All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 161 - Chapter 162
162 chapters
Chapter 161: Constantly Forcing A Divorce!
"You’re too kind, Phineas. Have some fruit while you’re here, and I’ll get you some tea.""No need to fuss, auntie. I just came by for a bit and will be leaving shortly."As soon as Phineas finished speaking, the sound of the door opening caught his attention, and he eagerly turned to look.Eleanor and Alexander walked in together. Phineas looked at Alexander's unscathed face and felt a surge of anger.What was going on?Why wasn’t Alexander injured at all?Could Caelan Krat have attacked the wrong person?A flood of questions rushed through Phineas' mind, but now wasn't the time to ask. He had to swallow his confusion.Seeing Phineas sitting on the sofa, Alexander greeted him cheerfully: “General Manager Nichols, here to visit? Your face sure healed up quickly."Phineas' face twitched, and he gritted his teeth, trying not to let his anger show."My injury wasn't serious. But I heard, Alexander, that you're still lazing around at home. You can't stay home forever. You should get out t
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Chapter 162: What Game Is The Young Master Playing?
Ramsay took a deep breath, trying to figure out what Alexander was doing there. Two men and two women, meeting with HR? Ramsay couldn’t wrap his head around it. Could it be that the Young Master was trying to get a job for a friend? But that didn’t make sense. If Alexander wanted to get someone a job, he could have just called him directly. Was Alexander here in disguise? But why would he visit the HR department in that case? Ramsay’s mind raced wi
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