All Chapters of The Influential Son-in-Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
78 chapters
Chapter 21
Mae turned to face Gilbert, taken aback.“What are you talking about? What’s the matter?” she asked.“Do you realize the value of that car? Do you know how many wheelchairs one wheel can buy?” Gilbert questioned.“I’m telling you now! You’ll never own a car like that in your lifetime! So don’t dwell on it too much,” he added.Mae crossed her arms and scoffed at Gilbert’s words.Saying nothing, Gilbert withdrew his hand, picked up the key from the table, and placed it down, displaying it silently.Mae’s gaze unconsciously fell on the car key, noticing the black horse on a yellow background and the distinctive Ferrari logo, which surprised her.Gilbert owned the Ferrari, a luxury car worth millions of dollars overseas. Mae’s heart raced as she wondered, “How could Gilbert afford such an expensive car? Does he still have a lot of money, or does he have a shady past?”Various thoughts flooded Mae’s mind at that moment.“I hope you can change,” Gilbert said to Mae.“Think about Azalea. I c
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Chapter 22
“Where are you going?" Azalea blushed as she asked, surprising Gilbert. Despite his years of war experience, Azalea’s question caught Gilbert off guard. He had seen a lot in his time, making him calmer than most people and difficult to unsettle. However, at that moment, he felt an unexplained nervousness.“I’m going to take a break again,” Gilbert responded, turning his back to Azalea.Concerned, Azalea asked, “What if I feel pain again?” She pursed her red lips, unintentionally coming across as spoiled.Gilbert reassured her, “Then I’ll come back. You’re having your period now, so take a break.” With that, he strolled out of the room.“Good,” Azalea responded. “He seems to be quite gentle,” Azalea said to herself with an indescribable expression on her face.After Gilbert left, Azalea stayed in bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The events of the past few days played in her mind like scenes from a movie. Gilbert’s recovery had surprised her, but it had also brought ab
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Chapter 23
There was no need to say it again. It didn’t matter.It would be enough for him to make up for what he owed Azalea from now on.He didn’t have to think about others.“Then I have to trouble you,” Azalea said, slowly turning her gaze to Gilbert.Gilbert responded, and he walked out in front of her.“Silly girl, I have bothered you for two years.” He sighed in her mind. It is useless for me to do this for you."“Azalea, are you a fool?” Mae was helpless.“Help him get into the car if he sends you. How could this be better than riding your scooter?” Mae looked at Azalea and said in an angry voice.“He wants to do something for me,” Azalea told her mother. “It would hurt him if I rejected him.”Azalea changed her shoes, then turned around and walked out.“Hum! A cripple. What dignity can a lame person have?” Mae snorted and sat on the couch alone, angry.“Don’t be so mean to Gilbert like that later,” Azalea said. “It doesn’t matter if you did it previously.” But now he has recovered. He
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Chapter 24
Azalea frowned and glanced at Ashley. "Do I need to disclose what I purchased?"Azalea remained patient but was not easily intimidated."Ashley, don't you fear the discovery of your lies? How can you afford a Ferrari? What are you talking about? If you could afford a Ferrari, I could buy a Lamborghini," Azalea retorted.Ashley scoffed, insinuating, "Where did you steal this car from?"Gilbert interjected, "It's just a Ferrari. Even if Azalea desires the world, I could provide it for her."Ashley mocked, "Stop boasting. She doesn't want the world; she wants you to stand up for her. Why don't you defend her?"Harold intervened, challenging Gilbert, "If you are so capable, why don't you stand up and face me?" Azalea felt embarrassed and frustrated by the situation, while Ashley sneered coldly.Onlookers shook their heads in disappointment, thinking, "Despite driving a Ferrari, Gilbert
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Chapter 25
Scott's heart skipped a beat as he realized Gilbert's displeasure."What have you done?"Old Mr. Kane frowned and fixed his gaze on Scott, who was utterly confused.He had followed Gilbert's instructions to help the Cadenn family, expecting some recognition from Gilbert. However, Gilbert did not offer any assistance."Um...Umm..."Scott stammered, his mind racing. Suddenly, he recalled the rumors about Azalea's tense relationship with the Cadenn family, which he attributed to Gilbert. This revelation dawned on him: Gilbert's true intention was to help Azalea, not the Cadenn family. Scott felt foolish for not realizing this sooner."Save your explanation. Do as Mr. Huxley instructed," Old Mr. Kane rebuked Scott, emphasizing that Gilbert was the one who truly saved his life.If he couldn't even help Gilbert with such a small matter, he would turn the Kane family into a laughingstock."Yes, Mr. Huxley, I'm sorry. I'll call and decide right now," Scott nodded quickly, then took out his ce
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Chapter 26
The entire Cadenn family was suddenly surprised."Let me help you," Azalea said to Gilbert. Without looking at the crowd, she unfolded the wheelchair and helped Gilbert sit on it."Was the Ferrari driven by Gilbert?""He's disabled! Can he even drive? Really?"The question is not whether he can drive or not. I just want to know where the car came from. The Cadenn family members were all stunned and engaged in a discussion.Ashley and Harold felt a little uncomfortable when they saw the Ferrari."It's just a rental car. It's not even theirs," Harold said, expressing disbelief that they could afford a Ferrari.Harold snorted coldly and spoke disdainfully, "That's it!"The Cadenn family suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. "Gilbert, after tonight, the Cadenn family will kick you out. What do you think?"Harold slowly approached Gilbert, who remained silent. "Good," Harold said, leaning in closer to Gilbert. "What do you think?" Harold deliberately asked Gilbert, his breath res
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Chapter 27
“Harold and Ashley are exceptional,” the Kane family in Texas City proudly declared.Unexpectedly, Harold showed his abilities, garnering admiration and jealousy among the Cadenn family. Despite the mixed reactions, everyone praised Harold and Ashley, envisioning them as the family’s heroes and treasures in the eyes of Old Mrs. Cadenn. Eager to please them, the Cadenn family embraced the idea of Harold and Ashley taking care of the family’s future. Old Mrs. Cadenn expressed her happiness at seeing the Cadenn family’s successors confident in their skills. Her decision to entrust the family to Harold and Ashley astonished the Cadenn family, but they were also excited about the prospect.“Grandma, it’s nothing! As a member of the Cadenn family, I feel a responsibility to consider the family’s well-being and make positive contributions. Despite being labeled as a silly beauty, I constantly think about the Cadenn family and strive not to bring shame upon them.”Ashley expressed her thought
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Chapter 28
His words elicited laughter from everyone."Gilbert, will you stop boasting like a fool?" Grandma scolded."Grandma, I have something to confess," Gilbert said.Harold gritted his teeth and recounted, "Gilbert slapped me at the door earlier."With his fingerprints still visible, he reached out to touch his face.Old Mrs. Cadenn frowned at Gilbert, feeling deep dissatisfaction.Gilbert hadn't even married Azalea yet, proving that blood was more powerful than water.If he married her, he would just be a grandson, how could he compare to Harold?"He was jealous of the partnership between the Kane family and me, so he hit me," Harold explained."I didn't retaliate because he's disabled. It's infuriating," he added.Harold fabricated lies, but the Cadenn family believed him without question.They all agreed that Harold faced attacks just to secure cooperation with the Kane family.Ashley clutched her chest in fear and asked, "If we secured bigger clients in the future, would he kill us out
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Chapter 29
As Major General, he commanded millions of troops and horses, wielding overwhelming power. He once effortlessly defeated ten enemy generals. Despite sustaining severe injuries that exposed his bones, he remained stoic and never shed a tear.However, in a rare moment of vulnerability, his eyes welled up with tears, revealing a deep emotional impact.Living in seclusion in a small town, he felt isolated and powerless as his former friends drifted away. He believed he had nothing left. Yet, the girl who had cared for him for two years showed him a different perspective. She owned something invaluable—Azalea."Get out! Both of you, leave now! Don't return to the Cadenn family!"Old Mrs. Cadenn shouted in a fit of anger, pointing at Azalea. Eanny intervened, calming her grandmother and comforting Azalea."Grandma, please don't be upset," Eanny said as she gently patted the old woman's back.She winked at Harold as he comforted her."Azalea, why are you still here? Do you have to let Grandm
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Chapter 30
The Cadenn family fell silent in shock.“What... What did you say?”Old Mrs. Cadenn finally spoke, her eyes wide open.“I stated that only Miss Azalea Cadenn could sign the contract with the Cadenn family.”“But Miss Azalea Cadenn isn’t here,” Mrs. Cadenn protested.“Unfortunately, that is the requirement,” Mr. Karl replied firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.As Mr. Karl reiterated the condition, the Cadenn family realized the gravity of the situation.The partnership relied heavily on Azalea and Gilbert, who had recently lost their jobs. Harold and Ashley, who had assured the family of sealing the deal, were now panicking.They had even planned a celebratory dinner with Elder Mrs. Cadenn, banking on the success of the collaboration.But now, Azalea held the key to the agreement.“I’m here to follow instructions. If the Cadenn family decides to proceed, we can discuss it further. Otherwise, I will take my leave,” Mr. Karl stated calmly before leaving.“Please wait,” Old Mrs. Cade
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