All Chapters of Chronicles of heroes; Defenders of the realm.: Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
8 chapters
Chapter 1.
“Githa?Githa? Come on, we don’t have time for this.” Marc Altard called out in the middle of the woods, he was there to gather some firewood with his younger sister of twelve who love playing hide and seek with him and as expected he didn’t get any response from her.All of a sudden, he heard her screaming from a distance. “Aaahhh!”Instantly, he dropped the sticks he had already gathered and headed in the direction of the call to find out what had happened to her. “I’m coming Githa.”“Whoa…” he exclaimed in shock as he saw the strange beast which was before his sister. The beast had the head, tail, and feet of a bull and the body of a human. It was something he hadn't seen before.So he pulled his sister behind him, picked up a stick and started swinging it to scare the beast away, but it kept coming close to them. “Run Githa, run.”“I can’t,” she replied because there were two others of the same beast behind them, and these ones had an axe each.Suddenly, two arrows flew from nowher
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Chapter 2.
FIVE DAYS EARLIER.“Open the gates.” The elfish watchman shouted as he sighted a wounded rider approaching the castle. The gate was opened according to his command and two elfish guards ran out to help the rider after noticing it was the King’s brother, Calaudra Ethren. The manner of his return told that the rest of the elves who went out to war with him were dead. So he was rushed to the healer for immediate attention.Merethyl Ethren, the elvish princess, was the first to come see him after the healer was done attending to him. “Uncle,” She said as she came close to the bed Calaudra lay on. “Where is my father? Why didn’t he return with you?”“I’m sorry Merethyl, he didn’t make it.” Calaudra cried both for the loss of his brother and pain which his niece felt at the hearing of the news.“Father, I came as fast as I could.” Berilan barged into the room. Seeing the tears on Merethyl’s face, he knew what had happened and also felt sorry for her even though it was difficult for him to
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Chapter 3.
“Mother, Githa,” Marc shouted as he came close to the cabin.At the sound of his voice, both Thola and Githa ran out of the house to meet him. Thola was overjoyed to hear his voice, and she had a lot to say to him. Meanwhile the beasts were already surrounding the house, so that as they came outside, one was about to strike them with its axe, but Marc threw the sword at it first.“Whoa!” Both Thola and Githa exclaimed in surprise, even as they saw more minotaur coming after Marc.“Get back inside,” he ordered them after seeing that they were safe. Then he drew out the sword from the dead minotaur, using it to stab the other which was about to strike him from behind. “Aahhh!!!” Githa screamed from inside the cabin as a minotaur had already broken in, so Marc ran inside to their rescue. Meanwhile, Berilan came running towards the house too, even as he kept shooting his arrows, he was fast and very good with the bow that he barely missed. Coming close to the house, three beast were st
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Chapter 4.
Berilan looked at Marc, got back on his feet and walked away from all of them because he could tell that Marc didn't understand a thing about what he was saying."Was it what I said?" Marc asked Ruven because the way Berilan looked at him before leaving could tell it was."I'm sure it was," Ruven answered honestly since he knew Berilan better than Marc did. "You do know what the drows are right?""No,""Well, that explains a lot. For starters, they are dark elves, said to be defeated long ago, but it appears they were only hiding while they grow in strength and number, waiting for the right time to attack and reap the world of everything good." Ruven explained in the simplest term he could.But that wasn't going to stop Marc from achieving the main purpose why he chose to follow Berilan. "We still need to rescue them right?""I'll say you get some rest, you've journeyed a long distance." Ruven didn't know what else to say to Marc. "Let's clear the road." He commanded the rest of the e
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Chapter 5.
Getting back to the Elvish castle, the sky was almost bright, so they couldn’t proceed with the rescue operation, thus they waited for the whole day, even as they observed the security in the castle, by watching the drows on patrol. When the night was there again, they split themselves into five groups, and sneaked into the castle to find out where they were keeping the elves prisoners.It wasn’t up to three hours after they entered the castle, the security horns were blown, notifying the entire castle of intruders because a drow was found dead.“They are back.” Merethyl said to Calaudra whom she was locked up with. They kept the two of them separate from the rest of the elves because they were royalty.“No, they shouldn’t have come back.” Calaudra said in disappointment. He had seen in his visions what would happen if a rescue was attempted by the runaways.“What are you talking about, uncle?” Merethyl was confused, she wanted to get out of there by all means but didn’t know how. “
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Chapter 6.
Seven days later, Berilan, Marc, Merethyl and Unae arrived in the country of Glalissa, the kingdom of the dwarves. They had left Ruven and Ristel at the cave to protect Calaudra and Githa.Riding into the kingdom on horsebacks, they were amazed at what they saw, the place was already in ruins, implying that the enemy was there before them."We are late." Unae said after having some flashes of what had happened there through the help of her magic."It's not time to lose faith. There should be a survivor, someone that will lead us to the mountains." Merethyl gave them a reason to keep their faith up. It was good idea, so they alight their horses and began to look around, checking the destroyed buildings.As Berilan came close to an entrance of one of the houses, all of a sudden the door pushed him away to the ground, and that made the others come his way at once."Be careful," Berilan said to Unae who sensed magic there and drew close to the entrance which was now open because the door
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Chapter 7.
On their way back to the elf hideout, they all felt like failures because of what the dwarves said to them, and it made their journey slow. They didn't know how to face Calaudra, how to tell him what the dwarves said about the fight, which was opposing his vision.Their journey was very quiet, that Marc had to start up a conversation, trying to put all Taldak words behind them. "Kilin, why don't you tell us a story.""I don't know any." "Come on, that's not true. Tell us about your giant heritage. How a giant came to marry a dwarf." Marc specified."Why don't you tell us how come you share an elfish heritage." Kilin asked back, avoiding to share his story with them."Well, I don't really know. My mother never talked about it, nor did I know until the last two weeks.""That's not true," Kilin doubted."Of course it is, Berilan can attest to this." Marc was finally achieving this purpose of lighting their moods with a conversation."Is that so?" Kilin was now interested to know, so he
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Chapter 8.
After about an hour, Marc regained consciousness, as at this time, Berilan, Unae and Merethyl had gotten a grip of themselves and were beginning to think of their next action."What happened to me?" He asked as he didn't recall what happened.That question made Kilin's heart at ease. He was glad that Marc didn't remember how he punched him in the face."What did I miss?" Marc added another before noticing they were in the cave yet he couldn't find his sister. "Where is Githa?"Now Kilin's heart raced again as he knew Marc would surely remember what he did, so he took a bold step to apologize in advance. "I am sorry for punching you in the face.""Who cares? Where is my sister?" Marc repeated his questions.From the way he sounded, Kilin could tell that he remembered the punch but it wasn't bothering him at the moment."They were gone by the time we arrived, but don't worry, we'll find them." Berilan forced those words out."So what are we waiting for? Let's kill some drows and find ou
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