All Chapters of The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge: Chapter 51 - Chapter 58
58 chapters
051 -
It isn’t that Thomas intentionally provokes Adam Saunders. He just feels the need to put some senses into Adam’s head, no matter how bitter the reality is.“Was it enough to make you aware of your own weakness as a man? They’ve learned you are weak against beautiful chicks. And you let them take advantage of that,” Thomas continues.However, it isn’t Adam who is provoked, but Alfred. That tough looking guy is now bending his knees, and then pulls up as much spring to launch a powerful blow, hitting Thomas’ left ribs cage from behind.Bug!His knuckle is planted so deep, causing Thomas coughing with bated breath due to pain.Thomas neglects the pain, and immediately swings his left arm behind even before managing to take a single breath.Alfred ducks down to avoid it. But in the next split second later…“Dsh!”His chin is hit by an uppercut from Thomas’ right knuckle, lifting him a bit in the air before he falls to the ground.Alfred retaliates, trying to get back up. But he finds it ha
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052 -
Without saying much, Thomas decides to walk away. Naomi makes a pouting face, looking so dissatisfied.She is indeed upset. But deep down in her heart, she expects Thomas to defend himself, and tries to convince her. Carrying a feeling of disappointment, she gets into the car and starts it.Soon after that beetle car moves past the gate, Adam tilts his head a little like giving an order to Alfred. Knowing exactly what order Adam has given, Alfred hurries after Thomas.“Hey! You forgot something!”Thomas turns around, and instantly, a hard punch hits him in the face that causes him to staggering. As if that isn’t enough, Alfred punches him once more, sending him crashing on the ground.Adam approaches him composedly, and rummages all over Thomas’ body. He finds a roll of cash from Thomas’ pocket, and then gives it to Alfred.He doesn’t stop there! He keeps rummaging, to make sure whether Thomas brings any weapons with him or not.However, there’s no weapon to be found but only Thomas’ w
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053 -
Some people might think that a woman’s mood can easily improve after a good night’s sleep. However, Naomi’s situation is different. Since ending her relationship with Thomas, she hasn’t been able to regain her usual self.Recently, she has been spending all her working hours inside her office. As she is engrossed with the amulet left by her late mother, a knock on the door suddenly interrupts her reverie.“Come in!”It turns out to be Erica, greeting spiritedly like always. “Yo, Naomi! Aren't you going out again today?”Naomi acts as if there’s nothing wrong. “Why? Is there something that I need to do outside?”Erica gives her a smile by shrugging a little, and approaches her. “Girl! You don't need to hide it from me. Everyone has noticed your changes.”“What changes?” Naomi looks baffled.“Come on! I admit he's a good guy. But you're Naomi Saunders. There are so many better men out there. You shouldn't be so fixated on him.”“Sigh! There’s nothing between us,” Naomi denies. “You shoul
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054 -
- Two Hours Earlier, When Alfred Was Taking Erica to Visit Thomas -As before, Alfred's arrival at this dilapidated block is again greeted by several street thugs with unfriendly looks. At least, his car is no longer stopped by these thugs.It seems like they are already familiar with the car Alfred is driving, and they are just following with their BMXs and off road bikes.More than two dozen of them, and all of whom are holding weapons. Metal baseball clubs, big wrenches with some metal chains, wired wooden clubs, you name it. Some of them even have guns tucked into their waists.“Alfred! What are we doing in this place?” asks Erica, looking around with an awry face.“Didn’t you ask me to take you here?” Alfred replies rhetorically, still looking composed driving the car slowly.“What do you mean?” Erica shows her confusion.Alfred doesn’t say anymore. He simply stops the car on the side of the road, right in front of an old and humble apartment building.“This is where he lives,” ut
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055 -
Feeling insulted, Alfred vents his anger by throwing a punch. Thomas evades it simply by taking his head away, and again, he responds to it with another slap.This situation continues to repeat, with Alfred continually trying to hit Thomas but never succeeding and always getting slapped in return.“Come on! Is this all you got?” Thomas taunts.Five minutes have past, and that tough looking face is now swollen on the left side. With both knees and hands on the ground, Alfred looks down with a frustrated face.“Is it the gun that you really want, or humiliation?” Thomas provokes coldly.But Alfred doesn't even dare to look back at Thomas anymore. It is a fair fight, one on one, with Thomas not letting anyone interfere with their affair. Yet, he really can’t do anything.Even with the anger filling his heart, he is now realizing how far the gap between him and Thomas is. This is the first time someone has made him so helpless. His self-esteem has been crushed so badly after receiving so m
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056 -
The situation at the Saunders Properties Trust office is being made busy by Alfred. It’s about Naomi, who left the office without anyone knowing where she went. It’s been more than three hours, and she hasn’t come back.“How come no one knows? What are you guys doing here anyway?” He grunts.“Welcoming guests with greetings and a smile,” replies the receptionist.“Monitoring the people in this lobby,” says one of the security officers.Alfred squints at that man. “And you didn’t see her leaving?”“I did! But it’s not my place to question her, or even prevent her from leaving the office. She is the boss,” the security officer argues.“Oh, God! Don’t you even realize her situation?” Alfred deplores.All those employees can only show their oblivions. Alfred rubs his head in frustration, before coming back to the receptionist.“Have you tried to call her?” he asks.“I have! But it’s out of reach,” replies the female receptionist.“Call it again!” Alfred exclaims as he walks away. “Keep try
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057 -
After listening to Matilda's explanation, Naomi slowly turns her face to the direction where her father went. She no longer sees the car, but her face is now painted with worry.In the past few days, her father has often behaved strangely, always filled with excessive fear, worried about people who might be after his life.Adam even said that he was visited by Anastasia Nixon and her Chihuahua, both in his dreams and when he was conscious.And Naomi, who does believe in superstition, has also called a psychic to cleanse her house of all forms of negative energy. But it seems that wasn't enough.“Alfred! We need to call Mr. Immanuel Chicote back to cleanse my house.”Alfred is grimacing as soon as he hears what Naomi has just said. And of course, Naomi understands very well what his reaction means.“I know this sounds stupid to you,” Naomi continues impatiently. “But we have no other choice. I know for sure that my father is not crazy. Of all the hallucinations he has, he sees the ghost
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058 -
Carefully, she starts tidying the bedroom without disrupting the arrangement of those strange objects. Until a few moments later, she feels a strange breezy softly blowing her beautiful hair.It could just be the wind coming out from the bathroom with an unclosed window. But she thinks it is some kind of bad premonition.Feeling eerie, she immediately gets out of the room while taking her phone out to make a call.[Immanuel Chicote here!]“Mr. Chicote! It’s me, Naomi Saunders!”[My child! How is your father’s situation?”“Um, could you come here, please? I don’t feel quite right about the situation in this house.”[Sure! I’ll be right there!]Not daring to be alone on that second floor, she hurries down to the kitchen to see the maids.“Matilda! Could you make lemonade tea for me?” She politely asks before taking a seat.“We've used all the lemons yesterday?” Matilda deplores. “It's something that Anastasia Nixon didn't like, and that Mr. Chicote used as a talisman to keep her away fr
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