All Chapters of The Legendary King Of War Returns : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
88 chapters
0041: Are You Worried About Me?
When Kian walked out of the lobby, his steps faltered. His eyes shook slightly as he noticed Savannah pacing back and forth anxiously. His lips curled up in a faint smile and he wondered, 'Is she worried about me?'Ever since they met each other again, Savannah has been nothing but hostile to him. Seeing the usually cold woman pacing around worriedly stirred a strange feeling in Kian's heart.As he stood quietly and watched her with a small smile, she suddenly looked up and their eyes met. He didn't miss the way her chest rose as she heaved a sigh of relief."Are you worried about me?" He walked over to her with a knowing look, but she snorted and turned her face away."Don't misunderstand me. It's quite noisy and rowdy inside. I had to step out. It was just too stuffy."Though her voice was cold and she fanned her face as if to show that the only reason she had come outside was because it was stuffy, Kian noticed the tips of her ears turning red.He decided not to pursue the matter f
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0042: Langston's Promises
"Hey, lower your voice. Don't get us into trouble," Someone from the group cautioned the person that had just spoken."Hasn't Langston always been stealing the resources of Luminary Films? He wants them out of business. Besides, that company hasn't produced any award-winning movies since it was established. They don't have any notable artistes.""Hush... Don't say that if you don't know the full story. I heard Langston wanted to buy out the company but the CEO refused and even offended him. Since then, he has been stealing away all their resources and even artistes. The old geezer even had his way with some of the female actresses and those who dared to refuse him, he tarnished their images causing Luminary Films to plunge into despair and debts.""That old man, Langston, is really a bastard. Even though he's on his third wife, he's slept with almost all his female artistes. No wonder they’re always in the limelight and at the peak."Kian's frown deepened. He wasn't knowledgeable abou
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0043: Disqualified
"Kian," Savannah stood up and looked down at his hand anxiously. Although Langston was a despicable man, his influence was not lesser than that of the Grays and Sinclairs. It was unwise to go against him like this. She tugged at his sleeve, silently pleading with him to let go. Reluctantly, Kian released his grip. "Ow!" Langston howled in pain, clutching his wrist. He could barely feel his hand. This bastard was looking a bit scrawny but his grip was surprisingly so strong. Besides, Savannah was standing so close to him. "Hey! Whose family son are you? How dare you act so audaciously?" One tycoon banged his palm on the table and pointed at Kian. Langston, who was still nursing his injured wrist, demanded, "Do you know him?" His eyes bore into Savannah. "He..." Savannah looked at Kian and was lost of words. She appreciated Kian stepping in to defend her, but she wasn't ready to reveal their relationship to these people. "She's my woman," Kian pulled her closer, leaving no
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0044: Unveiling
Outside the Imperial Summit Pavilion, Jasmine hurried to the waiting SUV, her smile wide and triumphant. As she slid into the back seat, her family leaned in, eager for news. "Elder sister, were you able to report them successfully?" Penelope's eyes were gleaming with anticipation "What do you expect?" Jasmine's smile widened, full of pride. "Turns out, my former coursemate is now a Major in the military." "Wow. That bastard Kian won’t stand a chance against such power," Penelope clapped excitedly. "Exactly," Jasmine's eyes sparkled. "Magistrate Cody tried to protect them, but Gabriel confronted him head-on. He said even if the president himself showed up, he wouldn’t be able to save those low lives." Grandfather Wilson and Edward Wilson exchanged pleased looks, their faces brightening at her words. Sensing their satisfaction, she continued, her voice tinged with mock regret. "Even the Grays and Sinclairs showed up. Seems like that scum Kian offended them too. I really can’t un
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0045: It Must Be Fake!
"His clothes seem to be the same as that scum," Edward's voice trembled when the camera lingered around the mysterious tycoon on the television but still didn't show his face. The entire Wilson's family must have held their breath in shock as they had the same weird thought. Could the tycoon be— How is that possible?! It just doesn't add up. At the same time on the live broadcast showing on the television, the tycoon stepped on the podium. Slowly, he lifted his head and smiled. The camera zoomed in as he addressed them politely, "Congratulations to everyone who managed to attend this bidding event." "Kian?!" Someone from the Wilson's family shrieked. "My goodness!" "How is this possible?" "How can the mysterious tycoon that took Valoria Prime city by storm be this lowlife?!" "Am I dreaming? Someone wake me up!" The Wilson's family were shocked and unable to move. Well, not everyone... Douglas was staring at the television screen with a thoughtful expression. He w
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0046: Find A Solution
On the large screen, people were talking but the Wilson's family couldn't hear a word they were saying. The ex-convict and scum they looked down upon was really the one behind the billion-dollar investment. Thinking of the way he had bragged that the event wouldn't even hold if he wasn't present there, how he managed to get in without an invitation card, why he was so familiar with Magistrate Cody, all these were enough to make the Wilson's family dumbfounded. "Grandfather," Julian suddenly looked up from his phone with a wide-eyed expression. He lifted his phone. "Look at this, the set of porcelain tea cups he brought that day were really dynasty!" "What?" Another wave of shock descended. Grandfather Wilson snatched the phone away from Julian's hands and peered at the screen. His old, wrinkly eyes widened when he saw that even the web couldn't give an exact amount of the tea cups were worth. But there was an estimation that they were worth several billions. This alone was
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0047: My Good Son-in-law
"Mom?" Savannah was worried. Did the shocking revelation make her mother go crazy? She didn't know what to say to Kian as she still didn't know what to think but she was concerned about her mother. Ida shook her head and wiped out the tears from the edge of her eyes. "I'm fine... It's just— Do you know how everyone looked at me tonight before we left?" "I am very popular at that smelly grocery market but tonight, for the first time, those wealthy people at the hall wanted to serve me! It's just so—satisfying!" Upon hearing this, a small smile tugged at Savannah's lips. All these years, she has endured people's humiliation and mockery. But tonight, she became the focus of everyone's attention. Thousands of people looked at her with envy and jealousy. The feeling was overwhelming. "Mother-in-law," Kian had an awkward smile and looked like he wanted to tell them something but Ida was having none of it. "My good son-in-law, come. Have a seat," Her behavior towards him took
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0048: Call Me Uncle Not Grandpa
"Some days ago, rumors spread that the heir apparent of the family, Keaton, is terribly ill and needs an urgent bone marrow transplant," Colonel Marcus spoke slowly, watching Kian's expression. He wasn't surprised to see the coldness displayed in Kian's eyes as he spat, "How does this concern me, Colonel?" Colonel Marcus knew Kian was fuming now as he had switch to formalities. But the matter was urgent and although he was risking his life, he had to let Kian know. "Don't you understand? Your cousin is on the verge of death," Seeing Kian's impassive gesture, he continued, "The family needs a suitable bone marrow donor. And the most suitable donor happens to be..." "Me?" Kian cut his words with a bone chilling laughter. "Why? Isn't the heir apparent the most precious one? Can't the Blackwoods sacrifice one of their own to save him?" Colonel Marcus rubbed his suddenly aching temple and shook his head. "It is not that they can't use one of their people. It is just that they are
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0049: An Old Friend
Kian was in good spirits the next day. Although he hadn't made much progress in his relationship with Savannah, she and her mother were treating him a bit more fairly than before. He even got a duvet last night. Now he just has to figure out a way to tell them the truth.Today, he had to meet with Maximilian Hart as he owed the latter a meal for making him rush back to the country for the Opening Night Gala and put Anthony in his place.Currently, they were sitting in a private room of a luxurious restaurant. The table was filled with several delicious dishes. "Thank you for the other night," Kian raised a glass of wine in his direction."It's nothing. What are friends for?" Maximilian returned his smile and raised his own glass. "I'm still peeved that you returned to the country and didn't even let me know."Kian's fingers played with a fork as he lowered his eyes. "I don't think we are close enough to share that kind of information."Maximilian was speechless. They are not close en
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0050: Let's Call A Truce
At the City's Hospital: Ida walked into the ward with a big smile and a lunchbox. Nathaniel was sitting on the bed. The color was back in his face and he seemed to be recovering faster than expected. He was no longer looking bony as the first time and was starting to look more recognizable. He even gave Ida a smile as she walked in. "I see you are recovering quite well, old man. You look happy today." Nathaniel's smile widened. "It's because of the marvelous doctor father has gotten for me. Every one of his medical sessions leaves me rejuvenated. I can feel my bones again." Ida's smile disappeared and her head snapped up. "Father was here?" Nathaniel nodded with a big smile. That was when she noticed there were several bouquets of flowers hanging around the bedside. There was a big basket of fruits on the table too. How did she miss all these? Nathaniel even had an apple in his hand. "Look," He stretched out his arms. "The ointment the doctor applied has caused all my sca
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