All Chapters of The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 chapters
021 -
It’s already past 10 p.m. Meanwhile, Laura Underwood is still busy helping her daughter packs her things.Laura and her husband have already moved most of their belongings into their new house in Strugist Hill.The only thing holding them back now is Veronica, their only daughter, a teenage girl who is currently a senior in high school. It’s not easy for them to persuade the daughter to leave Donovan’s residence.“Then what about school?” the girl whines. “Strugist Hill is too far. It will take an hour and a half from there to my school.”“Your father can drop you off before he goes to work,” Laura replies, forcing to carry her daughter’s suitcases out of the house.“That’s not the problem, mom! If I have to live there, it means I have to wake up much early. Besides, I’ll be too far from my friends.”Laura doesn’t budge, and puts the two suitcases in the trunk of the car. “You can invite your friends to stay at our house in the weekend. Haven’t you always asked my permission to bring f
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022 -
While her daughter is still confused, Laura looks so desperate and pathetic. She slowly drops to her knees, and starts crying with a pitiful face.“Oh, God! Why can’t you let me have a peaceful life just for a while?”“Mom? Why are you crying?” asks Veronica with a clueless face.Laura just keeps sobbing. “My house? Hiks! Oh, God! Why?”“What the hell?”Veronica’s face turns pale. She holds her head, thinking about the party invitation she has just posted in her social media.She can already imagine how embarrassed she will be after her friends learn what has happened. Her dream of living like a princess has shattered before her eyes.“Is that… Is that our dream house?”The ownership of the house has been transferred to Laura this afternoon. Only six hours the house in her possession, but it’s already been destroyed.Joshua Morris can be said to have fulfilled his promise to buy her the house. There is no way she can ask the man to buy her a new one.Joaquin gets out of the car, and st
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023 -
By keeping his deadpan reaction, Thomas walks past the girl. But the girl immediately holds his hand from behind.“Wooo! Where do you think you are going?”Thomas turns to her, and sighs with an uninterested look. And again, the girl examines Thomas more intently.She looks even more confused to find that Thomas came without bringing any document despite talking about looking for a job.“Is this your first time visiting a metropolitan city like Drada?” she squints.Thomas shrugs by raising both eyebrows, and asks, “Why?”The girl slightly shakes her head with a disbelieving face. “Ever heard about an application letter?”“I don’t need it,” replies Thomas flat. “I’ve already made an appointment with the boss here.”Immediately, the girl’s face contorts, and then grimacing with a stupid look.“Who are you trying to fool?”But suddenly, Thomas’ attention is attracted by the little commotion that occurs in the lobby. A few people are drawn to one big screen showing the morning news, report
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024 -
Soon, the luxury car arrives and stops right in front of her. Alfred comes out of the car on the right side, and then walks around the car intending to open the door for Naomi.But weirdly, he stops right in front of Thomas and then pushes his chest. It causes Thomas to lose his balance.“Hey!!!” Thomas scolds in snap.Alfred nonchalantly opens the door for Naomi, while reprimanding Thomas. “You might be someone in Sommerchill. But Drada is a big city.” He then glances at Naomi, and asks rhetorically. “You expect this weakling to protect you? I even doubt whether he can protect himself or not.”Thomas looks so pissed off, but he is wise enough not to create a scene there. He knows his own condition, and admits that this tough looking driver isn’t just tough by the look.Apparently, Thomas isn’t the only one who is offended by Alfred’s condescending words. Naomi is the same.She really thinks of Thomas as her lover, and doesn't like the way Alfred treats him. She stays there, looking he
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025 -
Thomas asks the question casually, but it leaves Naomi speechless with a blank mind. She doesn’t know what to answer or how to react.The situation in the car becomes so quiet. And suddenly…“Tin! Tinnnnn!!!”A car honks so long from behind. Thomas realizes that the traffic light has already turned green. So he continues driving, shaking his head slightly with an amused smile, ignoring Naomi in her confusion.He doesn’t seem too disappointed not to get a definite answer from her. On the contrary, he would be very unhappy if the girl gave him a promise with sweet words like what Sylvia Williamson gave him two weeks ago.Until more than 10 minutes in the journey, the awkwardness is still clearly visible on Naomi's face. So Thomas speaks up first to change the mood.“You don’t need to worry about my legs. It will be back to normal in a day or two.”Naomi’s face turns bright after hearing it.“I get it that you’ve said in front of people that I am your boyfriend,” Thomas continues. “There
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026 -
Oliver is gawking with a disbelieving face. He feels satisfied, but also looks somewhat awry about what will happen after this.It has also caught the attention of few reporters not too far from there. They recognize Naomi very well, and are now looking curious with Veronica’s identity.“Who is that girl?”“Does she really know who is the one she just slapped?”Naomi rubs her red cheek. Her eyes are lit with rage, gazing sharply at Laura’s daughter. She looks so pissed off, to find a teenage girl has the audacity to slap her. But then she turns to Thomas, disappointed at something.“Shouldn’t you protect me?” she grunts with a restrained hoarse voice.“You expect me to protect you from her? That girl?” Thomas asks, his face slightly winced while pointing a finger at Veronica.Naomi looks irritated. But she then averts her attention back to Veronica.“What are you waiting for?” Veronica scolds. “Get the hell out of here and take that stinky man of yours with…”Plak!!! Naomi simply pays
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027 -
Thomas takes a cold glance at them while holding the car door, with face remains flat at the sight of their desperation.He gets into the car, and finds Naomi welcoming him with a sweet smile.“Do you love seeing them in that situation?” Naomi teases.“How would I be satisfied when it wasn’t me who did it?” Thomas denies as he starts the car.Naomi giggles with a silly face. “I know what you feel. You don’t need to hide it from me!”Thomas seems trying hard to ignore her by focusing on driving the car, but the girl finds it amusing.Soon, she remembers something important, and takes out the necklace Erica found yesterday.Once she shows it off…Screech!!!Thomas hits the brakes. He looks so shocked, and immediately snatches the necklace away. It catches Naomi by surprise.“So, it’s really yours?” she asks.“Where did you find it?” Thomas inquires. “Did you steal it when I was unconscious?”His eyes are icy cold, looking angry at something. The mood inside the car slowly turns dark. Now
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028 -
The man doesn’t finish his words, and then glances at Joaquin with murderous eyes. It isn’t clear what kind of sinister intention he has in his mind.It sends shivers down Joaquin’s spine. He believes those two gentlemen must be the thugs Donovan hired to destroy his house, and came here to give their report to their boss.Donovan looks back at Joaquin, and suddenly scolds him. “What are you doing here? Want me to put a bullet in that numb skull of yours?”Without waiting for any response from Joaquin, the old man gets into his office by inviting the two thugs in. And Joaquin, he immediately rushes towards the elevator in a hectic way.“I’m not safe here! I need to leave this city!”He looks impatient, pressing a certain button on the elevator while glancing toward Donovan's office with a frightened face.Truth to be told, those two thugs have nothing to do with Joaquin or his family. They are actually ordered by Donovan to take care of Thomas.“Have you killed him?” asks Donovan befor
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029 -
Without asking any more questions, Naomi gets down while covering her head. But that’s not enough, because Thomas doesn’t want her to see him doing anything odds. He has no choice but takes off his suit and uses it to cover Naomi’s head.“What the?” Naomi looks displeased, intending to get the suit away.But then, the mysterious men in the muscle car begin to open fire. So, Thomas simply holds Naomi’s head down and issues a specific command.“Inventory! Box No. 9!”A second later, Naomi notices the appearance of blue light. And soon…Boom!!!She is surprised by the sound of an explosion nearby and covers her head with Thomas’ suit by instinct.Moments later, she collects her courage to take a peek, and there she sees Thomas holding a grenade in his right hand, with its pin already in his teeth.“Woooaaa!!! Where did you get that thing?”Thomas simply glances at her, which of course makes her panic even more. How could she not, he has already removed the grenade pin, yet he is still hol
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030 -
Naomi looks disgusted at the woman's spoiled behavior, especially after hearing what the woman say. “What do you mean by your car? And, what the hell are you doing here in my house?”“Naomi! I’m you mother, remember?” replies the woman.“What the?” Naomi’s face contorts so badly.“It’s only natural that I show a sense of ownership,” the woman continues naïvely. “Everything belongs to your father, and everything belongs to you, is mine too. Isn’t that what family means?”Naomi shrugs with a disbelieving face. “Yo! What kind of stupid logic you are bringing up here? Since when did you become a part of my family? Just because you’ve slept with my dad once or twice, doesn’t make you my mom. I bet you are not the only woman my dad has had a sex with in the last three months.”“Honey! You shouldn’t talk like that about your father!” The woman comes closer, intending to caresses Naomi’s chin.Instantly, Naomi knocks the woman's hand away and steps back. Her back shivers in horror and disgust.
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