All Chapters of The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 chapters
031 -
Thomas stares at Adam with eyes lit with fury. He can’t help but remembers the bad treatment he received from the Gregory family two days ago.Driven by anger, he slowly clenches his hands by scratching the ground. Unlike two days ago, his two feet can support him to get up and confront Adam Saunders.“So you want to see how strong I am? Wanna test it first hand?”He doesn’t care who Adam Saunders is. There are also so many of Adam’s guards around, but he doesn’t give a damn.Adam's facial expression slightly changes at the sight of Thomas’ recklessness. This is the first time someone has the nerve to confront him this way.“Do you realize your situation, young man? Look around you!” Adam reprimands.But Thomas isn’t averting his attention away from him. He keeps staring at Adam with murderous eyes.Naomi, who has already learned a little about Thomas' character, and has seen for herself how crazy Thomas was a while ago, immediately stands in front of her father.“Thomas! Wait! That’s
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032 -
Naomi responds to Thomas' words with a silly reaction. And that is enough to convince Thomas that the girl is completely ignorant of the corruption in Drada Police Department.Besides, he could tell for sure that even her father, Adam Saunders, is nothing but a clean businessman who doesn’t know much about the organized crimes in Drada.“Now I’m curious, where did your father know that woman?” he asks.“Who? That Anastasia Nixon?” replies Naomi with a bit of wrinkled face. “Don't tell me you really have an interest in her!”“Give me a break!” Thomas responds with a cringe expression.“Why? Don’t you see her attractive? Despite her toxic behavior, she is actually a former flight attendant. My father met her on a flight home from Greinia.”Thomas grimaces. “Are you sure she is a former flight attendant?”“What? You think she is not pretty enough for a flight attendant?”“That’s not it,” Thomas shakes his head. “It’s just that… You know I was being hunted down by some dangerous people las
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033 -
Just a few seconds ago he talked big like a genuine main character. There’s no way he is pulling back now. So he forces to act brave like he has nine lives to spare like some mythical cat.“So what if you have a gun? What are you going to do then? Shoot me? Here? Don’t you know who I am? I’m the son of…”Thomas suddenly shoots him without a warning. The shot misses, or maybe not. But the tip of the guy’s left ear is burning hot, grazed by the bullet.Still pointing the gun at the man, Thomas asks by faking a curious expression. “Excuse me! What were you trying to say just now?”Morgan is petrified like a stuffed scaredy-kitten, and then slowly raises both hands with trembling lips. He is gulping with a blank mind, with his instinct forcing him to apologize rather than losing his life.“Ap, ap, ap, apologize, sir!” Morgan stutters.“Apologize? Oh, that’s right! Should I go out there to apologize for this lady?” Thomas asks.The dude gives an awkward smile. “Nah, it’s okay! I’ll take my
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034 -
He gets inside the house, and finds Naomi sitting with Erica in front of a custom bar. Their mood seems somewhat gloomy.“Hey, where should I put this suitcase?” Thomas asks from the living room.But Naomi isn’t responding to his call. Erica simply gives him a sign to go upstairs.Thomas leaves them, and goes straight into the first room he finds on the second floor. He drops the suitcase and then stands right in front of the bed.“Inventory! Take out the items from Box no. 13, 14, and 15!”A blue light appears before him, with a few lightning sparks. Three suitcases drop from it and fall onto the bed.Feeling hungry, he goes to the kitchen to check the fridge. Unfortunately, there is nothing he can eat there. He returns to Naomi, and finds her alone, holding a glass of drink with a bottle of whiskey in front of her.“Where is your friend?” Thomas asks.“She left! Why?” Naomi replies before bringing the glass closer to her lips.Thomas immediately snatches the glass from her. Naomi gla
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035 -
The gun safety has been unlocked, and he looks so ready to pull the trigger. Clearly he doesn’t hate Naomi. His face is still flat without showing any hatred.The problem now, he only knew her two days ago. It’s not long enough for him to trust the girl, and there’s no reason for him to bet his life by trusting her.However, the gun and his hand are trembling, and his face looks so mad for not being able to make the move.“Come on, Thomas! You have the reason to kill her!”He has killed so many men before this. But now, he finds it hard to pull the trigger. His mind keeps telling him to kill, yet his heart says no.Somehow, the scene where Naomi defended him against her father resurfaces in his head. That’s how much trust the girl put on him, to the point she chose him over her own father.It makes Thomas look so irritated, finding another reason not to kill Naomi.“Fuck!” He curses with a stifled voice, and lowers his gun.Only now does he feel hatred slowly growing inside his heart.
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036 -
It has only been four days since Naomi left the house, and Anastasia Nixon already has the audacity to act like the genuine first lady there.As the maids are busy doing the meaningless chores she has given, she is lying on the sofa while chatting with someone on the phone.[I hope you don't get too comfortable there and forget about your job]“Yeah! It’s so nice here! What can I say?”[What about the dog? Has it shown any symptoms?]“You know what? Adam Saunders really loves me. She treats me like a queen! Why would I care about the job and the dog you gave me?”[Hey! You better watch your words. We could kill you anytime!]“If you really think you can do it, go ahead! I have Adam Saunders who is going to protect me!”She ends the talk, and then immediately averts her attention to the maids. She starts becoming busy pointing her finger here and there giving instructions like a boss.Everything in the house looks so wrong in her eyes. She moves things, furniture, wall hangings, changes
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037 -
Instead of feeling sorry, he even intends to kick it to vent out his madness. But he immediately cancels it, as he notices that the dog is looking in so much pain.The small dog is shaking, with saliva mixed with blood coming out of its mouth. And soon, the dog stops moving.“Arrgh, fuck!” Adam whines as he shakes his wounded hand. “Don’t blame me! You were the one who started it!”Still in a towel, he goes out to look for Ana. But Matilda tells him that Ana has already left the house.Not wanting to be late, Adam ignores the issue, and tells the gardener to take care of the dead Chihuahua. Before 7pm, he leaves the house ignoring how lethal the dog’s bite is.On the other hand, Anastasia Nixon has arrived at her residence, which is located in a busy and dense business district, adjacent to Sommerchill.This area is known as the home of the tallest building in Drada, popular for its nightlife which is always bright with neon lights from brothels, nightclubs and casinos.Ana herself li
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038 -
On the same night, a number of popular philanthropists gather at the Governor's residence in Meelwent District. They are members of a foundation called the Grassroots Economic Fund.The house is not too big, but it isn’t too bad for a governor. It is located not too far from where Naomi currently lives.Apparently, Naomi also attends the event, being accompanied by her fake boyfriend, Thomas. Of the many luxury cars in the governor's yard, only Naomi's car looks the most humble and old.The appearance of that beetle car steals the attention of many people. How could it not? Although these philanthropists said they cared about the fate of the grassroots, in reality they are just a bunch of arrogant rich people.“I bet they're here looking for donations. Or maybe, to submit a business proposal to us.”“But we didn’t come here to do charity, did we?”“Of course, no! But you know them. Just like flies, they will always flock to us wherever we gather.”“Someone needs to kick them out of her
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039 -
Naomi looks so anxious, and tries to clear things between her and Morgan. “Hey, wait! That was only a misunderstanding between us. You don’t have to call the police!”But Morgan keeps silent with his ugly arrogant smile, holding a phone to his ear waiting for the call to connect. A few seconds later...[6-9-9! What’s your emergency?]“My name is Morgan Mitchell, the governor’s son. There’s a serious criminal in my house at the moment. My men have arrested him. Please send some people here!”Naomi is clouded with anxiety now, her face looks desperate. And Morgan, he looks so satisfied, chuckling with his sinister grin.The Meelwent police station is not too far from the governor's residence. In less than 10 minutes, two police cars arrive at the scene.However, these police cars unable to enter the gate because of cars from other invited guests blocking their way. One of them is actually Adam Saunders, who is currently accompanied by Alfred as his personal driver.“I didn't expect it to
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040 -
Naomi receives the keys and holds it tightly. She points her index finger at Morgan's face, warning him of the consequences of his actions. “Mark my words! Your ignorance will cost your father’s career as governor in this city!”Morgan is taken aback, looking confused because of Naomi’s words. Somehow, he feels an odd anxiety, but still thinks that she is only speaking nonsense.“Was that a threat?” He chuckles, forcing an indifferent look. “What can a peasant like you do to me? Need I remind you of my status here? I’m Morgan Mitchell, the son of the most powerful man in Drada! Who are you to threaten me?”With face red painted by anger, Naomi stares at Morgan with so much resentment. Not having any mood to give any explanation regarding her true identity, she chooses to get into her car.Outside the gate, as the police escort Thomas, they have the chance to run into Adam Saunders. Adam even deliberately stands right in front of Thomas as if blocking his way.But the police don’t scol
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