All Chapters of Hidden Legacy : Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 chapters
Unravelling Schemes
Patricia sat in her dimly lit study, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the polished mahogany desk. The room was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, but the bitter taste of resentment lingered in her mind. Weeks of scheming with Ava had led them to this point. The groundwork had been laid: whispers in the right ears, planted doubts in the minds of the board members, and calculated rumours designed to paint Hunter as a ruthless and manipulative leader. They were confident that the seeds they had sown would soon bear fruit. But Patricia couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at her. For all their efforts, Hunter had yet to show any signs of cracking. Across town, Ava was busy playing her part. She had reconnected with some of Hunter’s old acquaintances from college and strategically let slip comments about how he was always distant, cold, and more interested in personal gain than genuine relationships. “He’s always been like that.” she would say with a practiced sigh,
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Threading on Dangerous Waters
Ava stood by the window of her luxury apartment, staring at the skyline with a smirk curling at the edge of her lips. It was clear her previous attempts to bring Hunter down and crawling back to her had failed miserably, thanks in no small part to that secretary of his, Amelia. But Ava wasn’t the type to back down easily. If Patricia’s schemes weren’t enough to shake Hunter’s control, then it was time for her to take matters into her own hands—directly. And this time, she wasn’t interested in ruining his reputation. No, she wanted to rekindle the flame that once existed between them, to pull him back into her grasp where he belonged. The plan was simple but effective: tamper with Hunter’s lunch order and let the drug do its work. She had timed it perfectly—Amelia would be on her usual afternoon break, leaving Hunter alone. It was now or never.Hunter’s day had been gruelling. He was swamped with meetings and reports, but he was used to the pressure. What caught him off guard was th
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The Mask of Deception
The day had started like any other, with the usual bustle of meetings, reports, and phone calls. Hunter was finally beginning to move past the paranoia that had lingered since the drugging incident two months ago. His grandfather James, and even his father Michael had both been furious when they found out what had happened, demanding tighter security and investigations. Even Patricia, who had never hidden her disdain for Hunter, had shown genuine shock when she heard the news. For a while, Hunter had ruled out the possibility of any family member being involved. But despite the lingering questions, things had finally started to settle down, and Hunter was slowly easing back into his normal routine. The office buzzed with activity as the day unfolded, and for a moment, it seemed like the shadow of the past was finally fading away. That is, until he heard the commotion outside his office. A loud cry echoed through the hallway, followed by the sound of frantic sobbing. Hunter frow
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A Sharp Reality
The next day, while Hunter was buried in reviewing some documents, his phone buzzed on his desk, jolting him out of his work. He glanced at the screen and saw a text from Ava: ‘I’m heading to the hospital now to confirm the pregnancy. The appointment is at 2 PM. I expect you to be there.’ Hunter stared at the message for a moment, his emotions a tangled mess. He didn’t want to believe Ava’s claims, but he knew he had to face this head-on. If she really was pregnant—and if the child was somehow his—then he needed to know for certain. He typed a quick reply: ‘I’ll be there.’ The next few hours passed in a blur. He tried to focus on his work, but his thoughts kept drifting to the appointment. By the time 1:30 PM rolled around, he couldn’t ignore the gnawing anxiety any longer. He grabbed his coat and told Amelia he was stepping out for a while. Her concerned eyes followed him as he left, but she didn’t ask any questions, sensing the gravity of whatever was weighing on him. W
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A Web of Lies
Ava was meticulous when it came to planning her moves, and this was no different. She knew how to play her cards, and the game she was setting up with Hunter was no exception. Just a week after confirming her pregnancy, Ava discovered that the child was the result of a short-lived fling she’d had a couple of with some guy. Rather than letting this inconvenience derail her plans, she saw it as an opportunity to further tighten her grip on Hunter. Hunter had made it clear that he didn’t want anyone to know about the pregnancy until he was ready, but Ava had no intention of keeping that promise. She needed leverage, and what better way than to stir the pot before Hunter could even get his bearings? Ava sat in her spacious, meticulously decorated apartment, scrolling through her contacts until she landed on her mother’s number. She hesitated for a brief second, then hit dial. The phone barely rang twice before her mother picked up, her voice dripping with concern. “Ava, darling! Ho
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