All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
162 chapters
Chapter 141: Genuine Suit, Limited Edition, 299 Million Dollars!
Phineas led the store manager over to Alexander, speaking as they walked: "This is the loser we were talking about earlier. We were shocked to see him wearing a limited-edition Givenchy outfit, thinking he must be wearing a high-quality fake.""But this useless guy stubbornly insisted it was real. So we had no choice but to bring him here to get it authenticated, to let him know just how much of a piece of trash he is. Being poor and wearing fake clothes isn't that disgraceful, but insisting they're real is just wrong."Phineas' words carried a hidden message, subtly informing the store manager that Alexander was a nobody, so there was no need to worry. He just needed to say it was fake. Alexander shrugged, quickly taking off his jacket and handing it to the somewhat dazed store manager.It wasn’t until the jacket was stuffed into his hands that the store manager snapped out of it. He glanced down at the jacket, and his expression kept shifting.At this moment, the store manager’s hea
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Chapter 142: Waste Of Favor.
Nana gently spoke, her body half-leaning against Alexander's arm: "What would the VIP like to see? I can take you to look around, and we also offer a wardrobe service for VIPs."Lily and Nancy had also approached, with the three of them nearly surrounding Alexander, offering him their warmth and tenderness.Alexander hurriedly pushed them away, his face cold: "I don’t need any of you right now.""A poor guy like you, why pretend? It's not that you don’t need us, it's that you can't afford it. Poor is poor. Your manager better keep an eye on you and not let himself be deceived," Laurie said in dissatisfaction as Alexander moved toward Eleanor, whispering: “Now that the outfit has been confirmed as genuine or fake, let’s head back."As for Valeria's bet, Alexander hadn’t mentioned a word. If he brought it up now, it would surely ignite an explosive situation, and Valeria was already deeply embarrassed. Who knows how she would react in that case?So Alexander wisely chose not to mention
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Chater 143: Lost Investment Money.
On the way back, Valeria had forgotten about this promise. Now, with Alexander suddenly bringing it up, her face twitched slightly, feeling like she could no longer keep up her facade."A shameless guy like you dares to bargain with me? Who agrees to conditions with their son-in-law? Isn’t it the son-in-law who should be offering gifts to the in-laws? But what have you given me?""Look at what Phineas gave me, and then look at yourself! What have you given me, your father-in-law, or Eleanor over all these years? I suggest you quickly divorce Eleanor. Stop dragging my daughter down. You're nothing but a pile of cow dung!"Valeria exploded like a powder keg. Eleanor gently pushed Alexander, signaling for him to go back to the room, and he quietly turned and left."Mom, please stop. Even if you raise a dog or a cat, you'd develop feelings for them over time. Alexander and I have been together for so long. Plus... Mary can't grow up without her biological father."What worried Eleanor mos
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Chapter 144: Tasked With Recovering The Money.
Selah seeing Alexander’s sloppy attire, rolled her eyes in disdain: “Mrs. Jones, your useless son-in-law is here. Look at him, dressed like a farmer. Such a waste, your daughter is so beautiful.""The saying goes, 'A wise wife takes a foolish husband, like a jasmine flower stuck in a cow's dung.' Now that I’ve met Mrs. Jones’s useless son-in-law, I really believe this saying. I don't know what Mrs. Jones was thinking when she agreed to this marriage back then.""But in a way, it's for the best. Since Mrs. Jones’s son-in-law is so weak, it allows us sisters to gather with her. If she had a decent son-in-law, she might not even acknowledge us on the street."These sisters had often been belittled by Valeria, so now that they had the chance, they seized the opportunity to mock Alexander, taking revenge for the past slights. Valeria was extremely angry inside, the more she looked at Alexander, the more irritated she became, and she couldn’t help but scold him."You useless fool, I told yo
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Chapter 145: Should Swap For Another Son-In-Law.
Valeria's expression shifted, but she was relieved that she had quickly found someone to help. As long as Phineas came, she'd still have a shred of dignity left."That’s true. Your family's roots aren’t deep, and you should save your favors for when Benito needs a promotion. I'll reach out to the CEO of the investment firm Shadow & Light. He’s been in the investment world for a long time and might be able to handle this," Valeria said, pulling out her phone dramatically, making sure her friends noticed.Phineas hurried over, eager to redeem himself after his last embarrassing incident. He wanted to regain face in front of Valeria, and in his mind, winning her favor would bring him closer to winning her over.As Phineas approached, Valeria proudly introduced him: "This is Phineas Nichols, the CEO of Shadow & Light Investment. Phineas, these are some of my old friends. They’ve been scammed by this investment company, so you need to help us recover some of their retirement money.""Is th
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Chapter 146: Should Swap For Another Son-In-Law (2)
Valeria snatched the drinks and snacks from Alexander, fuming: “Sit down and keep quiet. There’s nothing for you to do here. If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll knock your teeth out!" Phineas squinted at Alexander and, acting generous, said: “Auntie, just let this useless guy stick around to clean up. He can pick up the sunflower seed shells and plastic wrappers. We shouldn’t pollute the environment." "Phineas is right! You useless thing, sit down and clean up the trash. And don't interrupt Phineas when he's negotiating with the investment company's people." "If he can handle this, then dogs won’t eat feces anymore," Alexande
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Chapter 147: Don't Oppose The Young Master!
Thorne nodded and glanced at the number displayed on his phone. Seeing the name "Young Master Reynolds" on the screen, Thorne’s scalp tingled. He immediately stood up, quickly answering the call, and respectfully bowed his head as he spoke: “Hello, sir. What can I do for you?" The fat man across from him was confused. A single phone call could make Thorne act so deferentially? The person on the other end must be extremely important! Out of politeness, due to the fat man’s presence, Thorne didn’t mention Alexander’s name. The fat man had hosted this banquet for Th
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Chapter 148: Chaos In The Heart.
Selah was the first to speak up: "That useless fool over there, come here and tell me who you called. Who did you find to solve this problem? Tell us so we can all have a good laugh."Not wanting to fall behind, Meagan quickly added: "How can someone like you, so useless, think you can fix anything? You should take a look around and see that everyone here has already tried everything. There isn't anyone here who's less capable than you, and yet, you're still pretending like you can do something.""Saying he's a big deal is an insult to garlic. At least garlic is worth something. You’re cruel, sister. This pile of mud doesn't even dare to speak up when people look down on him. Honestly, someone as useless as him should have ended it long ago and tried to start over in the next life."Valeria glared viciously at Alexander. The crueler her friends' words became, the more pleasure she took from it. In fact, she even thought how wonderful it would be if their insults could drive Alexander
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Chapter 149: Disastrous Confusion.
“Dad, I’ve run into a little trouble. I need you to help me out.” Phineas said with a smile on the phone.“What’s going on? I’m about to go into a meeting.” a deep voice replied from the other end.“The investment company run by Amias is using illegal funding. Some friends of mine invested and now can’t get their money back…”Before Phineas could finish, his father on the other end had already frowned.“Why are you getting involved in other people’s business? Amias isn’t easy to deal with. Cutting off someone’s income is like killing their parents. Stay out of this and focus on what you should be doing.”“No, it’s just helping out a few friends. It’s not a big deal for us, and it’s not about cutting off his income—""Stupid! Don’t get involved. If I find out you’re mixed up in this, I’ll break your legs when you come home.”The call abruptly ended, leaving only the sound of the disconnect tone in Phineas’s ear before he had even hung up.What the hell just happened? Why didn’t his fat
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Chapter 150: Disastrous Confusion (2)
Alexander didn’t pay attention to Valeria’s glare, instead, he felt somewhat puzzled as he watched Amias. He wasn’t sure what was happening. Could Thorne have made a mistake?After thinking for a moment, Alexander sighed and shook his head. As long as he could get the money back, nothing else mattered. He would leave the rest to fate.Amias finally reached Phineas and extended his right hand.Phineas arrogantly hesitated for a moment before lightly shaking Amias's hand and then quickly letting go, clearly showing some disdain.At this point, Phineas didn’t care why Amias had come. He simply wanted to maintain his cool demeanor, thinking that doing so would give him the upper hand in whatever followed.Amias, however, wasn’t bothered. Instead, he thought to himself that such an attitude and aura must surely belong to Dragon Sect’s Young Master. No ordinary person could exude such a vibe."This is our boss, Amias Oliver. Boss, this is..." Aldo began to introduce Phineas, but Amias waved
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