All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
162 chapters
Chapter 151: Disastrous Confusion (3)
Seeing Phineas hesitate, with a strange expression on his face, Amias felt a sinking feeling of unease."What’s the matter? Mr. Pittman is waiting for you."Amias probed, watching Phineas closely for any reaction.The excitement among Valeria’s group suddenly froze. Something felt off.Alexander couldn't help but smirk, raising an eyebrow as he watched Phineas flounder. He had pieced together what was happening—Amias had mistaken Phineas for him.But Alexander kept quiet, watching from the sidelines, waiting for Phineas to get his comeuppance."Who is this Mr. Pittman you're talking about?" Phineas asked, putting on a haughty front, trying to intimidate Amias and buy himself some time to figure a way out.Amias looked startled: “You don’t know Mr. Pittman?"Riiiiing... Riiiiing.Amias’s phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID, quickly turned away, and answered the call: “Mr. Pittman, what can I do for you?""Are you an idiot? I told you to handle the situation, and what the h
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Chapter 152: Continuous Slaps!
Just moments ago, Amias had been so arrogant, but now he looked like he was scared out of his wits. The sudden shift in the situation left everyone unprepared.Aldo stood frozen, completely shocked. Never had he seen his boss humiliated like this.His fingers twitched as he even contemplated slapping himself alongside his boss. If he just stood there watching, who knows what trouble might await him later.The group around Selah was utterly dumbfounded, staring blankly at Amias, their minds filled with question marks.Valeria, watching Amias’s pitiful state, didn’t feel satisfied at all. Instead, shame welled up within her, quickly turning to anger.Amias was doing all of this for Alexander’s sake, but Valeria had always looked down on him. Now, with this scene unfolding, didn’t it mean everyone would think she had poor judgment?But did she have poor judgment?Valeria believed she had an innate sense for discerning people, so there was no way she could have been wrong.“Stop that!” Va
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Chapter 153: A True Crime Boss!
At the same time, Valeria glared at Alexander, embarrassed, and angrily said: “You're showing off too much! A weakling like you trying to prove himself? If you want to prove something, do it with your own ability, not by borrowing someone else’s power!" "I wasn’t trying to prove anything, Mom. I just saw that Phineas wasn’t handling things, so I stepped in to help.” Alexander said calmly. Bringing up Phineas only made Valeria even angrier, as if Alexander was using Phineas to insult her judgment. "Phineas is not someone you can compare yourself to! Don’t think that just because you helped me, I’m going to change my opi
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Chapter 154: How Terrifying?
In the Mercedes-Benz, Amias took out a Havana cigar he had kept carefully, cut off the tip, and handed it to Alexander.“Young Master Reynolds, why don't you try this Havana cigar I've been saving? It wasn’t easy to get my hands on it, but I’m sure it’s nothing special compared to what you're used to.”Alexander held the cigar between two fingers, and Amias quickly took out a pure gold lighter to light it for him.Alexander, with the cigar in his mouth, said indifferently: “When you smoke a cigar, you should use cedar wood matches. Don’t use a flashy lighter like that again; it makes you look like a nouveau riche, and people will laugh at you.”Amias was momentarily stunned before putting the gold lighter away.“Hehe, I guess I really am a country bumpkin who knows nothing. I’ll make sure to learn better next time and never embarrass you, Young Master Reynolds.”Amias then picked up a glass ashtray, ready to catch the ash from Alexander’s cigar.Outside the Mercedes-Benz, Thorne grabb
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Chapter 155: How Terrifying?(2)
After finishing his stretches, Alexander put his hands behind his back and slowly walked into Dragon Hall.Dragon Hall was a place of lavish indulgence, where one night could easily cost millions. Even a single bottle of Champagne started at several hundred thousand, making it a place well out of reach for the average person.As Alexander entered Dragon Hall, eight beautiful hostesses in qipao slit up to the thighs bowed in unison, calling out: “Welcome, boss.”As they bowed, their low-cut collars revealed their soft, porcelain skin.Without sparing them a glance, Alexander walked past and quietly said: “Private room number one.”“Right this way, boss.” the most beautiful hostess said with a sweet smile, leading Alexander inside, her body almost brushing up against his.“Alexander?” A surprised female voice suddenly called out nearby.Alexander turned to see a group of young men and women looking at him with disdain.The slender girl standing in the center of the group was the one who
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Chapter 156: How Terrifying? (3)
Seeing that Alexander remained silent, Romina shouted even louder: “Get down and lick my shoes!""How dare you! Who do you think you are to treat Young Master Reynolds like that?"A furious voice suddenly rang out.Hearing Romina’s rude remarks, Thorne felt a sudden sense of panic. If Alexander were humiliated here on his own turf, Thorne wouldn’t have the face to show himself here anymore. He might as well buy some tofu and smash it over his head in shame.Without waiting to approach Romina's group, Thorne shouted at the top of his lungs.Romina, still in a fit of anger, was startled when she heard someone shout at her. Feeling even more irritated, she spun around and pointed at Thorne, yelling: “Who the hell are you? Who gave you permission to butt into someone else’s business? I’m teaching trash a lesson here—what’s it to you?"The group of well-dressed men also turned to look at Thorne. Some of the more muscular ones joined in, shouting insults."Who let this old geezer out withou
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Chapter 157: The Plan To Sabotage The Factory!
Thorne instructed the security team as per Alexander’s orders, and soon the security guards forcefully escorted Romina and her group of wealthy young men out of the premises.“So many people are blind to the obvious, daring to provoke Young Master Reynolds—they clearly don’t know their place.” Thorne muttered under his breath as he hurried to catch up with Alexander.When Alexander reached the door of the private room, Amias was waiting there with a big smile.Seeing Alexander approach, Amias quickly opened the door: “Young Master Reynolds, please come in."After Alexander entered the room, Amias hurriedly followed and pulled out a chair for him: “Please have a seat, Young Master Reynolds."Watching Amias, the receptionist felt a pang of discomfort. They had intended to do these tasks for Alexander, but it seemed that this plump man had taken over.After seeing Thorne’s respectful attitude towards Alexander earlier, the beautiful receptionist had hoped to find an opportunity to curry
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Chapter 158: The Feeling Of Being Protected.
Alexander stepped forward, shielding her, and whispered: “Don’t worry, I’m here. I won’t let anything happen." Suddenly, Eleanor felt a wave of safety wash over her. It was a comforting feeling, being protected by someone else. But as she looked at the dozens of thugs approaching and realized it was just Alexander standing in front of her, she couldn’t help but feel uncertain. "Be careful. If they start a fight, let’s run.” she reminded him. "If they do, you run first, and I’ll cover you.” Alexander said, flas
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Chapter 159: The Workshop Was Bribed.
Auden Marshall laughed loudly and said: “Each of us manages our own area, no one can interfere with anyone else. Now that the equipment has malfunctioned, it’s clearly due to an unavoidable issue. I’ve already arranged for the staff to fix it urgently."“I came here to check things out. If your staff can’t make the emergency repairs, I can call in someone else to ensure everything is fixed quickly. We need to resume production as soon as possible.” Eleanor said, unwilling to back down.Auden’s expression shifted slightly. He thought to himself, How could it be repaired so quickly? He deliberately stalled to cause her trouble. They need to drag this out for as long as possible.“This is the material factory’s issue, and how it’s repaired is also our concern. It’s not up to you. Please leave. We need to check the equipment urgently, and we don’t have time to entertain you.” Auden said, turning his back and signaling to the large workers behind him before heading into the workshop.The t
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Chapter 160: Resolve Smoothly.
“I’m going to die... Let me go!”The workshop head and several workers nearby watched in horror as Auden desperately struggled for his life. The shock was written all over their faces.Is this really the infamous ‘useless guy’?Since when are ‘useless’ people this fierce?What if this madman, in a fit of rage, decided to kill everyone in the factory?Everyone shuddered at the thought, their gaze toward Alexander shifting dramatically.Alexander’s show of force wasn’t just about Auden—it was a calculated move to intimidate the others quickly. Otherwise, they’d waste more time arguing and being blocked from the inspection.For Eleanor’s sake, Alexander decided to play the bad guy to the end.Even Eleanor was taken aback, feeling a cold sweat break out. She feared Alexander might actually strangle Auden to death in his rage. She rushed forward, pulling at Alexander’s arm and shouting:"Alexander, calm down! Let him go. You’ll kill him! There’s no need for a murder!"Alexander’s icy gaze
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