All Chapters of The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 chapters
011 -
Sylvia can’t say a word. It’s something she has been worrying about so far. It’s too much for someone to send that many hitmen to kill Thomas who is just a countryside man. She knows she was the real target, and they can just come to her again.Right after saying all his suspicions, Thomas stares at Laura full of intent, making that lady so awry about something.“Enough with your bullshit,” Laura snaps. “We know you only wanted to squeeze Donovan’s money, and now you are trying to shift the blame to save your face! Joaquin! Kick him out of this house!”Laura’s husband comes to Thomas, and then grabs his clothes. He harshly drags Thomas before forcing him to get up. Soon after that, he throws him toward the family room.As Thomas tries to get up, his attention is diverted by a pair of smooth, beautiful legs in high heels. He then looks up, finding Naomi Saunders standing over him, the same girl he met yesterday at the cemetery. She doesn't look so happy at all.The incident at Boslow Hi
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012 -
Not to mention about Naomi’s beauty which is far surpassing hers, causing the naïve girl so awry for losing her man.“Oliver! You know her?” Sylvia inquires.Oliver is shaken from his anger, and immediately puts on an ignorant face before averting his face to his fiancée.“Not really,” he denies. “I just know her as a fellow business person.”“Oh, how cruel of you,” Naomi sulks childishly. “Didn’t you once whisper in my ear that you never tired of fantasizing about my beauty before going to bed? Well, I don’t mind if we never end up together. But how cruel, now you act like you don’t know me?”Sylvia glares her eyes straight at Oliver, causing Oliver so scared. And Naomi, she looks so amused, noticing that she has successfully sparked a conflict between them.“Is this the girl you try hook after the failure in seducing me?” she teases. “It really saddens me that you give up too soon! You were so brave and bold last time, you know?”“Naomi, please!” Oliver laughs awkwardly. “Stop with
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013 -
She then comes closer to Oliver and whispers right before his face. “The Gregory could just cut ties with you if you can’t even protect our honor here, and your engagement could be called off.”It puts Oliver in a big dilemma. But then again, it’s just another $800k from the previous price he has agreed on with Laura and her husband.He then turns back to Naomi, intending to make a deal based on Laura’s condition. However, Naomi already shows him her brand new phone, with a serial number of her bank account displayed on the screen.She has just learned that Oliver is buying the house as a part of the deal for his engagement with Sylvia, and sees it as an opportunity.“Six million dollars,” she states the price. “Transfer that amount of money to this account right now, and then bow down and apologize to my boyfriend. Only then will I consider all the problems between us solved, and this house will be yours.”Oliver stares at Naomi right in the eye with so much resentment. “You delibera
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014 -
He recognizes the faces of the two men who just expressed their disappointment. He doesn’t know them too well, but he believes they had some business with his dad before.An awkward smile is the only thing he can give while receiving a long sermon from his father on the phone. He then takes a distance and continues the talk with his father away from those people.“What should I do now? Should I also buy this house for Joaquin Underwood for six million dollars?”[Son! Do you realize what stupid thing you have done? This is not only about your engagement with Sylvia, nor about the house or those six million dollars! You're going to put me in a difficult position with Adam Saunders. You’ve turned this into a bad business because of your ignorance. Go back to her and accept all the conditions. Pay it all with your own money!]“With my money?”[Or I’ll kick you out of the family! That’s the only thing I can do to avoid conflict with Gregory and Saunders, you understand me?]The father ends
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015 -
The girl can’t hide her guilty looks, realizing that she has accidentally unveiled what’s inside her dirty mind.“Uh, I, I, I mean your body!” Naomi refutes in stutter. “I didn’t touch your body! Look! You passed out with wet clothes. I couldn’t just leave you like that. You could get a cold.”“So you took off my clothes?” Thomas asks slowly.Naomi nods a few times, so fast, with rigid movements.“And you saw everything?”Now the girl looks so guilty, crossing her fingers in her chest. Still with blushing cheeks, she glances to the left to avoid Thomas’s intimidating gaze.Thomas turns around, rubbing his head with a frustrated expression, and then limps away from her.“No, please!” Naomi rushes to him. “Don’t be mad at me! I had no other choice!”Laura notices Thomas getting out of the house with Naomi. Some greedy hope slowly creeps into her heart. She then gets out of the car, thinking that Oliver must have bought the house for her.She even shows so much confidence to confront Thom
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016 -
Thomas grimaces, looking so stupid with their antics. He looks so uninterested in interfering with them, and walks away by dragging his weak legs.Meanwhile, Naomi is still finding the fun in making Sylvia annoyed. “Look at that! Your fiancé apparently loves me much more. He doesn’t want me to be hurt. It’s a testament of how much he cares about my pretty face.”“You shut up, ass hole!” Sylvia shouts by pointing a finger at Naomi. “Stop teasing my fiancé, you damned girl!”Not wanting to create another conflict with the Saunders Family, Oliver pulls Sylvia away from Naomi. But Sylvia isn’t stopping in arguing with her.“You’re a hoe! Dirty hoe!”“I said enough!” Oliver takes Sylvia inside the house and then closes the door. “You are going to put me and my dad in a difficult situation, you know that?!”“Why are you siding with her?” Sylvia pulls her hand. She looks so pissed off. “I’m your fiancée! You should be on my side, not her!”It makes Oliver frustrated. “I’m not siding with her!
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017 -
“How would I know that he would be able to walk again? Even the doctors have given up on him,” answers Laura defensively.“Haven’t you realized it yet? Donovan matched Sylvia with him for a reason. He couldn't be just an ordinary man. Now he even has a connection with the Saunders.”“Well! You have to hire those people again to kill him. He must die!”Joaquin starts to look restless. His slick hair has become messy for being rubbed so many times.A moment later, he realizes that the situation has become so quiet. Oliver and Sylvia's argument can no longer be heard anymore.He turns around, and finds Oliver walking towards him, with Sylvia still standing in the meals room with a suspicious gaze.Joaquin becomes uneasy, afraid that Oliver and Sylvia might have heard his conversation with his wife just now. But…“Uncle Joaquin! Please excuse me! I still have work to do!”Oliver hands over the house keys to Joaquin, and then walks towards the front door.“Hey, Oliver!” Laura rushes to that
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018 -
Just before arriving at Sommerchill, Alfred tells Thomas that he will drop him off on the road, because he doesn’t want to enter that district area.However, Naomi insists that Alfred take Thomas to his apartment. They even start an argument, with Thomas just silently watching them fight.“Are you scared? It seems like my father was wrong to hire you!””“Look! If something happens to you, the job is not the only thing I’d lose. Your father would kill me!”But then, Alfred turns silent. Confusion is clearly seen in his face as he observes his surroundings.“What’s wrong?” asks Naomi.Alfred doesn’t immediately give her an answer. They are now almost entering the Sommechill district, but the place is not like how Alfred used to know.There are many small street vendors, with people walking leisurely on the pedestrian. There are even teenagers walking along in peace without so much alertness. It is far from the scary impression as Alfred described.Indeed, he has not visited this place fo
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019 -
Thomas gets inside the apartment building, and climbs the stairs with his weak legs. Once he gets to the door to his apartment, he issues a specific command.“Inventory! Box. No. 39! Take out key number 1!”But nothing happens. There’s no blue light appearing, no item dropping, nothing.“What’s going on here?” he mumbles as he rubs his neck. “My necklace? Ah, shit! I must have left it in that room! Daaamn!”He rubs his forehead with an awry face. Moments later, he bangs on the door, calling out several names in a hectic way.“Diego! Luca! Mateo! It’s me, Thomas! Hey, you guys! Are you in there?”No one answers. But he keeps banging on the door, until a slightly fat old man appears to greet him.“Mister Hendrix, Sir! You are back!”“Oh, Mr. Finley! Yeah, it’s just me! Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me mister or sir? I’m much younger than you!”“Why?” The old shrugs. “You are the boss, and there’s no one else here. Is there anything I can help you with?”“I lost my key. The other one
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020 -
After finishing his conversation with Naomi, Thomas opens a small safe deposit box that is planted in a wall.There isn’t much in the safe, only six necklaces with unique amulets. For Thomas, these amulets are far more important and valuable than the $100 million in the coffin.He unsheathes the katana slightly, and lightly scratches the tip of his thumb with the blade. He holds one of the amulets, placing his bloody thumb on one side of it that has a pattern which looks like an electronic chip.Suddenly, a notification in the form of a blue hologram appears before him.[!][An S-rank hunter has been identified][Name : Thomas Hendrix][Age : 23][Condition : 87 % fit][Balance : 0 Gold Coins][The exchange rate today is $964 for one Gold Coin][To gain Gold Coins, please go back to Icalaterra and complete some quests]Thomas waves his hand on that hologram, and it immediately disappears. He issues a command to open his inventory, and then, another interface occures showing 40 small bo
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