late into the night to ensure things ran smoothly. But behind the professional facade, Amelia couldn’t help but notice the subtle changes in Hunter—how he was more wit
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A Glimpse of Us
The Lee Enterprises office was buzzing with activity as usual, with employees moving quickly from one task to another. Hunter Lee’s office, however, was filled with a different kind of tension. For the past few months, Hunter had been managing the company smoothly, his confidence growing with each passing day. Even Ava, had backed off from her frequent and uninvited visits, leaving him free to focus. Yet, the pressure of proving himself never really left. And today, it was all boiling over. Hunter leaned back in his chair, his face buried in his hands. “Where the hell is that file?” he muttered angrily. The file contained crucial documents for a high-stakes meeting later that afternoon. Without it, the presentation would be a disaster. Amelia entered his office with a cup of coffee, her usual warm smile in place. “Here’s your coffee, Mr. Lee. Anything else I can help with?” Hunter didn’t look up, his jaw clenched tight. “I can’t find the Simpson file. I asked you to organize eve
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Healing and Reconciliation
The overseas medical facility where Michael was receiving treatment was nestled in a serene countryside, far removed from the chaos of the city. Rolling green hills surrounded the centre, and the air was fresh and crisp, offering a peaceful ambiance that seemed to facilitate healing. Michael had been bedridden for what felt like an eternity, his strength sapped by years of slow poisoning, but now, for the first time in years, he was beginning to feel a resurgence of vitality. Charlotte sat beside his bed, her face glowing with relief as she watched the man she had once loved deeply, slowly come back to life. There was colour in his cheeks, a faint gleam in his eyes, and the first signs of movement in his limbs. The doctors were optimistic and credited the improved environment, consistent care, and Charlotte’s presence for his progress. The sensation returning to his arms and legs was a miracle they had all been praying for. One crisp afternoon, with sunlight pouring in through the
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The Weight of Expectations
Hunter had always been good at pretending. Outwardly, he was confident, suave, and self-assured, presenting the perfect image of a young man destined for greatness. But beneath that polished surface lay a deeply rooted insecurity that had haunted him since childhood. The absence of a father figure during his most formative years left a void that Hunter had desperately tried to fill with achievements, social validation, and eventually, business success.Even back in high school, Hunter had never truly fit in, despite his efforts to be part of the popular crowd. The jocks and socialites may have let him hang around, but it wasn’t because they valued him—it was because he was the smart kid who could help them pass exams and complete assignments. For them, Hunter was more of an accessory, useful only for his brains and resources. And for a time, Hunter convinced himself that proximity to popularity was enough to cover up the loneliness he felt inside.College wasn’t much different. He
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Unspoken Tension
The days had settled into a routine again at Lee Enterprises, but things were far from being the same between Hunter and Amelia. Ever since the incident where she collapsed and woke up in a panic, mumbling about things Hunter couldn’t quite piece together, something had shifted between them—something subtle, but undeniably present. Hunter found it increasingly difficult to maintain the professional distance he once upheld so strictly. Before, it had been easy to be stern, to demand perfection, and to keep things strictly business. But now, every time he felt frustration bubbling up, an image would flash in his mind—Amelia, lying on the office floor, clutching the file with frail hands. Her broken pleas echoed in his memory, words laced with fear and anguish that went beyond mere work stress. It made him hesitate, made him softer in ways he didn’t quite understand. He noticed things about her he hadn’t before—the faint shadow under her eyes that concealer couldn’t fully hide, the
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Plots and Ploys
The sun hung low in the sky, casting an orange hue over the sprawling estate as Patricia paced along the garden path. Her mind buzzed with thoughts of betrayal and loss of control. Her son, Williams, had left behind everything—the family business, the legacy, and the responsibilities she had painstakingly groomed him to take on. He was out there chasing dreams of adventure and exploration, while Hunter was now the only one left to manage the Lee family empire. It made Patricia’s blood boil. For years, Patricia had banked on Williams stepping up, ensuring that the family legacy would eventually be hers to control. With her husband Michael still overseas receiving treatment and her father-in-law James comfortably retired, the pressure had fallen on Hunter, something that infuriated her. Having grown up in a wealthy family, she knew just what it meant to have sole control over something. However, due to her gender, that opportunity was withdrawn from her. When she married into the L
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