All Chapters of The Legendary King Of War Returns : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
88 chapters
0021: Like A Headless Chicken
"Wesley," Kian frowned and looked up when he received no response. He held up the marriage certificate and questioned again, "Tell me, does the camera angle look weird?""Ah... No, sir," Wesley shook his head and lowered the certificate while looking around quickly. People were entering and exiting. Even if they didn't know Kian's real identity, he still felt cautious."Are you—" Kian was still not convinced and wanted to speak but Wesley sighed inwardly, 'What's the use of saying anything now? You already got the certificate and of course you look great but sir, I think it would be shocking if the news got out!'"Sir," He pulled out his phone. "You should see this."This momentarily distracted Kian and he put the certificate away before collecting the phone."Just like you instructed, every media channel has spread the news and it has entered the top ranking of hottest news category. The public tender will be available in two days.""Good," Kian's soft expression disappeared and his
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0022: Drop The Charges
"You think so too? It's simply too strange," Thomas stroked his gray beard with a thoughtful look. "But don't worry. I've sent some of my people to investigate the matter. If the investment bid is genuine, then we will consider joining. It's a rare opportunity."Jonathan's tense expression eased and he smiled, "Great. Then we'll just wait and see what happens for the next few days."Thomas picked up the bowl of fruits and stretched it towards Jonathan with an amicable smile. "As for the invitation cards, It's no problem... We can get those easily. Let's just confirm the news first."They were not concerned about the investment bid itself. In this city, no one could compete with their families for investment. They just needed to verify the authenticity of the news before making any moves."It's been a while since we played chess together. Have you improved since that time? Remember, I completely floored you," Thomas chuckled, changing the topic."Do you think you can win against me ag
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0023: My Second Best Friend
"Don't come any closer," Grandfather Wilson quickly warned him. "Turn on the TV for me." "Yes father," He nodded obediently and turned around only to see the cold look on Douglas' and Veronica's faces. He snorted smugly and walked past them to pick up the remote thinking, 'It doesn't matter if you are a son of this family. In the end, you can only be a messenger and even run around to secure my bail as father requested. You will always remain under me where you belong.' "Good day to the people of Valoria Prime," A newscaster with a bright smile came up on the television as soon as it was turned on. "I'm sure the business world already knows what the buzz in the city is all about. If you don't already know which is unlikely, well, we have great news for you!" Edward stood back and focused on the television attentively. What news was causing a buzz in the business world? What did he miss while he was locked up? "In just two days, Valoria Prime City will host a major event as a
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0024: Accommodate A Freeloader
Savannah walked into the room and emerged with an old blanket and a pillow. "You can sleep here," She told Kian as she dropped them on the floor. Just then, Ida walked out. Her eyes flashed with hatred when she saw Kian and she hissed. "The house is already so cramped and now we have to accommodate a freeloader. Is it me or does the sitting room seem even smaller now?" Kian rubbed his nose awkwardly, knowing she was referring to him as the 'freeloader'. "Mom," Savannah called out in a warning tone. Ida rolled her eyes, feeling more pissed with the entire situation the more she thought of it but her husband already decided. He was quite stubborn; once he decided on something, nothing or no one could change his mind. Her husband and her daughter may have accepted this dirtbag but she will never accept him. So she treated Kian like he was invisible and went directly to Savannah, "Your uncle, Douglas, just called." A frown appeared on Savannah's face. "What did he say?" "He a
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0025: Took Valoria Prime By Storm
The next morning, Valoria Prime was once again thrown into a state of frenzy. News spread out very quickly again that the mysterious business tycoon had added another two hundred billion to the investment and there were even rumors that it was promised that as long as one could attend the bidding event, one would be given a share of the pie regardless of whether you win a bid or not. Some people who had not planned to participate were now exhausting all the connections they had to try and get an invitation card. Some who had already given up due to their inability to get the invitation cards were reinvigorated and changed their minds. Even if they had to grovel at people's feet, they were determined to get the invitation cards now. As Kian went through the news on his phone, his eyes darkened thoughtfully. Now, the Grays and Sinclairs should be at least tempted, right? Four hundred billion investment wasn't a small thing to even the upper class but it was a drop in the bucket
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0026: Repeat Your Words
"Brother," Edward's face also appeared on the screen and he bowed. "I acted foolishly and unwise as an elder brother and no amount of apology can erase what I have done but I'm sincerely sorry." Nathaniel's face darkened and he didn't say a word. He appeared to try to say something but no words left his lips and he could only shake his head. "Alright... Alright... We won't disturb you any longer. Have a rest. We will come over to visit you and Edward will personally tender another apology to you," Grandfather Wilson broke the ice. "Father..." A frown appeared on Edward's lips as his face snapped up. He wanted to say something but the glare he received from his father shut him up. He watched as the phone was returned to Savannah and the call was disconnected. They had prepared such a grand feast solely because of Nathaniel and now, he wasn't even here. How will they ask him to drop the charges against him then? What was the use of putting up such a good show when his life was
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0027: Don't Interfere In Our Family's Affairs!
The terrifying expression on Kian's face subsided and he dropped the knife. Another table was arranged for him by the side and he sat down calmly. Everyone soon forgot about the argument and the feast started. They were surprisingly friendly to Ida and Savannah, making them feel at ease gradually. They even made small conversations and offered them the best of the delicacies laid out. Soon, a little smile appeared on Savannah's face. Although she held a grudge against them, she hasn't felt any familial affection for such a long time so she lowered her guard. Besides, her mother also seemed happy for a while. When the meal was drawing closer to the end, grandfather Wilson chose that moment to speak. "Ida, you and your family have suffered over the years. We all owe you an apology." The hall quietened when he spoke. "Yes, sister-in-law," Bridget gave her an apologetic smile. "My husband owes you and brother-in-law an apology. We are sorry." "I'm sorry," Edward stood and cho
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0028: The Ideal Son-in-law
Jasmine also felt proud. She linked her arm around Henry's arm and smiled shyly. "Grandfather, I'm sorry I couldn't visit you at the hospital. I was on a trip to Milan with Henry." The relatives turned envious at her words again. "Oh my God! Milan?" "He really spoils her." "Just look at how he dotes on her. How dreamy!" Some maids walked in just then, carrying different bags with designer logos. Everyone craned their necks to see what was in it as they laid them on the table. "Grandfather," Jasmine pointed at the bags. "Although I couldn't visit you at the hospital, Henry had these tonics and vitamin supplements flown from abroad for you. I heard they are very good for your health and will even make you feel younger." Grandfather Wilson's eyes curved as gasps rang out in the hall. He looked very pleased and proud of his grand-daughter. This is why she is his favorite. She is so thoughtful and intelligent unlike someone who chose to forgive and be with a jerk. "Not onl
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0029: The Gap Is Immeasurable
"Oh really," Jasmine's smile didn't fade and even widened. "Why have you been hiding it then? Show us what you have prepared." "Will it be as impressive as the one brother Henry brought?" One younger relative quipped. "Shut up. You think too highly of this wretched man. How can he present a gift more exquisite than the one Henry has brought?" Someone quickly cautioned him. Savannah frowned as she stared at Kian. She knew better than anyone that he didn't have money or the time to prepare a gift so how could he lie so confidently? Thinking of it, she remembered that she had seen a bag in his hands earlier but didn't pay any attention to it. She only remembered when he brought it out and placed it on the table. Seeing that he wasn't joking, all eyes focused on him as they were curious to see what the pauper had to offer. Right before everyone, Kian brought out an old, plain, undecorated box to the table. When he opened it, everyone could see the set of tea cups with cracked g
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0030: It's Just A Small Invite
Even though Kian sat down quietly as instructed, he still managed to draw attention to himself. Everyone laughed at him again and Ida felt tired. Maybe they should just save themselves some faces now and quietly leave. However, just as everyone was talking about the investment bid happily, Douglas raised a question. "Father, don't you think it's too strange that the mysterious tycoon chose Valoria Prime of all cities to begin his investment project? Valoria Prime is not a small city but it is only a second tier city. It is nothing compared to other Valorian cities" Voices quietened at his words and eyes were on him. "It is not a transportation center like the cities in Valoria east, a trade center like the cities in Valoria Central or an entertainment zone like the cities in Valoria West so why will a tycoon suddenly want to invest billions of dollars here?" "Are you insinuating that there might be a problem with the investment bid?" Grandfather Wilson's brows knitted. "Wha
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