All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
162 chapters
Chapter 131: The Useless Guy Can't Afford A Gift! (2)
Seeing Alexander’s impassive face, Phineas felt like the brightest star in the room, confident that he had Alexander firmly underfoot."Listen to that, how humble Phineas is. He doesn’t even blink at spending three hundred thousand, while Alexander just stands there in his knock-off clothes, all smug. Get a clue.” the relatives scolded Alexander once again.It seemed mocking Alexander was their natural responsibility.Phineas, with a generous wave of his hand and the air of a victor, said: “Come on, don’t pick on Alexander. It’s not easy for him. Even the poor have their pride, right?""Phineas is so generous. That’s what it takes to be someone who does great things. They say a prime minister’s chest can hold a ship. Phineas is sure to be a brilliant leader one day.” Tommy praised, enthusiastically inflating his words.Alexander remained silent, showing no reaction. He simply sat quietly, as if everything happening in the room had nothing to do with him.Eleanor sat in silence as well
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Chapter 132: Jade Dragon?
"A guest like Phineas has already given such a valuable gift. If you, as the son-in-law, give something inferior, then maybe you should just stop being a son-in-law and let someone else take your place." Walden, who had been silent up until now, couldn’t resist adding his voice. All this time, he hadn’t spoken a word. He was still bitter about the collaboration with the Welsh Max Corporation being monopolized by only two members of the Marshall family. But now, he couldn’t hold back anymore and wanted to ridicule Alexander.Read more
Chapter 133: Found An Ancient Treasure.
Very quickly, the hotel staff brought in a set of tools.Blaze took them, put on white gloves, and held a flashlight and magnifying glass, carefully examining the Jade Dragon.Just by looking at Blaze’s professional demeanor, everyone took a deep breath.If an antique appraisal expert like Blaze took this seriously, it must have some real significance. Could it be that Alexander stumbled upon some unbelievable luck and bought a genuine item for 600 thousand?"Could this really be authentic? Didn’t someone just say it’s a glass replica? How reliable was that?""Haha, do you really need to ask? Don’t you know the stuff sold at antique markets? All of it is fake technology.""Those antique dealers are all sly old foxes. Why would they sell something genuine for cheap? Nowadays, finding a treasure is harder than reaching the sky. Don’t overthink it. Besides, that poor guy can’t be lucky enough to find a real treasure."A group of close friends whispered to each other, though they all felt
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Chapter 134: Wants To Take Over The Private Dining Room.
Eleanor’s lips curved into a small smile, the weight in her heart finally lifting. Alexander had managed to prove himself, just once. Seeing Eleanor smile, Alexander smiled too. As long as Eleanor was happy, so was he. Laurie glared at Alexander, feeling her face burn with embarrassment. The words and actions she had just done seemed to turn into slaps, landing squarely on her face. This wretched, poor loser made her lose face in front of everyone! If she ever got the chance again, she swore she’d crush him underfoot! Tommy hung his head, his body shr
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Chapter 135: The Tiger Of Golden Harbor.
Standing up and adjusting his clothes, Phineas walked towards the door of the private room, a bright smile already forming on his face: "Uncle Phillips, it's me, Phineas Nichols, son of Ashwin Nichols. My father and I have visited you before.""Hmm?"Bowen Phillips paused for a moment, then smiled coldly, the smile not reaching his eyes: “Oh, it's you. Then you should know better and quickly give up this room."Phineas froze, stunned that even after dropping his father's name, Bowen Phillips still didn't show him any respect. Laurie, Tommy, and the others began to feel uneasy. The lingering resentment from earlier—when Alexander's Jade Dragon had stolen the spotlight—was building, and with Phineas's earlier words fueling their courage, they turned their anger towards Bowen at the door."Phillips, are you going to stop or not? Phineas was polite to you, which is already a favor. Don't push your luck.""Some people, give them a little sunshine, and they think they’re stars. Give them a
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Chapter 136: Won't Give Up The Room.
Right now, Phineas felt as though he was being boiled alive by the presence of Chairman Phillips. If this torment continued any longer, he feared he might cough up blood. His spine, once upright, had bent into a full bow, his pride completely crushed. All that was left of Phineas was humility.Bent over like a shrimp, Phineas said with deep reverence: “I didn’t realize Chairman Phillips needed the room, and we misunderstood earlier. If we had known, we would have given it up right away. Please forgive us, Chairman Phillips. It would be our great honor to vacate the room for you."At that moment, Phineas had thrown away all his dignity and pride. As long as he could leave the room unharmed, he didn’t care about anything else.“Hmph.”Remington stood with his hands behind his back, belly protruding, exuding arrogance as he let out a long, dissatisfied huff.Seeing Remington’s displeasure, Phineas panicked immediately.Bowen, standing to the side, had a menacing look in his eyes, like a
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Chapter 137: Teacher Or Young Master?
Eleanor was equally shocked. She couldn’t believe Alexander would stir things up even more when they had finally calmed the situation.Bowen’s face darkened with fury. He had been ready to let the grudge go, but now, his anger reignited. He could barely contain it.But the person most shocked was Remington!Hearing that familiar voice, he looked up to see Alexander smiling. His mind exploded with the realization—Young Master!It never occurred to him that the Young Master of the Dragon Sect would be here!What had he just done?He had tried to take the Young Master’s room!And he had allowed Bowen to teach a lesson to the Young Master’s family!Damn it, he hadn’t just run into a steel wall; he had crashed straight into a mountain!To Remington, the Dragon Sect was as towering as a mountain. Even if you smashed yourself to pieces, you couldn’t move it an inch!Cold sweat trickled down Remington’s back.As Remington was about to apologize, the Marshall family had already reacted.Laurie
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Chapter 138: The Emperor’s Banquet.
After reaching this conclusion, they all immediately felt that Remington was just a man of high moral character. Otherwise, there was no other way to explain what had just happened.Phineas and Tommy's group immediately felt a deep sense of regret.They realized that they shouldn't have been scared earlier. If one of them had been the first to stand up and speak frankly, they'd be the one in the spotlight now, instead of letting this useless Alexander steal all the glory!"Chairman Phillips is truly a good man. Who would've thought that not only is he reasonable, but he also knows right from wrong? We really misjudged him before.""That's right. People often say it's easy to meet the King of Hell, but it's the little demons who are hard to deal with. That Bowen guy is the real problem. If we had just reasoned with Chairman Phillips, things wouldn't have gotten so tense.""Some people just happen to succeed out of sheer luck. Don't think that doing this makes you any more respectable.
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Chapter 139: A Meal Worth Over 170 Million, Free!
"I didn’t order any of this! Why did you serve it? I’m not paying for it!" Phineas declared, deciding to shamelessly refuse. The entire Emperor’s Banquet was close to 150 million. Even with all the cash and bank balance Phineas had, it only added up to a little over nine million. Though Phineas’s net worth was high, he didn’t have that much liquid cash. The rest of his wealth was tied up in investments and couldn’t be withdrawn immediately. Better to admit defeat now than be unable to pay when the bill came. Rodger looked at th
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Chapter 140: Check If The Suit Is Real Or Fake!
Although Rodger was furious, seeing how eagerly Alexander was eating, he could only swallow his anger.Boris had already laid out the feast, and it couldn’t be sent back now. Not eating would only embarrass Boris, so whether or not there was something off about this meal, they had to eat: “Eat up, eat up. Since Director Vega sent it over, let's enjoy it. A famous person like Director Vega wouldn’t poison us. Afterward, Alexander can stay behind to handle the remaining formalities. After all, it’s all a gift for him."Rodger washed his hands of any responsibility, placing it all on Alexander. Whatever happened, it would be Alexander who would suffer. Seeing how Alexander devoured the food, the others, with their stomachs growling, also picked up their chopsticks and started eating.Phineas was the fastest eater, channeling his anger into his appetite. He thought: 'If I don’t eat this free meal, it would be a waste. Face is already lost, so I might as well eat more to make up for it, bu
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