All Chapters of The Influential Son-in-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
76 chapters
Chapter 11
"That?"Scott blushed instantly. He didn't expect Gilbert to be so direct, but anyone could speak. Scott wanted to see if Gilbert could continue the conversation. The Kane family lived in Texas City, known as the city's largest supplier of medicinal materials. They had a lot of wealth. They bought a large piece of land and built a luxurious mansion on it.In front of the mansion, a huge artificial lake sparkled all year.A car pulled up, and Scott helped Gilbert into the wheelchair. He then pushed Gilbert's wheelchair into the mansion.Gilbert said abruptly, "The mansion needs mountains behind it to maintain harmony. Surprised, Scott looked at Gilbert, having paid a significant sum to assess the mansion's feng shui. Despite the elaborate methods used by the experts Scott hired, Gilbert could discern the situation with a simple glance."Mr. Huxley, do you have knowledge of Feng Shui?"Scott inquired, unable to contain his astonishment. "Just some experiences," Gilbert replied, waving h
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Chapter 12
Dalton was amazed."What is that, Mr. Bogus?"Gentry inquired, looking confused and frowning."Stay quiet." Dalton reprimanded Gentry, who dared not make a sound.Dalton, however, paid no attention to Gentry and focused on watching Gilbert's movements intently.Gilbert appeared very skilled as he asked old Mr. Kane to sit back in the chair.After disinfecting the needles, Gilbert prepared to perform acupuncture on the patient, Mr. Kane.The needles looked shiny and came in different sizes, but in Gilbert's hands, they seemed less intimidating. It was as if Gilbert was putting on a spectacular show for his audience.With precision and skill, Gilbert inserted the needles into the body of old Mr.Kane accurately hits the acupuncture points."It's that."Dalton muttered to himself, his eyes widening. Acupuncture was a highly dangerous practice that required exceptional skill.The precise location of the acupuncture points and the depth of the puncture were crucial.Gilbert remained calm,
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Chapter 13
Age wasn't a problem, really."I'm not interested in this," Gilbert said, shaking his head and immediately refusing."But..."Dalton didn't want to give up, but he didn't know how to insist either."Mr. Bogus, could you please check on old Mr. Kane? Let's see if he can recover," Gentry, feeling unwell, said impatiently."There's no need for that.If Mr. Huxley was unable to heal old Mr. Kane, then I suppose no one could.Dalton's words left Gentry speechless.They understood that Gilbert was the only one who could cure old Mr. Kane.He was truly a legend in the medical field."Thank you for saving my life, Mr. Huxley." Old Mr. Kane expressed his gratitude to Gilbert once again."It doesn't matter."Gilbert remained calm and spoke weakly, "He's right, you're not completely cured.You will have to do it again in two days." After a moment of thought, Gilbert added, "Fine, I'll do as you said." Old Mr. Kane nodded in agreement, trusting Gilbert.Scott escorted Gilbert back to the Cadenn f
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Chapter 14
The individuals eligible for this card were exceptional.Gilbert, the top general in the northwest region, led millions of soldiers. As a major general, he displayed immense nobility, and wealth held no value for him.He had risen to become the most powerful man, but all of that was now in the past. Despite living in seclusion in a small town with no one paying attention to him and having disabled legs, Gilbert remained undeterred. "This cannot defeat me," he declared."Because I am Gilbert Huxley." Reflecting on his past, he administered acupuncture treatment to himself using a silver needle.He needed to expedite treatment for his disabled legs. With little knowledge about the situation, he hesitated to casually call Theo.He knew that once Theo contacted him, everything would change.The following day, at the Kane residence, Scott Kane and Gentry Hagan arrived swiftly in the morning.Scott worried about his father's health, while Gentry wanted to observe and mock them.The previous
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Chapter 15
Gilbert knew exactly what he wanted to do when preparing for this pageant."Azalea, today is my birthday. I hope you can see me," Dylan shouted loudly toward Azalea's workplace.Many people in the building craned their heads to look down and see what was happening. "Wow! So romantic!""So many flowers. So many balloons!""Someone is declaring their love for you, Manager Cadenn." Instantly, many people in the company began to discuss it excitedly.Wearing a business suit, Azalea sat on the chair and frowned slightly after hearing the noise. She didn't know what to do with her heart. Azalea's beauty was incomparable in Texas City, attracting many pursuers.Everyone automatically ignored Gilbert because he was a cripple and a fool. Even if someone chased his fiancée in front of him, he couldn't do anything. Gilbert never made Azalea feel safe."Manager Cadenn, I think he should come down and take a look." "Yes, Manager Cadenn. Look how sincere he is."Envy and contempt were evident in
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Chapter 16
Gilbert maneuvered the wheelchair slowly, using the palms of his hands to guide it forward. "Azalea?" Azalea's eyes snapped open in surprise as she saw Gilbert approaching. Dylan's expression deepened as he pondered Gilbert's decision.The onlookers were a mix of confusion and disdain, recognizing Gilbert as the perceived fool of the Cadenn family in Texas City. Dylan warned Gilbert to stay out of trouble, his eyes flashing with a hint of threat.However, Gilbert didn't even acknowledge Dylan; he only had eyes for Azalea. AsGilbert slowly turned the wheelchair towards her, and Azalea inexplicably felt a sense of security in her heart. Though it was just a fleeting feeling, it was enough to comfort her."Azalea, we are only engaged and not yet married. You have the right to choose your own happiness," Gilbert said in a firm and serious tone. "If you prefer, Dylan, I will step back and leave. I will not interfere."Azalea was shocked, and Dylan appeared perplexed. The onlookers eru
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Chapter 17
“Mr. Huxley?"The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at the middle-aged man in the elegant suit. Dylan wondered, "Which one is Mr. Huxley?"The man exuded an air of sophistication, with a shiny Constantin watch on his wrist, giving off the aura of a true gentleman. The respect he attracted was proof that Mr. Huxley was of significant status.All eyes in the room instinctively turned towards Dylan. Among the attendees, it was undeniable that Dylan stood out as the most distinguished individual present.“Dylan's last name isn't Huxley!"Azalea exclaimed. "Who is this Mr. Huxley he referred to?"Gilbert, sitting in a chair on wheels, calmly asked, "Did you want to see me?"Dylan laughed with disdain on his face."Gilbert, don't talk nonsense," Azalea scolded him. She also frowned slightly."Although Gilbert's last name is Huxley, many people share that surname." Dylan continued, "What a fool! Do you even know who he is? Don’t you dare to play with him?”“What an idiot!"Dylan cl
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Chapter 18
Dylan gritted his teeth, hopped into the Benz, and sped off. The crowd scattered balloons and paper boxes, then dispersed. Azalea exhaled slowly, giving Gilbert a complex look. Despite his help today, Azalea felt truly protected for the first time in two years, a new and calming sensation washing over her."Come on, I'll take you home," Gilbert offered as Azalea prepared to leave in her wheelchair."What about our car?" she asked, pointing to the Ferrari."Everyone's gone," Gilbert said. "You don't need to keep up the act."Azalea glanced at the Ferrari, surprise flickering in her eyes, but she shook her head. She knew she didn't belong in the world of luxury."What do you mean?" Gilbert was taken aback by her words."I've been taking care of you for two years, so don't put on a show for me, okay?" Azalea gestured towards the Ferrari. "Did you rent this car?""No," Gilbert shook his head."Good," Azalea sighed. "You can't even afford to rent this car.""I can afford to buy one, though
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Chapter 19
After the man made his statement, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The senior managers of the company exchanged puzzled looks, unsure of what was unfolding. The Cadenn family members felt embarrassed, realizing they had intentionally excluded Azalea earlier to prevent her from receiving credit. However, the Kane Medicine representative inquired about Azalea, causing Harold and Ashley to feel uneasy. They stated Azalea was no longer with the company and, therefore, was not negotiating. The branch representatives discussed cooperation matters, prompting Harold to engage in the conversation with a smile.Mr. Karl, the delegate, hesitated momentarily, recalling Gilbert's directive to assist the Cadenn family. Since Azalea was unavailable, he proceeded with discussing cooperation with the others, believing it would benefit the Cadenn family and fulfill Gilbert's intentions."That works just as well," Scott smiled as he considered the proposal."Great," Harold and the others responded, f
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Chapter 20
All the neighbors knew that Azalea’s family worked at Group Cadenn in Texas City, but few knew that Azalea herself was a Cadenn. To maintain her dignity, Old Mrs. Cadenn kept their relationship a secret, and Azalea had no direct connection with the Cadenn family.“By the way, Azalea, I remember there was a young man who always drove a luxury car to come see you. Is it yours?”A woman suddenly snorted with laughter and inquired. Everyone knew Azalea was engaged, and her fiancé was considered a fool. Despite this, Dylan still visited her occasionally, sparking neighborhood gossip about their relationship.“No, I don’t think so,” Azalea replied, aware that the people were trying to embarrass her. She didn’t want to prolong the conversation.“Well, then you have to see it, Azalea.” Someone has parked a fancy car in front of your door. Be careful not to scratch it. Don’t involve us if you can’t afford it," she warned, as the crowd laughed and ridiculed her.Suddenly, a calm voice spoke up.
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