All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
162 chapters
Chapter 91: Jump From The Third Floor!
Right after, the door to the lounge was pushed open from the outside. At that moment, Eleanor, with Lisa in tow, stood at the entrance, her expression filled with urgency. Her eyes immediately locked onto someone inside the room... Clack clack clack! Eleanor, in her high heels, walked straight inside. Her gaze fell on Pandora as she smiled and said: “Sorry for the intrusion, Director Jake, but I have a question for you." Pandora was surprised, her face showing confusion. Why had Ms. Marshall suddenly returned?&
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Chapter 92: Gave The Wrong Bank Card.
Valeria glared furiously, her eyes wide with anger, and loudly berated Alexander: "Alexander, if you're still a man, then don't ever step foot in my house again! I, Valeria, have nothing to do with you anymore. The Marshall family does not welcome useless people like you! I want you and Eleanor to get divorced this very afternoon!"Eleanor's face turned cold as she anxiously said: “Mother, what are you saying? Why do you have such a grudge against Alexander?"As she spoke, Eleanor brought the groceries inside, giving Alexander a glance, signaling him not to be upset.Valeria, who had been irritated over the past few days after spending time with her sisters, felt particularly annoyed with Alexander. She couldn't fathom why she had to put up with Alexander's unreasonable anger.Simply put, she couldn't stand the sight of Alexander, so she shouted at him, her eyes narrowing with disdain: "Just look at him, always with that gloomy face, like there's been a death in the family. How can I
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Chapter 93: A Bank Card With Three Trillion!
Alexander quickly abandoned the idea of cooking lunch and pulled Eleanor out of the house: “Something’s about to go wrong; we need to find your mom, fast!"Meanwhile, Valeria happily entered her password and checked the balance."Oh, Alexander actually has money in this card. Let’s see how much there is.""Thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, ten million, hundred million, billion, ten billion, hundred billion...!”Valeria furrowed her brows, thinking she was seeing things—why are there so many zeros?"This... this is 3 trillion?!"Valeria was so shocked she froze!She could barely breathe!Three... 3 trillion?Gasp...With a thud, Valeria felt her vision go dark as she fell backward to the ground, her body trembling uncontrollably!At that moment, a few bystanders gathered around, pointing and whispering.“Oh dear, it looks like she’s having a seizure. Someone call an ambulance!”“Hurry, get help, quick!”“This doesn’t look good; I noticed something earlier...”Soon afte
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Chapter 94: System Issue.
"Please wait a moment, I’ll go get our manager right away."At this point, the female staff member, having snapped out of her shock, bowed and then staggered towards the manager’s office.Karen Stone, not bothering to knock, burst into the office, shouting: “Manager, manager, something huge has happened!"At that moment, Bank Manager Archer Stanley was flirting with his mistress in the office, who was also a bank staff member.Karen inadvertently walked in and, seeing the situation, quickly turned to leave, saying: “Sorry, I’ll step out."Archer Stanley's face turned cold as he pushed the woman away from his desk and said sternly: “Karen, what’s with the panic? Don’t you know Rule 13 for staff?"Karen was frightened, bowed her head, and kept apologizing.The bank staff member, having dressed, huffed at Karen and arrogantly walked out."Speak, what’s going on?" Archer, annoyed at being interrupted halfway through his pleasure, asked grumpily.Karen rushed forward and said: “Manager, th
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Chapter 95: Is One And A Half Billion A Lot?
After Eleanor left, Archer called Alexander, his face displaying a respectful, flattering smile: “Young Master Reynolds, Ms. Marshall just came to see me, and I told her as you instructed." At this moment, Alexander was leaving the hospital, nodded in acknowledgment, and hung up. He breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, and decided to prepare a candlelit dinner. As a little surprise for Eleanor. Life occasionally needed a touch of romance. Alexander cho
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Chapter 96: Mocked By An Old Close Friend.
Jordan laughed and said: “It seems like Quinton's information wasn't accurate. We thought you were doing pretty badly, but it turns out you're doing really well now."At that moment, Helen returned, and indeed, after touching up her makeup, she looked even more stunning.She kept smiling at Alexander, and when she sat down, she intentionally crossed her legs in a suggestive manner, saying: “Handsome, if you get the chance, take us to your store sometime. I've got some free time lately, so you can invite me out to have some fun."This comment startled Alexander.Was this woman being that blatant?Wasn’t she clearly trying to seduce him?Jordan laughed, mocking: “Alexander, come to think of it, you missed the last few reunions for our old colleagues.""Even though we've all left Spa Ava Beautiful, we were still coworkers once. This time you have to come, especially since Quinton booked a room at Iron Lions. You can't say no."Alexander was a bit surprised: “Today?"Jordan nodded and sai
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Chapter 97: Offered Team Leader Position With A 30 Thousand Dollar Monthly Salary
Quinton leaned back on the sofa, legs crossed, sipping his red wine with satisfaction, feigning modesty: “Oh, come on, we’re all old friends here. I’m just running a small business, nothing much. I barely make five hundred thousand dollars in six months."But the grin on his face betrayed his desire to show off.Hearing this, everyone continued to shower him with praise.Meanwhile, looking at Alexander sitting alone in the corner, Quinton felt immensely pleased!He remembered when he and Alexander used to be good brothers.But because of Eleanor, they had a huge falling out.Now seeing Alexander like this, it gave him a sense of satisfaction.How could trash like that be worthy of being with Eleanor?“Hey, Alexander, they’re talking to you. Why aren’t you responding? Playing hard to get?” August Webster’s expression turned cold, clearly displeased.He didn’t expect this fool to just sit there eating calmly.Was he looking down on him or looking down on Quinton?Alexander laughed light
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Chapter 98: Not Even A Car!
Of course, Quinton could see through their thoughts and smiled, saying: “Who wants to ride in my car?”“I do!”“I do! Me!”The girls hurried to the passenger seat, even fighting over it.In the end, Quinton looked at Jordan and said: “Jordan, get in. I’ll give you a ride.”He had noticed Jordan before and wouldn’t mind having a bit of fun.Jordan felt pleased, strutting in her high heels and sitting in the car.The other girls immediately showed extreme envy and jealousy.Then Quinton said with a smile: “I’ll go first. You all can drive yourselves.”Soon, many people drove out of the parking lot. The best car was August Webster’s Mercedes E, which he used to transport three girls, and he was very pleased.Only Alexander stood alone by the roadside, with no one willing to give him a ride.Quinton sat in his car, looking at Alexander with a half-smile: “Alexander, aren’t you driving?”“He doesn’t have a car. Let him walk, Quinton. Let’s go first. Let him find a ride himself.”Jordan sai
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Chapter 99: A Party For Showing Off.
Quinton smiled faintly, waving his hand: “Ah, it’s nothing, just a few bottles of wine. You know, we run a company, so we deal with clients a lot. We understand wine well. Top Musigny wine from Domaine Leroy, thirty thousand isn’t expensive." Hearing this, Jordan’s eyes widened. Quinton had once pursued her. Back then, she was young and didn’t understand men, so she hadn’t accepted him. Now, she regretted it deeply, thinking of ways to get closer to Quinton. Unconsciously, she glanced at Alexander. The gap between them was too
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Chapter 100: Spilled Wine And Denied Responsibility.
After a while, the private room started to get noisy. Quinton, feeling excited, tossed the keys to his GTR on the table and said: “I've had this car for over six months now and don't want to drive it anymore. If any of you want it, just pay half the price and take it. I'm planning to switch to a Ferrari by the end of the year.""Oh wow! Mr. Payne, are you really that rich? A Ferrari?!""Truly, when you have money, you can do whatever you want!"Quinton shook his head, laughing: “Money, you can spend it and you can make it back. Besides, driving a Ferrari around is pretty cool.""Mr. Payne, you're amazing!""When you get it, take us for a spin."Quinton chuckled: “Great idea, great idea."Jordan's gaze at Quinton grew more passionate, it seemed she had chosen well.Ferrari!Over 500 thousand for one!Just then, someone suddenly exclaimed."Oh my God! Guys, look, there's breaking news. Mr. Payne, someone just bought out the Ava Beautiful SPA for 120 billion!" The person was shocked as t
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