All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
162 chapters
Chapter 81: No One Can Stop Him!
Grace’s face was full of disdain.She had already made up her mind—today, she would make Alexander pay a terrible price, and she would also get Eleanor, that useless woman, kicked out of this company!This company should belong to Tommy, and Grace would not allow a lowly woman like Eleanor to take the position of vice president over him.Meanwhile, Windy, standing beside Eleanor, looked at Alexander with admiration in her eyes.He’s so strong!Just now, Alexander’s words and actions were brimming with the irresistible charm of a real man. She had always thought he was weak and clueless, but she never expected him to be so tough and forceful for Eleanor!But Alexander truly must be out of his mind. How could he dare to hit Grace, the heiress of the Jones family in Golden Harbor, when her brother is none other than the infamous Bobby Jones?Bobby had even worked under Mr. Thomas, who had praised him highly.And who is Mr. Thomas?He’s Joshua Thomas of Golden Harbor, the leader of The Fo
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Chapter 82: Beaten To A Pulp.
Amidst the murmurs of those around him, Bobby learned that Alexander was just a worthless son-in-law of the Marshall family, someone everyone knew was useless and incompetent!What a joke!"This trash is getting too arrogant! Brother, you must teach him a lesson and avenge me!" Grace fumed, mocking and challenging him.At this point, Tommy quietly slipped away. He couldn’t get involved in what would happen next; otherwise, if the family head inquired, he wouldn’t escape unscathed.So he left the company and went to a café downstairs, ordering a coffee and leisurely waiting for Bobby to take care of everything."Take him down! Break his arms!" Bobby shouted.The men behind him advanced to attack Alexander.Suddenly!The sound of footsteps echoed, accompanied by a loud voice: "Mr. Thomas is here!"The office door swung open, and dozens of men in black suits stormed in!The man leading them, upright and wearing a gray suit, with a square face, strode forward under everyone’s gaze."Bobby
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Chapter 83: Respectfully Humble.
Windy stood anxiously beside Eleanor, as restless as an ant on a hot pan. She pulled out her phone, saying: “Eleanor, let's call the police!""Call the police?"Grace snatched the phone from Windy's hand and threw it forcefully to the ground, shouting: “Just try and see what happens!"Windy frightened, took a step back.Meanwhile, in the office, Bobby lay sprawled on the floor, his face swollen, clutching his stomach and groaning in pain.Joshua stood respectfully beside Alexander. As Alexander rose, hands in his pockets, he looked coldly at Bobby lying there and said: “Now do you understand why?"Bobby wasn’t a fool. He quickly crawled to his knees before Alexander, nodding and pleading: “Y-Young Master Reynolds, I was wrong, I was wrong! I know I made a mistake. I didn't realize who you were, I offended you. I deserve to die!"Even if Bobby used the back of his foot to think, he could figure out that Alexander wasn’t the useless wastrel of legend. Even Joshua treated him with such r
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Chapter 84: Constantly Gossiping.
"Investigate the Jones family, the investors in Eco Vision Pharmaceuticals for me. Warn them that if they continue causing trouble for Eleanor, the Jones family won’t find peace in Golden Harbor.” Alexander said calmly."Young Master Reynolds, rest assured, I will handle it properly.” Thorne replied.After hanging up, Thorne was about to have his subordinates take care of it but decided it would be better to personally call the head of the Jones family.At that moment, Arturo Jones was pacing back and forth in his mansion, seething with anger.His daughter had been crying about her grievances, and his son had been beaten to a pulp.The most concerning part was that the person who assaulted them was Mr. Thomas of Golden Harbor!This put Arturo Jones, who always covered up wrongdoings, in a very difficult position."Dad, you have to stand up for me. That Alexander is just a worthless live-in son-in-law of the Marshall family! Yet he dared to hit me! And that b**** Eleanor, she had the a
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Chapter 85: Vote To Dismiss.
Mr. Marshall was so angry that he was short of breath, yelling: “That Alexander too, what is he trying to do? His actions are bringing disaster upon the Marshall family! You, call them both right now and tell them to return to the company immediately and wait for me!""Yes, Grandfather."Although outwardly Tommy appeared anxious and worried, inside, he was grinning coldly.Haha! Let's see how Eleanor and Alexander will escape this one!Eleanor's position as Vice President is definitely shaky now.A few minutes later, while Eleanor was at the hospital, she received a call from Tommy, and then a furious shout echoed through the phone: "Eleanor, you and Alexander need to come back to the company immediately!"Eleanor coldly responded when she heard Tommy's voice: “Sorry, I’m not available right now.""You've got some nerve! Grandfather told me to inform both of you!" Tommy yelled, while Mr. Marshall's face grew even darker as he shouted: “Eleanor, bring that Alexander back with you and w
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Chapter 86: The Power Of The Hungry Snow.
Hearing this, Eleanor was stunned and shouted: “Grandfather really did this? I don't believe it, I want to go inside!" She rushed forward.The guards pushed her back and shouted: “If you try to enter again, we won't be so polite!"Eleanor, standing on high heels, lost her balance and fell backward.Luckily, Alexander arrived just in time, catching Eleanor around her slender waist, and anxiously asked: “Are you okay?"Eleanor steadied herself and shook her head, her face full of worry: “I'm fine, Alexander, but my grandfather has dismissed me as Deputy General Manager and expelled me from the company."Upon hearing this, Alexander's face turned cold. He glanced at the three security guards in anger and said in a cold voice: “Apologize to her!"Anger surged within him!They dared to push Eleanor. What if she had fallen down the steps and gotten hurt?Just a few security guards, yet they acted like arrogant dogs, turning on her as soon as they could!The three security guards sneered whe
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Chapter 87: Siding With The Enemy!
After speaking, Tommy shot a glance at Eleanor, his eyes full of schadenfreude. Arturo was here, so Eleanor and Alexander were certainly done for! Tommy extended his hand, eager to shake hands with Arturo. Arturo, the head of the Jones family, was considered the second most powerful family in Golden Harbor, with status that was at least equal to, if not higher than, the Marshall family. Moreover, he was an investor in Eco Vision Pharmaceuticals, so Tommy knew he had to be careful. Read more
Chapter 88: Whose Invitation?
Mr. Marshall was stunned for half a minute before he finally reacted. His face was full of disbelief as he asked: “Director Jones, are you serious?""Of course.” Arturo replied: “I've already understood the situation. It was Grace who made the mistake first. We came specifically to apologize to Vice President Marshall, and I hope that from now on, you won't make things difficult for her."After speaking, Arturo turned around and bowed deeply to Eleanor, leading his daughter to do the same: “Vice President Marshall, we're very sorry for causing you trouble."Grace also apologized: “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have troubled you. Today, I sincerely apologize for everything I've done."Bobby, facing Alexander, said with a look of regret: “Sir... Young Master Reynolds, I apologize. I was too impulsive today. I hope you won't hold it against me and won't mention this to Mr. Thomas or Mr. Pittman..."Before he could finish, Alexander cut him off: “Alright, it's fine. I won't hold it against you.
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Chapter 89: The Central Seat.
Lisa furrowed her brow and asked: “Is there someone else secretly pursuing you? Tell me, and I'll help you figure it out."Eleanor rolled her eyes at Lisa and scolded: “What nonsense are you talking about?"Then she glanced at Alexander, who was busy in the kitchen, and suddenly thought of something. She whispered: “Last time, Alexander asked me if I admired Malik..."Lisa was shocked, holding the golden invitation in her hand, and looked suspiciously towards the kitchen along with Eleanor, whispering: “You're not saying that Alexander got this invitation, are you?"Eleanor remained silent, not knowing why the thought had suddenly crossed her mind.According to Lisa, there were only ten of these golden invitations in all of Golden Harbor!If Peyton wasn't qualified to get one, how could Alexander possibly get it?Lisa smirked, her eyes cold as she watched Alexander's busy figure in the kitchen. She was full of disdain and said: “Alright, Eleanor, I know you've always hoped that Alexan
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Chapter 90: Golden Invitation Card.
Just then, a woman in a black gown approached, smiling as she addressed Eleanor: “Excuse me, are you Ms. Marshall?”Eleanor was startled but nodded: “Yes, that’s me.”“Good evening, I’m the director here. My name is Pandora.” Pandora said with a smile, her eyes briefly glancing at Peyton.The director of LightHouse?!Eleanor asked in surprise: “Director Jake, is there something I can help you with?”“If it’s convenient for you, Ms. Marshall, please follow me.” Pandora replied with a polite smile.Eleanor exchanged a look with Lisa and then said: “Sure.”Suddenly remembering something, Eleanor took out the golden invitation from her bag and asked: “By the way, Director Jake, I’d like to confirm something—who sent me this invitation?”Peyton seized the opportunity to speak up, laughing: “Eleanor, of course, I sent it! I even have a surprise for you later, but I didn’t expect Director Jake to personally deliver it.”He then gave a grateful nod to Pandora, saying: “Director Jake, you’re t
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